This is the 4th Sluggy's BORING BLOG BOX GIVEAWAY for 2010!
It's time again for a Boring Giveaway.
I run a Boring Blog here so why not give away boring stuff, right?
Just to recap, I put things in the box(mostly what I have gotten for free or almost free)each week and when the box is filled we draw a winner from all the entries received. The stuff can range from HBA, food, toys, collectibles, home decor or books. Someday if enough people click on enough ads and this blog makes some cold hard cash, I may add a gift card, so get to clicking already!!lol
The box is starting to fill up now....maybe 1 more week of goodies after this!
Here is what went into the Box today.....
1. a Tigger Halloween Hand Towel
2. a Toblerone Chocolate Bar
3. a Nivea Lip Balm-unscented I think
4. a Ltd. Ed. Halloween M&M plush critter--you had to send away for this one a few yrs. ago
If this is your first time, please go read all the rules for these Giveaways on THIS POST.
Please NOTE--You MUST be a follower to enter the Giveaway. If you aren't one, just click on the "Follow" button on the right hand side of my blog to become a follower---->
Just put a comment on this POST for your entry. Easy Peasy!
When I post again about this BORING BLOG BOX GIVEAWAY, entries on this Post will be CLOSED and you can post on the New Giveaway Post and enter again. I hope this isn't too confusing. ;-)
Here are the ways to get UP TO 2 EXTRA entries PER POST.....
1. Put my blog on your blog's Blogroll. Leave an extra comment for this entry on THIS POST only with the URL of your blog. If I'm already on your Blogroll, say so in an extra comment.
2. Blog about this Giveaway on your blog or on a Message Board. Leave an extra comment for this entry on THIS POST only with a link to your blog post or the message on the board.
You can do each of these 2 things once per post, so that's a total of up to 3 entries per person per post.
Again, you can enter on this post until I put another Giveaway Post up and then you need to enter on the NEWER Post.
FYI if you are new generally takes 4 weeks to fill the box, so there will be 4 posts(give or take)about this Giveaway where you can enter to win up to 3 times.
Any questions? Just email me at
Oh yah, I pay for all the stuff in this giveaway and nobody(business or person) gives me stuff or pays me to hold them or promote their products. I even pay the shipping just because I loves ya'll and....and.....that's how I roll! ;-)
Happy Entering!!
Just an average Gal, older mom, trying to live a simple life & what happens along the way.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Go SEE Frances for Some Biscuits! & Shopping....And It's NOT Rite-Aid!
I still have $15 in Catalinas to use by Saturday at Weis Markets from my Cat Deals of 2 weeks ago.
I also have a $25 Walmart Gift Card I won awhile ago over on Frances' Blog HERE. She was joking about how much stuff using coupons I'd be able to get with that amount of cash so I promised I'd post about what I got with my winnings.
****Oh, and Frances is having another Giveaway for Grands! Mini Biscuits now so Go Enter it on this Post HERE.****
So now, on to the Savings!
I wanted to use 2 of those $5/5 Kraft items Coupons because mine were expiring in the next couple of days so I decided to try Walmart as they have the cheese on rollback for $2 a bag. I hadn't tried using them here yet, just at the local chain grocer that takes internet printed coupons. I don't shop at Target but was considering trying there if I HAD to, but there are reports that Target isn't being very friendly about taking these Qs.
I had an ace-in-the-hole if Walmart had tried to deny the Qs though!
Look at the bag of MEXICAN cheese in the photo. Quite a few of the bags had this peelie on it....the peelie that tells you to go to the Kraft "Huddle To Fight Hunger" website & print off a $5 off 5 Kraft products coupons(the same one I am trying to use here!) I was all set to rip that peelie off the bag and ask why they are selling products that tell me to go print and use this coupon on these products if the store won't take the coupon?? And then if they still wouldn't relent I'd be giving Kraft an earful about this!
10 x Kraft shredded Cheese on rollback $2=$20.00
3 x Ocean Spray Grapefruit Juice on rollback $2=$6.00
3 x French's Dipping Mustard $1.94=$5.82
2 x Ground Turkey w/Taco seasoning $1.18=$2.36
1 x GV Sour Cream=$1.14
1 x 2.02lb. Grapes on sale $1lb.=$2.02
1 x 2.06lb. Bananas on sale $.39lb.=$.80
Coupons Used
2 x $5/5 Kraft items IPQ=$10.00
3 x $1/1 French's Dipping Mustard ManQ=$3.00
Coupon Total...$13.00
Used $25 WalMart Gift Card=$.14 Out of Pocket
The Grapefruit Juice was an excellent buy as well for the 100% Juice stuff at $2 a bottle.
I finished using my French's Qs too so #2 son is set for dipping mustard for some time to come.
If I had bought this load of stuff at one of the two grocery stores in my town at reg. retail prices, it would have been something like $62.76, or $59.76 after French's coupons because they won't take the internet printed ones.
Then I hit Weis Market with my $15 of Cats in hand....
2 x Fresh Express Salad Mix on sale BOGO=$3.69
2 x 3lb.approx. each Ground Beef=$18.39
2 x Breyer's Ice Cream on sale $3=$6.00
Coupons Used
2 x $3/1 Instant Meat Dept. Discount Peelie on package=$6.00
1 x FREE FE Salad Mix(won in a giveaway)=$3.69
4 x $3 OYN meat or chicken Order Catalina=$12.00
1 x $3 OYN Order Catalina=$3.00
Coupon Total....$24.69
$28.08-$24.69=$3.39 Out of Pocket
Ok, I screwed this one up a bit! The ice cream was suppose to be $1.99 each, not $3 each.....if you bought THREE containers. And obviously math was not my strong suit in school as I only bought TWO. So I have to go back with my receipt and return the 2 and rebuy them with ANOTHER one to get the $1.99 price. So stupid....if you buy 3 it's 3 cents cheaper than if you buy 2 at $3. They should just tell you(me) as you(me) are checking out with only 2 containers, "Look moron!...Go back and get another ice cream so I can give you 3 cents change!"lolol
Gawd.....sometimes I just outwit myself.....
Anyway, the Ground Beef ending up costing me .39¢ after the Cats and Instant Peelies, both bags of salad were free with the BOGO sale and the Free Item Q and the last $3 OYNO Cat made my ice cream half price($3).
All totaled, I am out $3.53 for both orders.
Mucho Savings!
I also have a $25 Walmart Gift Card I won awhile ago over on Frances' Blog HERE. She was joking about how much stuff using coupons I'd be able to get with that amount of cash so I promised I'd post about what I got with my winnings.
****Oh, and Frances is having another Giveaway for Grands! Mini Biscuits now so Go Enter it on this Post HERE.****
So now, on to the Savings!
I wanted to use 2 of those $5/5 Kraft items Coupons because mine were expiring in the next couple of days so I decided to try Walmart as they have the cheese on rollback for $2 a bag. I hadn't tried using them here yet, just at the local chain grocer that takes internet printed coupons. I don't shop at Target but was considering trying there if I HAD to, but there are reports that Target isn't being very friendly about taking these Qs.
I had an ace-in-the-hole if Walmart had tried to deny the Qs though!
Look at the bag of MEXICAN cheese in the photo. Quite a few of the bags had this peelie on it....the peelie that tells you to go to the Kraft "Huddle To Fight Hunger" website & print off a $5 off 5 Kraft products coupons(the same one I am trying to use here!) I was all set to rip that peelie off the bag and ask why they are selling products that tell me to go print and use this coupon on these products if the store won't take the coupon?? And then if they still wouldn't relent I'd be giving Kraft an earful about this!
10 x Kraft shredded Cheese on rollback $2=$20.00
3 x Ocean Spray Grapefruit Juice on rollback $2=$6.00
3 x French's Dipping Mustard $1.94=$5.82
2 x Ground Turkey w/Taco seasoning $1.18=$2.36
1 x GV Sour Cream=$1.14
1 x 2.02lb. Grapes on sale $1lb.=$2.02
1 x 2.06lb. Bananas on sale $.39lb.=$.80
Coupons Used
2 x $5/5 Kraft items IPQ=$10.00
3 x $1/1 French's Dipping Mustard ManQ=$3.00
Coupon Total...$13.00
Used $25 WalMart Gift Card=$.14 Out of Pocket
The Grapefruit Juice was an excellent buy as well for the 100% Juice stuff at $2 a bottle.
I finished using my French's Qs too so #2 son is set for dipping mustard for some time to come.
If I had bought this load of stuff at one of the two grocery stores in my town at reg. retail prices, it would have been something like $62.76, or $59.76 after French's coupons because they won't take the internet printed ones.
Then I hit Weis Market with my $15 of Cats in hand....
2 x Fresh Express Salad Mix on sale BOGO=$3.69
2 x 3lb.approx. each Ground Beef=$18.39
2 x Breyer's Ice Cream on sale $3=$6.00
Coupons Used
2 x $3/1 Instant Meat Dept. Discount Peelie on package=$6.00
1 x FREE FE Salad Mix(won in a giveaway)=$3.69
4 x $3 OYN meat or chicken Order Catalina=$12.00
1 x $3 OYN Order Catalina=$3.00
Coupon Total....$24.69
$28.08-$24.69=$3.39 Out of Pocket
Ok, I screwed this one up a bit! The ice cream was suppose to be $1.99 each, not $3 each.....if you bought THREE containers. And obviously math was not my strong suit in school as I only bought TWO. So I have to go back with my receipt and return the 2 and rebuy them with ANOTHER one to get the $1.99 price. So stupid....if you buy 3 it's 3 cents cheaper than if you buy 2 at $3. They should just tell you(me) as you(me) are checking out with only 2 containers, "Look moron!...Go back and get another ice cream so I can give you 3 cents change!"lolol
Gawd.....sometimes I just outwit myself.....
Anyway, the Ground Beef ending up costing me .39¢ after the Cats and Instant Peelies, both bags of salad were free with the BOGO sale and the Free Item Q and the last $3 OYNO Cat made my ice cream half price($3).
All totaled, I am out $3.53 for both orders.
Mucho Savings!
What a Bunch of Monsters!
If you are under 25, when I say 'monster', you KNOW what I am talking 'bout.
Can an imitation be better than the original?
You tell me.....
Can an imitation be better than the original?
You tell me.....
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Frugality...the New Merchandising Ploy OR Step Away From that Cardboard Dresser!
Ok, since I was able to piss off quite a few people last week HERE....let's see how many readers and retailers I can annoy this week. ;-)
A couple of weeks ago, as I dug through the Sunday paper for the coupon inserts(why else does anybody even buy a newspaper anymore, right?lol), I happened to grab a Sales Flyer for a national chain store, that will remain nameless, by the name of Target.
I'm smooth, aren't I? ;-)
Anyway, I paged through the flyer, as I leisurely sipped my morning beverage, until I got to this page.
I chuckled......
Do you see what it says there, in lime green, right in the center of the page?
I chuckled but then I got mad.
It seems retailers are taking the basic fundamentals of the Frugality Movement and are twisting it to fit their Consumerist Culture.
Or another way of putting it is....retailers are using Frugality to Sell more Stuff by equating FRUGAL with CHEAP....which it is NOT!
Big diff...
If you look up the definition of frugal you'll find something like this explanation from Merriam Webster Online...
"characterized by or reflecting economy in the use of resources".
Furnishings your home with inexpensive NEW furniture is NOT frugal. While buying a cheap piece of new furniture is initially using your monetary resources economically(not spending much money), in the long run it isn't frugal.
Spending money on new, poorly built furniture that used up natural resources in the making of this badly constructed stuff & used up your personal monetary resources that could have been saved and used more wisely to buy quality built items or items you can find used or free is cheap.
Buying new cheap furniture is not good for your bottom line since it will not last and will break sooner and need to be replaced, thus you will end up spending twice as much on the cheap furniture you buy.
It isn't frugal for YOUR wallet, nor is it frugal for the planet!
Furnishing your home with USED New-To-You furniture, IS frugal. Even more frugal would be to look around your home at what you already own and see if "repurposing" some other item you already own or asking friends or family if they have something for FREE that they no longer need/want will work before you start looking to barter or buy used.
By not requiring more natural resources on this planet to be consumed by having them turned into a poorly made piece of furniture you have economized or saved those resources. You have also saved your monetary resources because you won't have to buy more furniture to replace the new inexpensive ones as they fall apart....and as an added bonus, since you didn't buy a new thing from the store, they don't have to order another one just like it to replace it, saving even more natural resources.
So, which would you rather do?
A--Spend $20 on a new press board chest of drawers(made in Bangladesh or some other 3rd world country no doubt)and have it fall apart within 2 years, necessitating that you have to buy yet another new press board chest, that has now gone up to $22.50 in price....rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat through the years?
B--Spend $25 at a garage sale/thrift store/craigslist/etc. for a used piece of quality-made, real wood with mitered corners and dovetailed this & thats, etc. chest of drawers that may or may not have blemishes/need refinishing/painting/cleaning, that has been in use for 20 years or more and will last for many years to come?
Remember get what you pay for. Cheaply made products don't last and by needing to be replaced frequently they suck even more money out of your wallet.
Why feed your precious, hard earned dollars to the Corporate Machine when you have a choice?
In this same vein, I found this interesting article HERE. Seems as people try to conserve their income, they have made many Dollar Stores boom. This phenomenon hasn't gone unnoticed by retailers, as they have begun to court these 'low-end consumers' more vigorously by adding 'low-end' merchandise.
Walmart has even lost business to the Dollar Stores and is taking steps to reclaim that lost revenue. I found some of the comments left after this article thought provoking as well.
Go ahead and discuss amongst yourselves.....
Be looking for much much more of this kind of marketing geared toward the frugal set to show up in the print and electronic media near you!
Just because they call something Frugal doesn't make it so.
As always, when it comes to business trying to separate you from your money it's Caveat Emptor.
A couple of weeks ago, as I dug through the Sunday paper for the coupon inserts(why else does anybody even buy a newspaper anymore, right?lol), I happened to grab a Sales Flyer for a national chain store, that will remain nameless, by the name of Target.
I'm smooth, aren't I? ;-)
Anyway, I paged through the flyer, as I leisurely sipped my morning beverage, until I got to this page.
I chuckled......
Do you see what it says there, in lime green, right in the center of the page?
I chuckled but then I got mad.
It seems retailers are taking the basic fundamentals of the Frugality Movement and are twisting it to fit their Consumerist Culture.
Or another way of putting it is....retailers are using Frugality to Sell more Stuff by equating FRUGAL with CHEAP....which it is NOT!
Big diff...
If you look up the definition of frugal you'll find something like this explanation from Merriam Webster Online...
"characterized by or reflecting economy in the use of resources".
Furnishings your home with inexpensive NEW furniture is NOT frugal. While buying a cheap piece of new furniture is initially using your monetary resources economically(not spending much money), in the long run it isn't frugal.
Spending money on new, poorly built furniture that used up natural resources in the making of this badly constructed stuff & used up your personal monetary resources that could have been saved and used more wisely to buy quality built items or items you can find used or free is cheap.
Buying new cheap furniture is not good for your bottom line since it will not last and will break sooner and need to be replaced, thus you will end up spending twice as much on the cheap furniture you buy.
It isn't frugal for YOUR wallet, nor is it frugal for the planet!
Furnishing your home with USED New-To-You furniture, IS frugal. Even more frugal would be to look around your home at what you already own and see if "repurposing" some other item you already own or asking friends or family if they have something for FREE that they no longer need/want will work before you start looking to barter or buy used.
By not requiring more natural resources on this planet to be consumed by having them turned into a poorly made piece of furniture you have economized or saved those resources. You have also saved your monetary resources because you won't have to buy more furniture to replace the new inexpensive ones as they fall apart....and as an added bonus, since you didn't buy a new thing from the store, they don't have to order another one just like it to replace it, saving even more natural resources.
So, which would you rather do?
A--Spend $20 on a new press board chest of drawers(made in Bangladesh or some other 3rd world country no doubt)and have it fall apart within 2 years, necessitating that you have to buy yet another new press board chest, that has now gone up to $22.50 in price....rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat through the years?
B--Spend $25 at a garage sale/thrift store/craigslist/etc. for a used piece of quality-made, real wood with mitered corners and dovetailed this & thats, etc. chest of drawers that may or may not have blemishes/need refinishing/painting/cleaning, that has been in use for 20 years or more and will last for many years to come?
Remember get what you pay for. Cheaply made products don't last and by needing to be replaced frequently they suck even more money out of your wallet.
Why feed your precious, hard earned dollars to the Corporate Machine when you have a choice?
In this same vein, I found this interesting article HERE. Seems as people try to conserve their income, they have made many Dollar Stores boom. This phenomenon hasn't gone unnoticed by retailers, as they have begun to court these 'low-end consumers' more vigorously by adding 'low-end' merchandise.
Walmart has even lost business to the Dollar Stores and is taking steps to reclaim that lost revenue. I found some of the comments left after this article thought provoking as well.
Go ahead and discuss amongst yourselves.....
Be looking for much much more of this kind of marketing geared toward the frugal set to show up in the print and electronic media near you!
Just because they call something Frugal doesn't make it so.
As always, when it comes to business trying to separate you from your money it's Caveat Emptor.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Go Enter This Contest.....Ends 9/28!!!
Go check out my blogging buddy over at PRACTICAL PARSIMONY.
She is holding a contest for all you computer savvy peoples.
You could win a free copy of Windows Home and Student Edition Software.
Check out the direct link HERE.
But you have to hurry as the contest ends tomorrow, Tuesday 28th at midnight!
She is holding a contest for all you computer savvy peoples.
You could win a free copy of Windows Home and Student Edition Software.
Check out the direct link HERE.
But you have to hurry as the contest ends tomorrow, Tuesday 28th at midnight!
Rite-Aid on Sunday....New SCR Period, Let the Party Begin!
So I scooted up to Rite-Aid on Sunday for the new sales week.
Here's what followed me home....
4 x Gillette Body Wash on sale $4.00=$16.00
4 x Gillette Deodorant on sale $4.00=$16.00
Coupons Used
1 x $5 off $25 Purchase AdPerk/VV IPQ=$5.00
4 x Buy One Deo/Get Body Wash Free ManuQ(Aug. P&G insert-expires 9/30)=$16.00
4 x $1/1 Gillette Deo. ManuQ(Sept. P&G insert)=$4.00
1 x $1/$10 any Skin Care purchase Wellness IPQ(sent to your email from Rite-Aid)=$1.00
Coupon Total...$26.00
I used $6 in +Ups to pay so $.00 Out of Pocket...I didn't even have to use my free Gift Card! ;-)
Received $10 +Ups for buying $30 of selected P&G items(all the Gillette bought), and I qualified for a $2.00 SCR for buying 2 Gillette Body Wash or Deodorant.
Spent $6 +Ups, earned $10 +Ups & $2 cash rebate means I am $6.00 UP for this transaction. 8-)
Value of Items....$43.12
Then I bought.....
2 x large Crest Mouth Rinse on sale $4.99=$9.98
2 x smaller Crest Mouth Rinse on sale $3.49=$6.98
2 x Oral-B CrossAction Toothbrushes on sale $2.99=$5.98
2 x Dawn Hand Renewal Dish Soap on sale $.99=$1.98
2 x local Sunday paper($.79 with my 20% wellness discount)=$1.58 **Not Pictured**
Coupons Used
1 x $5 off $25 Rite-Aid IPQ HERE=$5.00
2 x $2/1 Crest Mouth Rinse ManuQ-P&G insert from 9/26=$4.00
2 x $1/1 Crest Mouth Rinse ManuQ-P&G insert from 8/29(expires 9/30)=$2.00
1 x BOGO Oral-B Toothbrush ManuQ-P&G insert from 9/26=$2.99
1 x $1/1 Oral-B Toothbrush ManuQ-P&G insert from 8/29(expires 9/30)=$1.00
1 x $1/2 Dawn Hand Renewal Dish Soap ManuQ-P&G insert from 9/26=$1.00
Coupon Total....$15.99
I used $10 in +Ups to pay so $.51 Out of Pocket put on my Rite-Aid Gift Card.
Received $15 +Ups...2 x $3(large Mouth Rinse), 2 x $2.50(smaller Mouth Rinse) and 2 x $2(Toothbrushes).
Spent $10 +Ups, earned $15 +Ups means I am $5.00 UP for this transaction. 8-)
Value of Items....$41.50
As for limits on +Ups per item/deal.....I am hearing/seeing multiples on the Crest/Oral-B items(hearing from 3 to 5 on the $4.99 and $3.49 Crest items) and the P&G Buy $30 deal/Get $10+Ups. FWIW, I am hearing that on the Buy $30 Deal, if you don't get up to $30 and purchase more of the selected items in a subsequent transaction, the register is keeping track and will spit out the $10+Ups when you hit $30. If that's true I am $2 closer to a second $10+Ups if I choose to buy more of those selected products. I just might have to go get $28 more since I am
Ann, over at COUPONS DEALS AMD MORE posted about someone who talked to corporate and the limit on the Crest/Oral-B items priced at $2.99/Giving $2+Ups is 5 deals per card. Here's a direct LINK.
Throwing Ann some Linky Love here for the Rite-Aid Deals, among others she writes up. ;-)
Total Spent....$.51(put on free Rite-Aid gift card)
Value of Items....$84.62
SCR qualified for...$2.00
Gift Cards earned....$0.00
+Up Rewards earned...$25.00
+Up Rewards spent...$16.00
These trips were an $11 moneymaker($9 in +Ups, $2 in SCRs).
GRAND TOTALS so far-October Rebate Period
Number of Transactions......2
Total Spent....$.51 put on free Gift Cards/Certificates so ZERO OOP
Value of Items purchased....$84.62
SCR qualified for....$2
Other Cash....$0
Additional Non-Cash Rewards....$0
+UPS Totals for Oct. SCR Period
+Up Rewards carryover....$20.50
+Up Rewards spent....$16.00
+Up Rewards earned....$25.00
+Up Rewards left....$29.50
Here's what followed me home....
4 x Gillette Body Wash on sale $4.00=$16.00
4 x Gillette Deodorant on sale $4.00=$16.00
Coupons Used
1 x $5 off $25 Purchase AdPerk/VV IPQ=$5.00
4 x Buy One Deo/Get Body Wash Free ManuQ(Aug. P&G insert-expires 9/30)=$16.00
4 x $1/1 Gillette Deo. ManuQ(Sept. P&G insert)=$4.00
1 x $1/$10 any Skin Care purchase Wellness IPQ(sent to your email from Rite-Aid)=$1.00
Coupon Total...$26.00
I used $6 in +Ups to pay so $.00 Out of Pocket...I didn't even have to use my free Gift Card! ;-)
Received $10 +Ups for buying $30 of selected P&G items(all the Gillette bought), and I qualified for a $2.00 SCR for buying 2 Gillette Body Wash or Deodorant.
Spent $6 +Ups, earned $10 +Ups & $2 cash rebate means I am $6.00 UP for this transaction. 8-)
Value of Items....$43.12
Then I bought.....
2 x large Crest Mouth Rinse on sale $4.99=$9.98
2 x smaller Crest Mouth Rinse on sale $3.49=$6.98
2 x Oral-B CrossAction Toothbrushes on sale $2.99=$5.98
2 x Dawn Hand Renewal Dish Soap on sale $.99=$1.98
2 x local Sunday paper($.79 with my 20% wellness discount)=$1.58 **Not Pictured**
Coupons Used
1 x $5 off $25 Rite-Aid IPQ HERE=$5.00
2 x $2/1 Crest Mouth Rinse ManuQ-P&G insert from 9/26=$4.00
2 x $1/1 Crest Mouth Rinse ManuQ-P&G insert from 8/29(expires 9/30)=$2.00
1 x BOGO Oral-B Toothbrush ManuQ-P&G insert from 9/26=$2.99
1 x $1/1 Oral-B Toothbrush ManuQ-P&G insert from 8/29(expires 9/30)=$1.00
1 x $1/2 Dawn Hand Renewal Dish Soap ManuQ-P&G insert from 9/26=$1.00
Coupon Total....$15.99
I used $10 in +Ups to pay so $.51 Out of Pocket put on my Rite-Aid Gift Card.
Received $15 +Ups...2 x $3(large Mouth Rinse), 2 x $2.50(smaller Mouth Rinse) and 2 x $2(Toothbrushes).
Spent $10 +Ups, earned $15 +Ups means I am $5.00 UP for this transaction. 8-)
Value of Items....$41.50
As for limits on +Ups per item/deal.....I am hearing/seeing multiples on the Crest/Oral-B items(hearing from 3 to 5 on the $4.99 and $3.49 Crest items) and the P&G Buy $30 deal/Get $10+Ups. FWIW, I am hearing that on the Buy $30 Deal, if you don't get up to $30 and purchase more of the selected items in a subsequent transaction, the register is keeping track and will spit out the $10+Ups when you hit $30. If that's true I am $2 closer to a second $10+Ups if I choose to buy more of those selected products. I just might have to go get $28 more since I am
Ann, over at COUPONS DEALS AMD MORE posted about someone who talked to corporate and the limit on the Crest/Oral-B items priced at $2.99/Giving $2+Ups is 5 deals per card. Here's a direct LINK.
Throwing Ann some Linky Love here for the Rite-Aid Deals, among others she writes up. ;-)
Total Spent....$.51(put on free Rite-Aid gift card)
Value of Items....$84.62
SCR qualified for...$2.00
Gift Cards earned....$0.00
+Up Rewards earned...$25.00
+Up Rewards spent...$16.00
These trips were an $11 moneymaker($9 in +Ups, $2 in SCRs).
GRAND TOTALS so far-October Rebate Period
Number of Transactions......2
Total Spent....$.51 put on free Gift Cards/Certificates so ZERO OOP
Value of Items purchased....$84.62
SCR qualified for....$2
Other Cash....$0
Additional Non-Cash Rewards....$0
+UPS Totals for Oct. SCR Period
+Up Rewards carryover....$20.50
+Up Rewards spent....$16.00
+Up Rewards earned....$25.00
+Up Rewards left....$29.50
End of September Weekend Garden Harvest...Still Picking!
Just a quick update on the garden.....
While we didn't get some of the beds cleaned up or the compost moved, Hubs & I did pick veggies Sunday. Well, he did most of the picking and I held the containers and
I got another 3 quarts of tomato sauce made last week......good thing too, because here's another large colander 3/4 full of At this point I complain but I will be sad when I can no longer make a BLT sandwich with fresh REAL tomatoes....
We also picked another larger container of Big Boys, 3 each of the Red Bell and Green Italian Roasting Peppers, 2 Jalapenos that had turned RED(hot!). The 4 little pale Green Bell Peppers were because Hubs snapped off the top of one of the plants they were growing on so we had to harvest them 'early'.lol
And we picked 5 of the Butternut Squashes too. There are 7 more left on the vines including a large one that is late in turning the pale color they are suppose to turn. I'm hoping the other 6 get a bit larger before the vines die off but they are all still large enough to eat at this point.
This Harvest----
Tomatoes--7 lbs. 4.5 oz.
Peppers--1 lb. 11 oz.
Squash--14 lbs. 11.2 oz.
TOTAL....23 lbs. 10.7 oz.
Garden Harvest Weight Total to date....77 lbs. 2.72 oz.
Besides the other Butternuts we still have Tomatoes & Peppers coming plus the Collard Greens after the freeze, which HOPEFULLY will hold off on coming until I make some room in the freezer!lol
What did you harvest from your garden this week? Leave a comment and let us know!
While we didn't get some of the beds cleaned up or the compost moved, Hubs & I did pick veggies Sunday. Well, he did most of the picking and I held the containers and
I got another 3 quarts of tomato sauce made last week......good thing too, because here's another large colander 3/4 full of At this point I complain but I will be sad when I can no longer make a BLT sandwich with fresh REAL tomatoes....
We also picked another larger container of Big Boys, 3 each of the Red Bell and Green Italian Roasting Peppers, 2 Jalapenos that had turned RED(hot!). The 4 little pale Green Bell Peppers were because Hubs snapped off the top of one of the plants they were growing on so we had to harvest them 'early'.lol
And we picked 5 of the Butternut Squashes too. There are 7 more left on the vines including a large one that is late in turning the pale color they are suppose to turn. I'm hoping the other 6 get a bit larger before the vines die off but they are all still large enough to eat at this point.
This Harvest----
Tomatoes--7 lbs. 4.5 oz.
Peppers--1 lb. 11 oz.
Squash--14 lbs. 11.2 oz.
TOTAL....23 lbs. 10.7 oz.
Garden Harvest Weight Total to date....77 lbs. 2.72 oz.
Besides the other Butternuts we still have Tomatoes & Peppers coming plus the Collard Greens after the freeze, which HOPEFULLY will hold off on coming until I make some room in the freezer!lol
What did you harvest from your garden this week? Leave a comment and let us know!
2 Last Transactions & Sept. SCR Period Totals at Rite-Aid
Yes, I need a life....
While I waited for #2 son and Hubs to return from the Marching Band Tournament Sat. I hit up Rite-Aid one last time before the September Single Check Rebate Period ended that evening.
Here is what I brought home....
Two Transactions.
The 1st transaction was the 3 packs of diapers.
Please hold your congratulations!
They are NOT for me.
I got paid $4.03 in a way to buy them.
Between the +Ups I got back and the $10 Gift Card, Rite-Aid is sending me for buying them, I come out $4.03 ahead.
Value of Items....$37.47
I don't hang with the "babymaking set" so I'll either donate them(food bank that takes this kind of stuff or make up a gift basket for a charity auction/raffle) or take them to the flea market if they are still hanging around here when I get around to doing that again....if I get around to doing that again. ;-)
The diaper transaction was $.47 OOP after all the coupons and +Ups I used, and that change was put on my gift card.
I received $6 more in +Ups and I'll get a $10 Gift Card(#70) through the SCR program.
The other stuff pictured(plus a Sobe drink that is NOT pictured)was bought in a second transaction.
The Lamasil Spray was $5.99 after $2/1 IPQ.
The Quaker Oats was $.99 after $1/1 ManuQ.
The Oral-B Toothbrush was $1.99 after $1/1 ManuQ.
The Crest was on clearance($1.99)and $.99 after $1/1 ManuQ.
The Tuna cans were on clearance($.47)and were $5.64 total for 12.
The Always was free after FREE ITEM Q(daughter gave me from a magazine).
The Sobe was free after FREE ITEM Q(won online).
SubTotal was $15.60.
Used $5 off $25 purchase Q=$10.60.
Used $10 in +Ups=$.60 OOP put on gift card so Zero spent.
Value of Items....$53.12
Earned +Ups....3 x $1 for 12 cans of tuna, 1 x $1 for Quaker Oats, 1 x $2 for Oral-B Toothbrush=$6.00
Will submit Lamasil(#40)& Crest toothpaste(#55)for BIL's SCR account=$7.00
This Crest purchase also put him over the $5 Oral Care gift card threshold=$5.00 gift card.
So after +Ups the Oatmeal and Toothbrush were -.01 each and the Lamasil cost me -.01 after SCR.
Spent $10 in +Ups, earned back $6 in +Ups & $7 SCR=$13 so this transaction put me ahead $3.02.
$4.03+$3.02=$7.05 moneymaker or $12.05 if you count the $5 gift card.
Total Spent....$1.07(put on free Rite-Aid gift card)
Value of Items....$90.59
SCR qualified for...$7.00
Gift Cards earned....$15.00
+Up Rewards earned...$12.00
+Up Rewards spent...$21.50
These trips were a $12.50 moneymaker.
GRAND TOTALS-September Rebate Period
Number of Transactions......14
Total Spent....$20.80 put on free Gift Cards/Certificates so ZERO OOP
Value of Items purchased....$579.66
SCR qualified for....$16 in cash and $15 in Gift Cards
Other Cash....$0
Additional Non-Cash Rewards....a Glam Bag
+Up Rewards spent....$106.00
+Up Rewards earned....$126.50
+Up Rewards left....$20.50
Spent $20.80 on gift card and getting back $31 in cash and more gift cards, plus I have $20.50 in +up rewards(=Rite-Aid currency). Do you get how this Rite-Aid shopping can be addictive? 8-))
How well did you do at Rite-Aid in September? Leave a comment and let us all know!
While I waited for #2 son and Hubs to return from the Marching Band Tournament Sat. I hit up Rite-Aid one last time before the September Single Check Rebate Period ended that evening.
Here is what I brought home....
Two Transactions.
The 1st transaction was the 3 packs of diapers.
Please hold your congratulations!
They are NOT for me.
I got paid $4.03 in a way to buy them.
Between the +Ups I got back and the $10 Gift Card, Rite-Aid is sending me for buying them, I come out $4.03 ahead.
Value of Items....$37.47
I don't hang with the "babymaking set" so I'll either donate them(food bank that takes this kind of stuff or make up a gift basket for a charity auction/raffle) or take them to the flea market if they are still hanging around here when I get around to doing that again....if I get around to doing that again. ;-)
The diaper transaction was $.47 OOP after all the coupons and +Ups I used, and that change was put on my gift card.
I received $6 more in +Ups and I'll get a $10 Gift Card(#70) through the SCR program.
The other stuff pictured(plus a Sobe drink that is NOT pictured)was bought in a second transaction.
The Lamasil Spray was $5.99 after $2/1 IPQ.
The Quaker Oats was $.99 after $1/1 ManuQ.
The Oral-B Toothbrush was $1.99 after $1/1 ManuQ.
The Crest was on clearance($1.99)and $.99 after $1/1 ManuQ.
The Tuna cans were on clearance($.47)and were $5.64 total for 12.
The Always was free after FREE ITEM Q(daughter gave me from a magazine).
The Sobe was free after FREE ITEM Q(won online).
SubTotal was $15.60.
Used $5 off $25 purchase Q=$10.60.
Used $10 in +Ups=$.60 OOP put on gift card so Zero spent.
Value of Items....$53.12
Earned +Ups....3 x $1 for 12 cans of tuna, 1 x $1 for Quaker Oats, 1 x $2 for Oral-B Toothbrush=$6.00
Will submit Lamasil(#40)& Crest toothpaste(#55)for BIL's SCR account=$7.00
This Crest purchase also put him over the $5 Oral Care gift card threshold=$5.00 gift card.
So after +Ups the Oatmeal and Toothbrush were -.01 each and the Lamasil cost me -.01 after SCR.
Spent $10 in +Ups, earned back $6 in +Ups & $7 SCR=$13 so this transaction put me ahead $3.02.
$4.03+$3.02=$7.05 moneymaker or $12.05 if you count the $5 gift card.
Total Spent....$1.07(put on free Rite-Aid gift card)
Value of Items....$90.59
SCR qualified for...$7.00
Gift Cards earned....$15.00
+Up Rewards earned...$12.00
+Up Rewards spent...$21.50
These trips were a $12.50 moneymaker.
GRAND TOTALS-September Rebate Period
Number of Transactions......14
Total Spent....$20.80 put on free Gift Cards/Certificates so ZERO OOP
Value of Items purchased....$579.66
SCR qualified for....$16 in cash and $15 in Gift Cards
Other Cash....$0
Additional Non-Cash Rewards....a Glam Bag
+Up Rewards spent....$106.00
+Up Rewards earned....$126.50
+Up Rewards left....$20.50
Spent $20.80 on gift card and getting back $31 in cash and more gift cards, plus I have $20.50 in +up rewards(=Rite-Aid currency). Do you get how this Rite-Aid shopping can be addictive? 8-))
How well did you do at Rite-Aid in September? Leave a comment and let us all know!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Randomness on a Saturday
As I sit here contemplating one last run up to Rite-Aid before the September Single Check Rebate Period ends this evening, I've got some randomness on my mind to share.
Well, one thing I won't share since I'm expanding my thoughts on it into a full blown blog post all it's own.
I know, I can't wait for that, but you will have to. ;-)
* First I want to thank everyone who left comments on the passing of our BAGEL(Beagle/Basset Mix) Hound, Peanut. Your heartfelt words were very much appreciated and touched me deeply even if I wasn't able to email and thank each one of you.
Peanut & I butted heads alot due to both of our rather large passive/aggressive streaks but he added joy to our family when he wasn't eating us out of house and home. The photo above was one of the last ones taken of him before he left us. It's fitting that he's sporting a rather large drool bubble on the left side of his muzzle(on the right facing the photo). Though he was crippled and incontinent and half-deaf, in true Peanut style he NEVER lost his appetite when there was food around. The week or so before he died he had resorted to opening up the cabinet where the trashcan was located. #1 son always said Peanut was an idiot savant of the Dog World....dumb as a mud fence but when it came to food, he was a genuis. ;-)
* Let me say that I sure didn't expect the negative reactions to THIS POST earlier this week. I received quite a few hateful comments for my unvarnished honesty about my feelings on the subject. Everyone has their own opinion and that's what makes the world go round, right?
I'm cool with diverse opinions but....when you call me evil and a witch, how can I not feel a tad unloved?
Fortunately for me, I moderate all comments(due to spamming issues) so those comments won't be published.
However, if the commentators in question would like to step up and not hide behind posting as "Anonymous", I am more than willing to put through their comments.
Sluggy ain't afraid of being called an ass as long as I know who is doing the calling. ;-)
* Tomorrow after harvesting yet MORE tomatoes and a few other things, we'll be putting some of the garden to bed for the year. Basically all that's left in the garden is the aforementioned tomatoes, collard greens, peppers(red bells, roastings, jalapenos)and the butternut squashes. Most of the fences will be coming down and some of the compost moved into the beds that we clear. I will leave the collards until the 1st frost because every Southern gal knows that collards left to harvest until after a frost are sweeter and tastier.....
I'm also hoping to get some cleaning done Sunday while the manly men are home to help me with the heavy lifting and moving part of it. Plus get some things into Hubs trunk so he can make a Salvation Army run this week.
* I'm waaay ahead of schedule for this coming week with my Meal Plan. Between the meals we changed up this week and didn't fix/eat and the meal ideas I listed already using what we have on hand, I've got 10 meals now for the family to choose from.
And I really hope there is a good deal soon on pork here since I am down to my last package and it would be a good way to use those OYNO of meat Cats I need to use this coming week at Weis.
* I guess my "Call for PA Bloggers" was a raging failure, as I haven't heard a peep from anyone. I have 2 local/sort of local PA blogs I follow. Go check them out......HERE and HERE.
Strictly Deal Bloggers who cover most stores in PA and are located around Philly are HERE and HERE.
* I just found out yesterday that my mother's family's Yearly Family Reunion is/was being held today/Saturday. Would have been nice to have had some advance notice. Oh well....
It's not like we could have attended anyway. We are in the midst of Marching Band Season here so most Fridays and Saturdays are full up. Fridays for football games and Saturdays for band tournaments. Today #2 son is down near Quakertown PA for a tourney. Hubs is driving the prop/equipment truck and I get to stay home with the doggies since Daughter is working and the pups can't go all day without food, water and toileting. Just me and doggies....Do I have to mention that it's been a nice quiet day here?lol
Have a nice Sunday and I'll be talking to ya'll on Monday!
Well, one thing I won't share since I'm expanding my thoughts on it into a full blown blog post all it's own.
I know, I can't wait for that, but you will have to. ;-)
* First I want to thank everyone who left comments on the passing of our BAGEL(Beagle/Basset Mix) Hound, Peanut. Your heartfelt words were very much appreciated and touched me deeply even if I wasn't able to email and thank each one of you.
Peanut & I butted heads alot due to both of our rather large passive/aggressive streaks but he added joy to our family when he wasn't eating us out of house and home. The photo above was one of the last ones taken of him before he left us. It's fitting that he's sporting a rather large drool bubble on the left side of his muzzle(on the right facing the photo). Though he was crippled and incontinent and half-deaf, in true Peanut style he NEVER lost his appetite when there was food around. The week or so before he died he had resorted to opening up the cabinet where the trashcan was located. #1 son always said Peanut was an idiot savant of the Dog World....dumb as a mud fence but when it came to food, he was a genuis. ;-)
* Let me say that I sure didn't expect the negative reactions to THIS POST earlier this week. I received quite a few hateful comments for my unvarnished honesty about my feelings on the subject. Everyone has their own opinion and that's what makes the world go round, right?
I'm cool with diverse opinions but....when you call me evil and a witch, how can I not feel a tad unloved?
Fortunately for me, I moderate all comments(due to spamming issues) so those comments won't be published.
However, if the commentators in question would like to step up and not hide behind posting as "Anonymous", I am more than willing to put through their comments.
Sluggy ain't afraid of being called an ass as long as I know who is doing the calling. ;-)
* Tomorrow after harvesting yet MORE tomatoes and a few other things, we'll be putting some of the garden to bed for the year. Basically all that's left in the garden is the aforementioned tomatoes, collard greens, peppers(red bells, roastings, jalapenos)and the butternut squashes. Most of the fences will be coming down and some of the compost moved into the beds that we clear. I will leave the collards until the 1st frost because every Southern gal knows that collards left to harvest until after a frost are sweeter and tastier.....
I'm also hoping to get some cleaning done Sunday while the manly men are home to help me with the heavy lifting and moving part of it. Plus get some things into Hubs trunk so he can make a Salvation Army run this week.
* I'm waaay ahead of schedule for this coming week with my Meal Plan. Between the meals we changed up this week and didn't fix/eat and the meal ideas I listed already using what we have on hand, I've got 10 meals now for the family to choose from.
And I really hope there is a good deal soon on pork here since I am down to my last package and it would be a good way to use those OYNO of meat Cats I need to use this coming week at Weis.
* I guess my "Call for PA Bloggers" was a raging failure, as I haven't heard a peep from anyone. I have 2 local/sort of local PA blogs I follow. Go check them out......HERE and HERE.
Strictly Deal Bloggers who cover most stores in PA and are located around Philly are HERE and HERE.
* I just found out yesterday that my mother's family's Yearly Family Reunion is/was being held today/Saturday. Would have been nice to have had some advance notice. Oh well....
It's not like we could have attended anyway. We are in the midst of Marching Band Season here so most Fridays and Saturdays are full up. Fridays for football games and Saturdays for band tournaments. Today #2 son is down near Quakertown PA for a tourney. Hubs is driving the prop/equipment truck and I get to stay home with the doggies since Daughter is working and the pups can't go all day without food, water and toileting. Just me and doggies....Do I have to mention that it's been a nice quiet day here?lol
Have a nice Sunday and I'll be talking to ya'll on Monday!
Go Win a Movie Ticket!
Moviefone is having a giveaway.
Free Movie Tickets.
20,000 of 'em!
Go HERE for the link to take a brief movie quiz(4 movie related questions) and maybe win a free Movie Ticket....or maybe you'll be a big winner and win Movies for Life!
If you don't see the link on the home page to the giveaway, scroll down and on the righthand side at the bottom click on "free giveaways" under MORE From MOVIEFONE.
Please note...the comments seem to indicate that Moviefone is having some technical difficulties at times with this offer so just keep trying.
The free tickets you could win are good through Dec. 31st of 2010.
One entry per day it seems....
Friday, September 24, 2010
Food Shopping at Rite-Aid....75% Clearance!
You need to check out the food and cleaning supplies aisles at your local Rite-Aid stores as some of the stores have marked the clearance items down from 50% off to 75% off!
There is a thread on SlickDeals were they have compiled a list of the items to look for HERE.
So when I went out to do my errands yesterday I stopped by 2 Rite-Aids to see if I could find anything.
The store downtown in the metro area was still only at 50% off so I just got this....
1 x Gallon Milk=$3.25
2 x Oreo Cookies on sale $3.00=$6.00
2 x Bounty Towels on sale $.88=$1.76
1 x Ace Cold Pack(in travel sizes area)=$1.03 with wellness 20% disc./reg. price $1.29
1 x Crest Toothpaste Pro-Health on sale=$2.99
3 x Campbell's Tomato Soup clearance(50%)$.99=$2.97
Coupons Used
1 x $3/$15 One-Time emailed Wellness customer IPQ expires 9/30=$3.00
1 x FREE Oreos WYB 2 Cookies and Gallon of Milk IPQ(monthly facebook Q)=$3.00
1 x $.75/1 Oreo ManuQ(from tearpad/booklet from Jan.)=$.75
1 x $1/2 Oreo Packages AdPerks/VV IPQ=$1.00
1 x $1/2 Bounty Towels(P&G insert)=$1.00
1 x $1/1 Ace compress item(no longer available)IPQ=$1.00
1 x $1/1 Crest Toothpaste(P&G insert)=$1.00
1 x $1/1 Crest Pro-Health Toothpaste(RA flu booklet)=$1.00
1 x $.50/2 Campbell's Soup at Hand ManuQ=$.50
Coupons Used....$12.25
+Ups used....$5...$5.75-$5=$.75 OOP put on Rite-Aid gift card
Value of items bought....$27.16
+Ups I received....$1(Oreos), $2(Crest)=$3.00
$5 in +Ups spent, $3 in +Ups received so I am down $2 in +Ups after this store.
Even though the Tomato soups were only at 50% off, #2 son loves these tomato ones so it was an ok deal for me.
And I hit the 75% off mother lode at this store.....
5 x Celestial Seasonings Tea clearance(75%) .92¢=$4.60
2 x NatraTaste Sweetener clearance(75%) .72¢=$1.44
2 x Campbell's Garden Select Veg. Soup clearance(75%) .62¢=$1.24
6 x Campbell's Soup at Hand Tom. Soup clearance(75%) .49¢=$2.94
12 x COS Chunk White Tuna clearance(75%).47¢=$5.64
2 x Nature Valley PB Granola Bars clearance(75%).99¢=$1.98
1 x Campbell's Tomato Soup Bowl clearance(75%)=.54¢
1 x Skippy Peanut Butter-creamy clearance(75%)=$.74
1 x Nutrisse Hair Color on sale=$5.99
Coupons Used
1 x $5 off $25 IPQ(pdf from newsletter sent to me earlier this year)=$5.00
2 x $1/1 Celestial Seasonings IPQ(no longer available)=$2.00
1 x $.50/2 Campbell's Harvest ManuQ=$.50
2 x $.50/3 Campbell's Soup at Hand ManuQ=$1.00
1 x $1/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars ManuQ=$1.00
1 x $.50/1 Nature Valley Granola Bars AdPerks/VV IPQ=$.50
1 x $1/1 Nature Valley Granola Bars(RA flu booklet)=$1.00
1 x $3/1 Nutrisse Hair Color IPQ(redplum website)=$3.00
1 x $2/1 Nutrisse Hair Color(RA flu booklet)=$2.00
Coupon Total...$16.00
I used +Ups...3 x $3=$9.00
$9.11-$9.00=$.11 Out of Pocket and put on free Rite-Aid gift card
Value of items bought....$87.47--Like I would ever pay retail for food at Rite-Aid, puhleeze!lol
And here's the crazy part...some of the clearance items also printed $1 +Up Rewards.
12 $1 +Ups printed!!
The +Ups part of my receipt was over 3 feet long.lolol I would have taken a pic of the receipt but my arm isn't long enough to hold it up and far enough away from the camera to get it all in. ;-)
+Ups received....5 for the Celestial Seasonings, 2 for the NatraTaste Sweetener, 3 Tunas(1 for every 4 cans I bought), 1 GM for the 2 Nature Valley granola bars and 1 for the 2 Campbell's Harvest Select soups.
So in the end, after adding in the +Ups I got back.....I got paid .08¢ for each box of tea, .28¢ for each box of sweetener, .26¢ to buy 2 cans of the Harvest Select soup and $1.52 to take 2 boxes of granola bars home=$2.74 moneymaker on these items.
The tuna, while I didn't have any coupons for it, after the $1 +Ups for each 4 cans, came out to .22¢ a piece.
We still have peanut butter left over from last fall's Acme sale so I didn't dare drag anymore jars of that home under penalty of death. ;-)
Total Spent....$.86 (put on free Rite-Aid gift card)
Value of Items....$114.63
SCR qualified for...$.00
+Up Rewards earned...$15.00
+Up Rewards spent...$14.00
These trips were a $1 moneymaker.
MONTHLY TOTALS-September Rebate Period
Number of Transactions......12
Total Spent....$19.73 put on free Gift Cards/Certificates so ZERO OOP
Value of Items purchased....$489.07
SCR qualified for....$9 in cash and $10 in Gift Cards
Other Cash....$0
Additional Non-Cash Rewards....a Glam Bag
+Up Rewards spent....$84.50
+Up Rewards earned....$114.50
Total 'Spent'...$19.73 on gift cards
Total Cash I'm getting Back=$9
Total Gift Cards I'm getting=$10+Glam Bag
+Up Rewards left to spend=$30.00
I also ran to the Restaurant Supply Store and got another 5lb. block of sharp Cheddar Cheese as we were out of slicing cheese. $16 for 5lbs.=$3.00 lb. vs. $4.99-$6.99 lb. at the grocery store deli dept.
Cheese, tuna and soup stock-ups...hmmmm....I wonder what is on the fall menu at Sluggy's house for quick and easy dinners?lol
Have you found any good clearance deals lately?
Tell us about it! 8-)
There is a thread on SlickDeals were they have compiled a list of the items to look for HERE.
So when I went out to do my errands yesterday I stopped by 2 Rite-Aids to see if I could find anything.
The store downtown in the metro area was still only at 50% off so I just got this....
1 x Gallon Milk=$3.25
2 x Oreo Cookies on sale $3.00=$6.00
2 x Bounty Towels on sale $.88=$1.76
1 x Ace Cold Pack(in travel sizes area)=$1.03 with wellness 20% disc./reg. price $1.29
1 x Crest Toothpaste Pro-Health on sale=$2.99
3 x Campbell's Tomato Soup clearance(50%)$.99=$2.97
Coupons Used
1 x $3/$15 One-Time emailed Wellness customer IPQ expires 9/30=$3.00
1 x FREE Oreos WYB 2 Cookies and Gallon of Milk IPQ(monthly facebook Q)=$3.00
1 x $.75/1 Oreo ManuQ(from tearpad/booklet from Jan.)=$.75
1 x $1/2 Oreo Packages AdPerks/VV IPQ=$1.00
1 x $1/2 Bounty Towels(P&G insert)=$1.00
1 x $1/1 Ace compress item(no longer available)IPQ=$1.00
1 x $1/1 Crest Toothpaste(P&G insert)=$1.00
1 x $1/1 Crest Pro-Health Toothpaste(RA flu booklet)=$1.00
1 x $.50/2 Campbell's Soup at Hand ManuQ=$.50
Coupons Used....$12.25
+Ups used....$5...$5.75-$5=$.75 OOP put on Rite-Aid gift card
Value of items bought....$27.16
+Ups I received....$1(Oreos), $2(Crest)=$3.00
$5 in +Ups spent, $3 in +Ups received so I am down $2 in +Ups after this store.
Even though the Tomato soups were only at 50% off, #2 son loves these tomato ones so it was an ok deal for me.
And I hit the 75% off mother lode at this store.....
5 x Celestial Seasonings Tea clearance(75%) .92¢=$4.60
2 x NatraTaste Sweetener clearance(75%) .72¢=$1.44
2 x Campbell's Garden Select Veg. Soup clearance(75%) .62¢=$1.24
6 x Campbell's Soup at Hand Tom. Soup clearance(75%) .49¢=$2.94
12 x COS Chunk White Tuna clearance(75%).47¢=$5.64
2 x Nature Valley PB Granola Bars clearance(75%).99¢=$1.98
1 x Campbell's Tomato Soup Bowl clearance(75%)=.54¢
1 x Skippy Peanut Butter-creamy clearance(75%)=$.74
1 x Nutrisse Hair Color on sale=$5.99
Coupons Used
1 x $5 off $25 IPQ(pdf from newsletter sent to me earlier this year)=$5.00
2 x $1/1 Celestial Seasonings IPQ(no longer available)=$2.00
1 x $.50/2 Campbell's Harvest ManuQ=$.50
2 x $.50/3 Campbell's Soup at Hand ManuQ=$1.00
1 x $1/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars ManuQ=$1.00
1 x $.50/1 Nature Valley Granola Bars AdPerks/VV IPQ=$.50
1 x $1/1 Nature Valley Granola Bars(RA flu booklet)=$1.00
1 x $3/1 Nutrisse Hair Color IPQ(redplum website)=$3.00
1 x $2/1 Nutrisse Hair Color(RA flu booklet)=$2.00
Coupon Total...$16.00
I used +Ups...3 x $3=$9.00
$9.11-$9.00=$.11 Out of Pocket and put on free Rite-Aid gift card
Value of items bought....$87.47--Like I would ever pay retail for food at Rite-Aid, puhleeze!lol
And here's the crazy part...some of the clearance items also printed $1 +Up Rewards.
12 $1 +Ups printed!!
The +Ups part of my receipt was over 3 feet long.lolol I would have taken a pic of the receipt but my arm isn't long enough to hold it up and far enough away from the camera to get it all in. ;-)
+Ups received....5 for the Celestial Seasonings, 2 for the NatraTaste Sweetener, 3 Tunas(1 for every 4 cans I bought), 1 GM for the 2 Nature Valley granola bars and 1 for the 2 Campbell's Harvest Select soups.
So in the end, after adding in the +Ups I got back.....I got paid .08¢ for each box of tea, .28¢ for each box of sweetener, .26¢ to buy 2 cans of the Harvest Select soup and $1.52 to take 2 boxes of granola bars home=$2.74 moneymaker on these items.
The tuna, while I didn't have any coupons for it, after the $1 +Ups for each 4 cans, came out to .22¢ a piece.
We still have peanut butter left over from last fall's Acme sale so I didn't dare drag anymore jars of that home under penalty of death. ;-)
Total Spent....$.86 (put on free Rite-Aid gift card)
Value of Items....$114.63
SCR qualified for...$.00
+Up Rewards earned...$15.00
+Up Rewards spent...$14.00
These trips were a $1 moneymaker.
MONTHLY TOTALS-September Rebate Period
Number of Transactions......12
Total Spent....$19.73 put on free Gift Cards/Certificates so ZERO OOP
Value of Items purchased....$489.07
SCR qualified for....$9 in cash and $10 in Gift Cards
Other Cash....$0
Additional Non-Cash Rewards....a Glam Bag
+Up Rewards spent....$84.50
+Up Rewards earned....$114.50
Total 'Spent'...$19.73 on gift cards
Total Cash I'm getting Back=$9
Total Gift Cards I'm getting=$10+Glam Bag
+Up Rewards left to spend=$30.00
I also ran to the Restaurant Supply Store and got another 5lb. block of sharp Cheddar Cheese as we were out of slicing cheese. $16 for 5lbs.=$3.00 lb. vs. $4.99-$6.99 lb. at the grocery store deli dept.
Cheese, tuna and soup stock-ups...hmmmm....I wonder what is on the fall menu at Sluggy's house for quick and easy dinners?lol
Have you found any good clearance deals lately?
Tell us about it! 8-)
This is the 4th Sluggy's BORING BLOG BOX GIVEAWAY for 2010!
It's time again for a Boring Giveaway.
I run a Boring Blog here so why not give away boring stuff, right?
Just to recap, I put things in the box(mostly what I have gotten for free or almost free)each week and when the box is filled we draw a winner from all the entries received. The stuff can range from HBA, food, toys, collectibles, home decor or books. Someday if enough people click on enough ads and this blog makes some cold hard cash, I may add a gift card, so get to clicking already!!lol
Here is what went into the Box today.....
1. A Mesh Bath Scrubby thing
2. A small Bottle of Olay Body Wash
3. A Glade Candle
4. A can of Bar Harbor brand Clam Chowder from my trip to Maine last month
If this is your first time, please go read all the rules for these Giveaways on THIS POST.
Please NOTE--You MUST be a follower to enter the Giveaway. If you aren't one, just click on the "Follow" button on the right hand side of my blog to become a follower---->
Just put a comment on this POST for your entry. Easy Peasy!
When I post again about this BORING BLOG BOX GIVEAWAY, entries on this Post will be CLOSED and you can post on the New Giveaway Post and enter again. I hope this isn't too confusing. ;-)
Here are the ways to get UP TO 2 EXTRA entries PER POST.....
1. Put my blog on your blog's Blogroll. Leave an extra comment for this entry on THIS POST only with the URL of your blog. If I'm already on your Blogroll, say so in an extra comment.
2. Blog about this Giveaway on your blog or on a Message Board. Leave an extra comment for this entry on THIS POST only with a link to your blog post or the message on the board.
You can do each of these 2 things once per post, so that's a total of up to 3 entries per person per post.
Again, you can enter on this post until I put another Giveaway Post up and then you need to enter on the NEWER Post.
FYI if you are new generally takes 4 weeks to fill the box, so there will be 4 posts(give or take)about this Giveaway where you can enter to win up to 3 times.
Any questions? Just email me at
Oh yah, I pay for all the stuff in this giveaway and nobody(business or person) gives me stuff or pays me to hold them or promote their products. I even pay the shipping just because I loves ya'll and....and.....that's how I roll! ;-)
Happy Entering!!
It's time again for a Boring Giveaway.
I run a Boring Blog here so why not give away boring stuff, right?
Just to recap, I put things in the box(mostly what I have gotten for free or almost free)each week and when the box is filled we draw a winner from all the entries received. The stuff can range from HBA, food, toys, collectibles, home decor or books. Someday if enough people click on enough ads and this blog makes some cold hard cash, I may add a gift card, so get to clicking already!!lol
Here is what went into the Box today.....
1. A Mesh Bath Scrubby thing
2. A small Bottle of Olay Body Wash
3. A Glade Candle
4. A can of Bar Harbor brand Clam Chowder from my trip to Maine last month
If this is your first time, please go read all the rules for these Giveaways on THIS POST.
Please NOTE--You MUST be a follower to enter the Giveaway. If you aren't one, just click on the "Follow" button on the right hand side of my blog to become a follower---->
Just put a comment on this POST for your entry. Easy Peasy!
When I post again about this BORING BLOG BOX GIVEAWAY, entries on this Post will be CLOSED and you can post on the New Giveaway Post and enter again. I hope this isn't too confusing. ;-)
Here are the ways to get UP TO 2 EXTRA entries PER POST.....
1. Put my blog on your blog's Blogroll. Leave an extra comment for this entry on THIS POST only with the URL of your blog. If I'm already on your Blogroll, say so in an extra comment.
2. Blog about this Giveaway on your blog or on a Message Board. Leave an extra comment for this entry on THIS POST only with a link to your blog post or the message on the board.
You can do each of these 2 things once per post, so that's a total of up to 3 entries per person per post.
Again, you can enter on this post until I put another Giveaway Post up and then you need to enter on the NEWER Post.
FYI if you are new generally takes 4 weeks to fill the box, so there will be 4 posts(give or take)about this Giveaway where you can enter to win up to 3 times.
Any questions? Just email me at
Oh yah, I pay for all the stuff in this giveaway and nobody(business or person) gives me stuff or pays me to hold them or promote their products. I even pay the shipping just because I loves ya'll and....and.....that's how I roll! ;-)
Happy Entering!!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
My Neighbor or Putting UP with the Joneses....
As I have mentioned before, the guy who lives across the street from us has owned a big ass 5th wheel RV for most of the 10 years we've lived here.
It's an eyesore!
Not that it's a broken down piece of junk or's just that this huge metal box sits parked in his not very long driveway....
It takes up the whole driveway and they barely have room to squeeze their 2 suv/trucks into the driveway next to it.
To say it's visual clutter is an understatement......
And here is the improved view when it's not parked there.....
I should say it sits in their driveway except for the scant 2 weeks a year they take it out somewhere and stay in it....if they take it out for that long each year!
I know they never take it far away since often while they are 'gone' for the 2 weeks, the husband will appear at the house to get the mail or something. I know he's not driving home from a far distance to do this and then drive right back to wherever the RV is parked.
Even though we are on a hill, I feel like that big cluttering monstrosity blocks the sunlight and makes me feel claustrophobic when I sit out on my front porch since I can't see down the road beyond that behemoth.
It's like having someone's house sitting right on the edge of their property, since you can see no sunlight between the garage and the RV, and the RV ends maybe 2 feet from the side of the road at his mailbox. Heck, when he puts his garbage out each week, it sits at the end of his driveway and the front end of the RV overhangs the bags of garbage. God help the sanitation worker who forgets to duck when he/she goes to retrieve his trash......
So anyway, for 2 weeks out of the year, I am blesses with clear sight lines and not having to look out at the ugly ass huge hunk-o-metal of a vehicle. Every year, my soul gets sad when they bring it home to sit for the other 50 weeks of the year.
Why don't they store it know, somewhere appropriate, with other overgrown toys of it's kind? I bet it gets lonely and feels unloved most of the year and would be much happier playing with it's own kind.
If they can't afford to store it somewhere appropriate, they could at least park it in their backyard, which they never use anyway....or at least store it lengthwise on the other side of their house so it's not sticking out like the big ugly sore thumb it is in my visual life.
So I got excited this summer when the Behemoth RV disappeared and was gone for 4 WEEKS!
As week 3 and then week 4 passed a small glimmer of hope grew in my being.....a glimmer that maybe it was gone for good, or at least gone from the driveway where it sits for 351 days out of the year.
But, my hopes were crushed last month, when the old Behemoth was replaced with a brand spanking new 2011 RV model.
Just as big and ugly but shinier! and maybe a tad bigger since there seems to be less space/light between where the garage ends and this overpriced/underused piece of shit vehicle begins.
I looked up what this baby costs new.
Can you say in the neighborhood of $45,000?!?!
Hey, that's great if you can afford it.
And I am sure on the surface this guy CAN afford it, since he owns his own insurance agency. I don't know if he still has a mortgage and if his 2 later model vehicles are paid for....but they don't seem to spend money on groceries or go out to eat much, since his wife NEVER leaves the house at all! and they only have 1 kid to pay for/raise.
So spending their money on a big ass toy is not my problem with them.
But it a problem for me to spend this kind of money on something that you park in your driveway and DON'T USE for 50 WEEKS A YEAR!
Maybe it's just "me" doesn't sound like a good use of your money, unless your last name is Gates, or Buffet or King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia or something.
Doing this is like buying a new BMW luxury car and only driving it 14 days out of the year.
Seriously......who does this?!?!
Who spends $45K on something so it can sit and rust year after year?
If you want to vacation in a luxury RV for only 2 weeks a year, why not RENT ONE!?
I am sure it would be scads cheaper than buying one and letting it rot in your driveway for years between your infrequent trips in it.
If he thinks he is 'impressing' anyone by having it parked in his driveway, he needs to think again.
All he is doing is pissing ME off!
And he shouldn't be pissing me off right now......I have colanders filled with ripe tomatoes and I know how to throw them..... ;-)
I'm off to go warm up my pitching arm.....
It's an eyesore!
Not that it's a broken down piece of junk or's just that this huge metal box sits parked in his not very long driveway....
It takes up the whole driveway and they barely have room to squeeze their 2 suv/trucks into the driveway next to it.
To say it's visual clutter is an understatement......
And here is the improved view when it's not parked there.....
I should say it sits in their driveway except for the scant 2 weeks a year they take it out somewhere and stay in it....if they take it out for that long each year!
I know they never take it far away since often while they are 'gone' for the 2 weeks, the husband will appear at the house to get the mail or something. I know he's not driving home from a far distance to do this and then drive right back to wherever the RV is parked.
Even though we are on a hill, I feel like that big cluttering monstrosity blocks the sunlight and makes me feel claustrophobic when I sit out on my front porch since I can't see down the road beyond that behemoth.
It's like having someone's house sitting right on the edge of their property, since you can see no sunlight between the garage and the RV, and the RV ends maybe 2 feet from the side of the road at his mailbox. Heck, when he puts his garbage out each week, it sits at the end of his driveway and the front end of the RV overhangs the bags of garbage. God help the sanitation worker who forgets to duck when he/she goes to retrieve his trash......
So anyway, for 2 weeks out of the year, I am blesses with clear sight lines and not having to look out at the ugly ass huge hunk-o-metal of a vehicle. Every year, my soul gets sad when they bring it home to sit for the other 50 weeks of the year.
Why don't they store it know, somewhere appropriate, with other overgrown toys of it's kind? I bet it gets lonely and feels unloved most of the year and would be much happier playing with it's own kind.
If they can't afford to store it somewhere appropriate, they could at least park it in their backyard, which they never use anyway....or at least store it lengthwise on the other side of their house so it's not sticking out like the big ugly sore thumb it is in my visual life.
So I got excited this summer when the Behemoth RV disappeared and was gone for 4 WEEKS!
As week 3 and then week 4 passed a small glimmer of hope grew in my being.....a glimmer that maybe it was gone for good, or at least gone from the driveway where it sits for 351 days out of the year.
But, my hopes were crushed last month, when the old Behemoth was replaced with a brand spanking new 2011 RV model.
Just as big and ugly but shinier! and maybe a tad bigger since there seems to be less space/light between where the garage ends and this overpriced/underused piece of shit vehicle begins.
I looked up what this baby costs new.
Can you say in the neighborhood of $45,000?!?!
Hey, that's great if you can afford it.
And I am sure on the surface this guy CAN afford it, since he owns his own insurance agency. I don't know if he still has a mortgage and if his 2 later model vehicles are paid for....but they don't seem to spend money on groceries or go out to eat much, since his wife NEVER leaves the house at all! and they only have 1 kid to pay for/raise.
So spending their money on a big ass toy is not my problem with them.
But it a problem for me to spend this kind of money on something that you park in your driveway and DON'T USE for 50 WEEKS A YEAR!
Maybe it's just "me" doesn't sound like a good use of your money, unless your last name is Gates, or Buffet or King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia or something.
Doing this is like buying a new BMW luxury car and only driving it 14 days out of the year.
Seriously......who does this?!?!
Who spends $45K on something so it can sit and rust year after year?
If you want to vacation in a luxury RV for only 2 weeks a year, why not RENT ONE!?
I am sure it would be scads cheaper than buying one and letting it rot in your driveway for years between your infrequent trips in it.
If he thinks he is 'impressing' anyone by having it parked in his driveway, he needs to think again.
All he is doing is pissing ME off!
And he shouldn't be pissing me off right now......I have colanders filled with ripe tomatoes and I know how to throw them..... ;-)
I'm off to go warm up my pitching arm.....
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
A Shopping Bender....Well For Me At Least
I went grocery/drug store shopping 4, count 'em 4 times yesterday!
I had planned a day's outing to hit some sales on the other side of town.....well the next town over really, since my town is not even big enough to have a 'side'.lol
But I didn't get out of the house in time to do all those errands in one run and make dinner and take care of some other things here.
So I hit the nearest grocery store for the broccoli I needed for my pot pie for dinner and 2 bags of onions(on BOGO special so that's why I got 2)and to use some Qs to get #2 son some Kool-Aid packets and Dipping Honey Mustard for cheap. All totaled I spent $7.64 there and saved $5.78.
While I was out I hit, what else?!?....Rite-Aid!
And did this damage.....
3 x HerbaShine Hair Coloring on sale $5.99=$17.97
1 x Listerine Zero on sale=$2.99
1 x Celestial Seasonings Tea on sale=$1.99
1 x Crest Toothpaste on sale=$2.99
Coupons Used
1 x $5/$25 from HERE=$5.00
3 x $3/1 HerbaShine Hair Coloring IPQ HERE=$9.00
1 x $1/$10 any Hair Care Purchase Wellness Q(link sent to you from Rite-Aid if you are a wellness member)=$1.00
1 x $2/1 Listerine Zero ManuQ(last Sunday's inserts)=$2.00
1 x $1/1 Listerine AdPerks/VV IPQ HERE=$1.00
1 x $1/1 Celestial Seasonings IPQ HERE=$1.00
1 x $1/1 Crest Toothpaste ManuQ(P&G insert)=$1.00
Coupon Total....$20.00
Used 2 x $2 +Ups=$1.94 OOP put on gift card
Well, that was what it was suppose to be!
I just discovered while reading the receipt that the Tea rang up $.92, not $1.99! I went back later that evening and bought another flavor and that rang up the correct price. I guess this flavor was being clearanced?....but there was no tag on the shelf. It was the Chamomile flavor if you want to check your stores there for it. So I was paid .08¢ after the coupon & received a $1+Up to bring it home. ;-)
So my new subtotal was $24.87....but with the tax on the hair coloring it was over $25 before coupons and tax were deducted so the $5 off $25 still worked.
Deduct the $4 in +Ups=$.87 Out of pocket put on my ever present Rite-Aid gift card.
Value of Items purchased....$36.94
I received in +Up Rewards....$5(Garnier Buy $15), $2(Crest), $1(Listerine), $1(Celestial Seasonings)=$9.00
After getting the family squared away and fed I went back to Rite-Aid....
4 x Bounty Basic Towels on sale $.88=$3.52
1 x Listerine Zero on sale=$2.99
1 x Celestial Seasonings Tea on sale=$1.99
1 x Lamasil Spray-On on sale=$7.99
2 x Oreo Cookies on sale $3.00=$6.00
1 x Gallon of Milk=$3.25
Coupons Used
1 x $5/$25 from HERE=$5.00
2 x $1/2 Bounty Towels ManuQ(P&G insert)=$2.00
1 x $1/1 Listerine Zero IPQ HERE=$1.00
1 x $1/1 Listerine AdPerks/VV IPQ=$1.00
1 x $1/1 Celestial Seasonings IPQ HERE=$1.00
1 x $2/1 Lamasil Spray-On IPQ HERE=$2.00
1 x BOGO Oreo Cookies WYB Milk(from Facebook, not available now)=$3.00
1 x $.75/1 Oreo Cookies ManuQ(tearpad from Jan., no longer available)=$.75
1 x $1/2 Oreo Cookies AdPerks/VV IPQ HERE=$1.00
Coupon Total....$16.75
Used +Ups...($5, $3)$8.00=$.99 OOP put on gift card
Value of Items purchased....$37.96
I received in +Up Rewards....$1(Nabisco), $1(Listerine), $1(Celestial Seasonings)=$3.00
And I qualified for $6.00 in SCRs(Lamasil)=$6.00
Total Spent....$1.86 (put on free Rite-Aid gift card)
Value of Items....$74.90
SCR qualified for...$6.00(Lamasil)=$6.00
+Up Rewards earned...$12.00
+Up Rewards spent...$12.00
These trips were a $6 moneymaker.
MONTHLY TOTALS-September Rebate Period
Number of Transactions......10
Total Spent....$18.87 put on free Gift Cards/Certificates so ZERO OOP
Value of Items purchased....$374.44
SCR qualified for....$9 in cash and $10 in Gift Cards
Other Cash....$0
Additional Non-Cash Rewards....a Glam Bag
+Up Rewards spent....$70.50
+Up Rewards earned....$99.50
Total 'Spent'...$17.01 on gift cards
Total Cash I'm getting Back=$3
Total Gift Cards I'm getting=$10+Glam Bag
+Up Rewards left to spend=$29.00
And I closed out my shopping spree evening at Weis Markets....
3 x Krunchers Chips on sale $2.00=$6.00
3 x Grande Tortilla Chips on sale $2.00=$6.00
2 x French's Dipping Honey Mustard $2.29=$4.58
2 x Weis Block Cheese on sale BOGO=$2.50
1 x Roasting Chicken=$5.55
Coupons Used
3 x $1/1 Krunchers ManuQ=$3.00
3 x $1/1 Grande ManuQ=$3.00
2 x $1/1 French's Dipping ManuQ=$2.00
1 x $2/1 Instant Meat Dept. Q=$2.00
Coupon Total....$10.00
I also used one of my $3.00 OYNO of Beef or Chicken Cats and a $10 OYN Cat for an additional $13 off=$23.00 in coupons.
$24.63-$23.00=$1.63 OOP for everything!
At $1 a bag after coupons, the crunchy snack food was a great deal and we were fresh out of salty junk for the Hubs and #2 son. The son likes this dipping mustard stuff and my coupons are expiring soon so I picked up a couple of bottles....better to buy it for a buck cheaper now than a buck more next month, right? Do I really have to explain inexpensive BOGO cheese?lol
And I couldn't turn down the was $3.55 after the instant discount and with the chicken Cat my cost was $.55. I'll be substituting it for something else in this week's meal plan menu. It's great to have a meal plan to save you dollars but you need to be flexible enough that when a great deal happens you can roll with it and change up your menu ;-)
So what great deals have you found so far this week? Let us know by leaving a comment!
I had planned a day's outing to hit some sales on the other side of town.....well the next town over really, since my town is not even big enough to have a 'side'.lol
But I didn't get out of the house in time to do all those errands in one run and make dinner and take care of some other things here.
So I hit the nearest grocery store for the broccoli I needed for my pot pie for dinner and 2 bags of onions(on BOGO special so that's why I got 2)and to use some Qs to get #2 son some Kool-Aid packets and Dipping Honey Mustard for cheap. All totaled I spent $7.64 there and saved $5.78.
While I was out I hit, what else?!?....Rite-Aid!
And did this damage.....
3 x HerbaShine Hair Coloring on sale $5.99=$17.97
1 x Listerine Zero on sale=$2.99
1 x Celestial Seasonings Tea on sale=$1.99
1 x Crest Toothpaste on sale=$2.99
Coupons Used
1 x $5/$25 from HERE=$5.00
3 x $3/1 HerbaShine Hair Coloring IPQ HERE=$9.00
1 x $1/$10 any Hair Care Purchase Wellness Q(link sent to you from Rite-Aid if you are a wellness member)=$1.00
1 x $2/1 Listerine Zero ManuQ(last Sunday's inserts)=$2.00
1 x $1/1 Listerine AdPerks/VV IPQ HERE=$1.00
1 x $1/1 Celestial Seasonings IPQ HERE=$1.00
1 x $1/1 Crest Toothpaste ManuQ(P&G insert)=$1.00
Coupon Total....$20.00
Used 2 x $2 +Ups=$1.94 OOP put on gift card
Well, that was what it was suppose to be!
I just discovered while reading the receipt that the Tea rang up $.92, not $1.99! I went back later that evening and bought another flavor and that rang up the correct price. I guess this flavor was being clearanced?....but there was no tag on the shelf. It was the Chamomile flavor if you want to check your stores there for it. So I was paid .08¢ after the coupon & received a $1+Up to bring it home. ;-)
So my new subtotal was $24.87....but with the tax on the hair coloring it was over $25 before coupons and tax were deducted so the $5 off $25 still worked.
Deduct the $4 in +Ups=$.87 Out of pocket put on my ever present Rite-Aid gift card.
Value of Items purchased....$36.94
I received in +Up Rewards....$5(Garnier Buy $15), $2(Crest), $1(Listerine), $1(Celestial Seasonings)=$9.00
After getting the family squared away and fed I went back to Rite-Aid....
4 x Bounty Basic Towels on sale $.88=$3.52
1 x Listerine Zero on sale=$2.99
1 x Celestial Seasonings Tea on sale=$1.99
1 x Lamasil Spray-On on sale=$7.99
2 x Oreo Cookies on sale $3.00=$6.00
1 x Gallon of Milk=$3.25
Coupons Used
1 x $5/$25 from HERE=$5.00
2 x $1/2 Bounty Towels ManuQ(P&G insert)=$2.00
1 x $1/1 Listerine Zero IPQ HERE=$1.00
1 x $1/1 Listerine AdPerks/VV IPQ=$1.00
1 x $1/1 Celestial Seasonings IPQ HERE=$1.00
1 x $2/1 Lamasil Spray-On IPQ HERE=$2.00
1 x BOGO Oreo Cookies WYB Milk(from Facebook, not available now)=$3.00
1 x $.75/1 Oreo Cookies ManuQ(tearpad from Jan., no longer available)=$.75
1 x $1/2 Oreo Cookies AdPerks/VV IPQ HERE=$1.00
Coupon Total....$16.75
Used +Ups...($5, $3)$8.00=$.99 OOP put on gift card
Value of Items purchased....$37.96
I received in +Up Rewards....$1(Nabisco), $1(Listerine), $1(Celestial Seasonings)=$3.00
And I qualified for $6.00 in SCRs(Lamasil)=$6.00
Total Spent....$1.86 (put on free Rite-Aid gift card)
Value of Items....$74.90
SCR qualified for...$6.00(Lamasil)=$6.00
+Up Rewards earned...$12.00
+Up Rewards spent...$12.00
These trips were a $6 moneymaker.
MONTHLY TOTALS-September Rebate Period
Number of Transactions......10
Total Spent....$18.87 put on free Gift Cards/Certificates so ZERO OOP
Value of Items purchased....$374.44
SCR qualified for....$9 in cash and $10 in Gift Cards
Other Cash....$0
Additional Non-Cash Rewards....a Glam Bag
+Up Rewards spent....$70.50
+Up Rewards earned....$99.50
Total 'Spent'...$17.01 on gift cards
Total Cash I'm getting Back=$3
Total Gift Cards I'm getting=$10+Glam Bag
+Up Rewards left to spend=$29.00
And I closed out my shopping spree evening at Weis Markets....
3 x Krunchers Chips on sale $2.00=$6.00
3 x Grande Tortilla Chips on sale $2.00=$6.00
2 x French's Dipping Honey Mustard $2.29=$4.58
2 x Weis Block Cheese on sale BOGO=$2.50
1 x Roasting Chicken=$5.55
Coupons Used
3 x $1/1 Krunchers ManuQ=$3.00
3 x $1/1 Grande ManuQ=$3.00
2 x $1/1 French's Dipping ManuQ=$2.00
1 x $2/1 Instant Meat Dept. Q=$2.00
Coupon Total....$10.00
I also used one of my $3.00 OYNO of Beef or Chicken Cats and a $10 OYN Cat for an additional $13 off=$23.00 in coupons.
$24.63-$23.00=$1.63 OOP for everything!
At $1 a bag after coupons, the crunchy snack food was a great deal and we were fresh out of salty junk for the Hubs and #2 son. The son likes this dipping mustard stuff and my coupons are expiring soon so I picked up a couple of bottles....better to buy it for a buck cheaper now than a buck more next month, right? Do I really have to explain inexpensive BOGO cheese?lol
And I couldn't turn down the was $3.55 after the instant discount and with the chicken Cat my cost was $.55. I'll be substituting it for something else in this week's meal plan menu. It's great to have a meal plan to save you dollars but you need to be flexible enough that when a great deal happens you can roll with it and change up your menu ;-)
So what great deals have you found so far this week? Let us know by leaving a comment!
Apples for Days Redux
Since it is once again APPLE SEASON, I thought I'd repost my crockpot applesauce recipe from last October 28th.
I'll be hitting the farm stand in the next couple of weeks to pick up a load of apples for preserving.
So what do you do when you go to the farmstand and there's a half bushel of homely apples priced at only $5.00 calling your name?

You buy them!
And that is just what I did.
I brought home a huge sack of Ugly Apples last week.
These are the less than perfect looking apples that nobody wants in their Peck or half Peck Bag of apples. You know....scarred skins, not quite the perfect color, not quite the perfect shape &/or bruised. The kid working at the stand said that after you picked over them and got rid of the bad ones, at least they would be good for one pot of applesauce.
Ha!....little did he know!!
So I set to peeling and coring these babies to make some applesauce. Making homemade applesauce it so easy too!
First thing is to select your apples and wash them thoroughly. I chose enough apples to fill my crockpot...about 17 apples.

Next you peel(if you want to peel them)and core them.

Since my ugly apples might have been riddled with bad spots, bruises, I chose to peel them first.
After about half I realized that my ugly babies did NOT have any bad spots. They were just "skin challenged" with ugly scarred peels. So I didn't peel the last part of the batch. It's better if you leave the skins on, as most of the vitamins and "stuff that is good for you" is just under the peel. Your applesauce will pack a bigger nutritional punch this way.
Then came the coring...

I LOVE my little apple corer. It cost me $1.00 at the discount outlet. It makes this job go so quickly too!
After coring/peeling, put your apple slices in a bowl in which you've put some water and lemon juice(you can used bottle juice, it doesn't have to be fresh squeezed). The lemon water helps them not to brown while waiting to go into the crockpot. Actually, since it really doesn't matter if the slices brown, you don't have to put lemon on them. It's just a force of habit for me to lemon the apples. lol

Spray your crockpot with a spray oil to make cleaning easier. This is optional however.
Then drain the lemon water off and put your apples in the crockpot, put on the lid and turn it on.
Don't add water!
That's it.....just walk away!

Now you can cook them down on LOW or HIGH. Low will take about 5 hours, while High will cook them into sauce in about 2-3 hours.
You'll know when they are done when the house smells heavenly and they look like this....

(The large pieces in the photo are peel, not apple.)
When your apples are finished cooking, turn off the crockpot, stir it up and taste for sweetness. If it's a bit tart for your taste, you can add some sugar or other sweetener at this point. Also add cinnamon now if you want some in your batch.
If you didn't peel your apples and don't want the peels in the finished product, just fish them out after your applesauce cools. Your applesauce at this point will be a bit chunky.
If you want it fine and smooth, get out a food mill.

Pour the sauce in and start milling into a bowl or pan. If you are going to mill, don't bother fishing out your peels beforehand. The mill will keep your peels from winding up in your finished product.
And speaking of finished product, here it is....

Ready for eating!
If you make a lot you can water bath can applesauce or put into freezer-safe containers and freeze any excess for later.
It will keep in the refrigerator for about a month.
My 17 medium-sized apples made a 6 Cup container(48 oz.)of applesauce.
If you wish to make Apple Butter at this point, just put your sauce back into the crockpot, add spices according to any good Apple Butter recipe you have/find and continue to cook it down until you have the consistency and the brown color of apple butter. You can also water bath can your Apple Butter to store it longer.
I'll get out both Crockpots & do another 2 batches tomorrow of Chunky Applesauce. That should keep us in applesauce for a couple of months.
The rest of the apples will be made into Apple Pie Filling later this week.
I'll be hitting the farm stand in the next couple of weeks to pick up a load of apples for preserving.
So what do you do when you go to the farmstand and there's a half bushel of homely apples priced at only $5.00 calling your name?

You buy them!
And that is just what I did.
I brought home a huge sack of Ugly Apples last week.
These are the less than perfect looking apples that nobody wants in their Peck or half Peck Bag of apples. You know....scarred skins, not quite the perfect color, not quite the perfect shape &/or bruised. The kid working at the stand said that after you picked over them and got rid of the bad ones, at least they would be good for one pot of applesauce.
Ha!....little did he know!!
So I set to peeling and coring these babies to make some applesauce. Making homemade applesauce it so easy too!
First thing is to select your apples and wash them thoroughly. I chose enough apples to fill my crockpot...about 17 apples.

Next you peel(if you want to peel them)and core them.

Since my ugly apples might have been riddled with bad spots, bruises, I chose to peel them first.
After about half I realized that my ugly babies did NOT have any bad spots. They were just "skin challenged" with ugly scarred peels. So I didn't peel the last part of the batch. It's better if you leave the skins on, as most of the vitamins and "stuff that is good for you" is just under the peel. Your applesauce will pack a bigger nutritional punch this way.
Then came the coring...

I LOVE my little apple corer. It cost me $1.00 at the discount outlet. It makes this job go so quickly too!
After coring/peeling, put your apple slices in a bowl in which you've put some water and lemon juice(you can used bottle juice, it doesn't have to be fresh squeezed). The lemon water helps them not to brown while waiting to go into the crockpot. Actually, since it really doesn't matter if the slices brown, you don't have to put lemon on them. It's just a force of habit for me to lemon the apples. lol

Spray your crockpot with a spray oil to make cleaning easier. This is optional however.
Then drain the lemon water off and put your apples in the crockpot, put on the lid and turn it on.
Don't add water!
That's it.....just walk away!

Now you can cook them down on LOW or HIGH. Low will take about 5 hours, while High will cook them into sauce in about 2-3 hours.
You'll know when they are done when the house smells heavenly and they look like this....

(The large pieces in the photo are peel, not apple.)
When your apples are finished cooking, turn off the crockpot, stir it up and taste for sweetness. If it's a bit tart for your taste, you can add some sugar or other sweetener at this point. Also add cinnamon now if you want some in your batch.
If you didn't peel your apples and don't want the peels in the finished product, just fish them out after your applesauce cools. Your applesauce at this point will be a bit chunky.
If you want it fine and smooth, get out a food mill.

Pour the sauce in and start milling into a bowl or pan. If you are going to mill, don't bother fishing out your peels beforehand. The mill will keep your peels from winding up in your finished product.
And speaking of finished product, here it is....

Ready for eating!
If you make a lot you can water bath can applesauce or put into freezer-safe containers and freeze any excess for later.
It will keep in the refrigerator for about a month.
My 17 medium-sized apples made a 6 Cup container(48 oz.)of applesauce.
If you wish to make Apple Butter at this point, just put your sauce back into the crockpot, add spices according to any good Apple Butter recipe you have/find and continue to cook it down until you have the consistency and the brown color of apple butter. You can also water bath can your Apple Butter to store it longer.
I'll get out both Crockpots & do another 2 batches tomorrow of Chunky Applesauce. That should keep us in applesauce for a couple of months.
The rest of the apples will be made into Apple Pie Filling later this week.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Harvesting Again and Weekly Meal Plan
Just a quick update on the garden.....
Hubs picked tomatoes again on Saturday.
That's another 11 lb. 7.8 oz. worth.
And I found these 2 peppers on Sunday.....
These babies are a combined weight of 4.4 oz.
Does any one have any good recipes for using Italian Roasting Peppers, beyond telling me to "roast" them?lol
This Harvest--
TOTAL....11lb. 12.2oz.
Garden Harvest Weight Total to date....53lb. 8.02 oz.
I can't believe we've harvested over 53 POUNDS of food so far from our tiny garden!
And from the sublime into the
Here is my Meal Plan for this week.
Sunday--Italian Sausage Sandwiches on Onion Rolls, Corn *Done
Monday--Meatloaf, Yukon Gold Mashed Potatoes, Baby Veggie Medley *Done
Tuesday--Chicken Broccoli Carrot Pot Pie
Wednesday--Baked Catfish w/Lemon Pepper, Rice & Pepper Saute, Collard Greens
Thursday--Spaghetti and Meatballs, Tossed Salad
Friday--Clam Chowder, Rolls
Saturday--Leftover Feast
The Mashed Potatoes, Pot Pie and Rolls w/the Chowder are to use some of those 24 Pillsbury/Betty Crocker items I got last week....of course! Next week we'll work on the Old El
I got a big pile of Ground Beef last weekend and made 3 batches of meatballs up for the freezer and the Meatloaf that was served on Monday. 1 of the batches of meatballs will be used on Thursday, leaving me 2 batches for later. The sausage, chicken, fish, clams, rice, corn, pasta sauce and pasta are all things in the freezer or stockpile. The peppers(for the saute)and the collards are from the garden. So the only items I need to buy this week is lettuce for the salad and broccoli for the pot pie. I will also pick up a couple of heads of cabbage this week as it's on sale and I'll incorporate it three times into next week's menu. I also need onions. These veggies should run me at the most $8.
I'll also be picking up more fruit(pears and peaches on sale), milk and some other deals(using coupons), plus be using the Shursave grocery's Cats before they expire this week. I stocked up at the bread store last week so we are set for bread products for the next 2 weeks or so.
My grocery spending for this month is at $203.44 now, so I have $46.56 left until the 1st of Oct.
Off to the store now and then to start the pot pie...
Hubs picked tomatoes again on Saturday.
That's another 11 lb. 7.8 oz. worth.
And I found these 2 peppers on Sunday.....
These babies are a combined weight of 4.4 oz.
Does any one have any good recipes for using Italian Roasting Peppers, beyond telling me to "roast" them?lol
This Harvest--
TOTAL....11lb. 12.2oz.
Garden Harvest Weight Total to date....53lb. 8.02 oz.
I can't believe we've harvested over 53 POUNDS of food so far from our tiny garden!
And from the sublime into the
Here is my Meal Plan for this week.
Sunday--Italian Sausage Sandwiches on Onion Rolls, Corn *Done
Monday--Meatloaf, Yukon Gold Mashed Potatoes, Baby Veggie Medley *Done
Tuesday--Chicken Broccoli Carrot Pot Pie
Wednesday--Baked Catfish w/Lemon Pepper, Rice & Pepper Saute, Collard Greens
Thursday--Spaghetti and Meatballs, Tossed Salad
Friday--Clam Chowder, Rolls
Saturday--Leftover Feast
The Mashed Potatoes, Pot Pie and Rolls w/the Chowder are to use some of those 24 Pillsbury/Betty Crocker items I got last week....of course! Next week we'll work on the Old El
I got a big pile of Ground Beef last weekend and made 3 batches of meatballs up for the freezer and the Meatloaf that was served on Monday. 1 of the batches of meatballs will be used on Thursday, leaving me 2 batches for later. The sausage, chicken, fish, clams, rice, corn, pasta sauce and pasta are all things in the freezer or stockpile. The peppers(for the saute)and the collards are from the garden. So the only items I need to buy this week is lettuce for the salad and broccoli for the pot pie. I will also pick up a couple of heads of cabbage this week as it's on sale and I'll incorporate it three times into next week's menu. I also need onions. These veggies should run me at the most $8.
I'll also be picking up more fruit(pears and peaches on sale), milk and some other deals(using coupons), plus be using the Shursave grocery's Cats before they expire this week. I stocked up at the bread store last week so we are set for bread products for the next 2 weeks or so.
My grocery spending for this month is at $203.44 now, so I have $46.56 left until the 1st of Oct.
Off to the store now and then to start the pot pie...
Monday, September 20, 2010
Calling all You NorthEast/Central PA Bloggers.....Yes, I Mean YOU!
I went on an online hunt last week.
A hunt to find other Blogs written by folks who live in my neck of the woods.
My neck if the woods meaning northeastern or central Pennsylvania.
But I guess I am not very good at being Troy Dunn......ok so that was a pretty obscure reference to the star of that WE TV show THE LOCATOR...but still....
My search came up empty except for a couple of political ranting blogs around here that aren't updated more than once or twice a year. I suppose I need to make more of an effort.
I just would like to link up with other bloggers of all kinds in this region. Maybe exchange links or put up a page to promote all our blogs out there in the WorldWideW. I'm not looking to become your BFF(but if that happens, whattheheck!) or to stalk you(Please!!... I have enough drama already in my life without that!). I just want to connect with fellow Pennsylvania bloggers in our region.
Heck, if there is interest enough we might even end up holding a conference or some other kind of gathering!
Not quite this over-the-top....
Not quite this bizarre and wrong on so many levels.......
Not quite this strange.....
Not quite this lame......
But more like this....
.....Without the hats and corset of course....unless you really want to wear one.
Anyway, if you have a blog and you would like to connect with other bloggers in the northeastern and central PA regions(meaning anywhere from State College east to Stroudsburg and from Allentown north to the PA/NY line or Susquehanna County to any place within this framework)please email me at the address on my contact page. Please include the URL or a link to your blog homepage too....if you are reading this I can assume you already know where my blog is located. ;-)
Let's hear from all you PA bloggers!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
$5 or Under CVS Scenario this Week...Starting with No Extra Care Bucks
IF I shopped at CVS....(which I don't at the moment)..... and I was starting with Zero ECBs, here is what I would buy in separate transactions and in what order.
2 x Edge Shave Gel-on sale for $2.79 and gives $1.80 ECBs(limit 1)=$5.58
$5.58-$2.79=$2.79 and received $1.80 in ECBs.
3 x Right Guard Deodorant on sale for $2.49 and gives $2.00 ECBs(limit 3)=$7.47
Use 1 Right Guard $3/2 IPQ(HERE) & 1 Right Guard $1.50/1 IPQ(HERE)
$7.47-$4.50=$ and use the $1.80ECB...$4.47-$1.80=$1.17 and received $6 in ECBs.
1 x Revlon Lipstick on sale for $6.99 and gives $5.00 ECBs(limit of 6)
1 x Revlon Nail Polish at regular price $5.49
Use 1 Revlon Buy Nail Polish/Get Lipstick FREE ManuQ(9/12SS)
$12.48-$6.99=$5.49, add a .51¢ filler and use the $6ECB(or have them adjust it down to $5.49)....$5.49 to $6.00-$6.00=$.00 and receive $5 in ECBs to roll next time.
Total Out of Pocket....$3.96 for 2 Shaving Gel, 3 Deodorants, 1 Nail Enamel and 1 Lipstick.
"Realized" OOP is Negative $1.04 after the $5 in ECBS is figured in.
If you have ECBs to start with, a second $X off Edge coupon &/or a second $X off Revlon coupon, you can do even better than this but it's still a good scenario for a first time rookie. ;-)
Ok....I am off now to do stuff in the garden, buy some canning lids, put away a ton of stockpile stuff, make a load of meatballs and process tomatoes.
2 x Edge Shave Gel-on sale for $2.79 and gives $1.80 ECBs(limit 1)=$5.58
$5.58-$2.79=$2.79 and received $1.80 in ECBs.
3 x Right Guard Deodorant on sale for $2.49 and gives $2.00 ECBs(limit 3)=$7.47
Use 1 Right Guard $3/2 IPQ(HERE) & 1 Right Guard $1.50/1 IPQ(HERE)
$7.47-$4.50=$ and use the $1.80ECB...$4.47-$1.80=$1.17 and received $6 in ECBs.
1 x Revlon Lipstick on sale for $6.99 and gives $5.00 ECBs(limit of 6)
1 x Revlon Nail Polish at regular price $5.49
Use 1 Revlon Buy Nail Polish/Get Lipstick FREE ManuQ(9/12SS)
$12.48-$6.99=$5.49, add a .51¢ filler and use the $6ECB(or have them adjust it down to $5.49)....$5.49 to $6.00-$6.00=$.00 and receive $5 in ECBs to roll next time.
Total Out of Pocket....$3.96 for 2 Shaving Gel, 3 Deodorants, 1 Nail Enamel and 1 Lipstick.
"Realized" OOP is Negative $1.04 after the $5 in ECBS is figured in.
If you have ECBs to start with, a second $X off Edge coupon &/or a second $X off Revlon coupon, you can do even better than this but it's still a good scenario for a first time rookie. ;-)
Ok....I am off now to do stuff in the garden, buy some canning lids, put away a ton of stockpile stuff, make a load of meatballs and process tomatoes.
Rite-Aid Addict.....I Can Stop Anytime....Yah, Right!
So before heading out to roll the Weis Cat Deal 2 more times on Saturday we stopped in at Rite-Aid so I could pull off one more heist, er.....I mean transaction.
This was a mini haul, using my $4 off $20 Purchase AdPerks/VV IPQ.....
3 x Trident Gum on sale $1=$3.00
2 x Maybelline Mascara on sale 40% off($3.11)=$6.22
1 x Maybelline LipSensation Gloss on sale 40% off=$3.71
1 x Crest 3-DWhite Toothpaste on sale=$2.99
1 x Playtex Tampons on sale=$4.00
SubTotal.....with the tax(tampons)it was $20.16
Coupons Used
1 x $4 off $20 AdPerks/VV IPQ=$4.00
1 x $1/2 Trident Gum IPQ=$1.00
1 x $.50/1 Trident Gum IPQ=$.50
2 x $1/1 Maybelline Mascara IPQ=$2.00
1 x $2/1 Maybelline LipSensation item IPQ=$2.00
1 x $1/$10 any Beauty/Cosmetic Purchase wellness Q=$1.00**
1 x $2/1 any Maybelline Item AdPerks/VV IPQ=$2.00
1 x $1/1 Crest 3-D item ManuQ=$1.00
1 x $2/1 Playtex tampons IPQ=$2.00
Coupon Total....$15.50
$19.92(after tax was taken off)-$15.50=$4.42
Value of Items bought.....$29.72
+Ups Used...$2, $2=$4.00
$4.42-$4.00=$.42 OOP put on free Rite-Aid gift card
I earned....$1(buying 3 Trident), 2x$1(Mascara), $3(Playtex)=$6.00+Ups
Started with $27 in +Ups and ended the day with $29 in +Ups.
**Though my Beauty/Cosmetic purchases totaled .07¢ less than $10, with the tax that was figured in on those items, the Cosmetics totaled over $10, so I could use that coupon. The tax was taken off of the transaction after all coupons were deducted.
Total Spent....$.42 (put on free Rite-Aid gift card)
Value of Items....$29.72
SCR qualified for...$2.00(Crest 3-D Paste)=$2.00
+Up Rewards earned...$6.00
MONTHLY TOTALS-September Rebate Period
Number of Transactions......8
Total Spent....$17.01 put on free Gift Cards/Certificates so ZERO OOP
Value of Items purchased....$299.54
SCR qualified for....$3 in cash and $10 in Gift Cards
Other Cash....$0
Additional Non-Cash Rewards....a Glam Bag
+Up Rewards spent....$58.50
+Up Rewards earned....$87.50
Total 'Spent'...$17.01 on gift cards
Total Cash I'm getting Back=$3
Total Gift Cards I'm getting=$10+Glam Bag
+Up Rewards left to spend=$29.00
This was a very good week for +Ups rolling multiple Rewards. Personally, I got 2 Axe, 8 Johnson & Johnson, 3 Listerine/Reach, 2 Maybelline Mascara, 2 Trident, 3 Oral-B/Crest, 2 Playtex and 1 each on the Edy's Ice Cream and Veet/Clearasil deals. The only item I bought that didn't get an +Up that generated one this week was the 2nd Reach Toothbrush, so the limit on the Reach/Listerine was obviously 3.
So don't always believe when the sales flyer says limit 1 because, for now, it isn't always correct. ;-)
This was a mini haul, using my $4 off $20 Purchase AdPerks/VV IPQ.....
3 x Trident Gum on sale $1=$3.00
2 x Maybelline Mascara on sale 40% off($3.11)=$6.22
1 x Maybelline LipSensation Gloss on sale 40% off=$3.71
1 x Crest 3-DWhite Toothpaste on sale=$2.99
1 x Playtex Tampons on sale=$4.00
SubTotal.....with the tax(tampons)it was $20.16
Coupons Used
1 x $4 off $20 AdPerks/VV IPQ=$4.00
1 x $1/2 Trident Gum IPQ=$1.00
1 x $.50/1 Trident Gum IPQ=$.50
2 x $1/1 Maybelline Mascara IPQ=$2.00
1 x $2/1 Maybelline LipSensation item IPQ=$2.00
1 x $1/$10 any Beauty/Cosmetic Purchase wellness Q=$1.00**
1 x $2/1 any Maybelline Item AdPerks/VV IPQ=$2.00
1 x $1/1 Crest 3-D item ManuQ=$1.00
1 x $2/1 Playtex tampons IPQ=$2.00
Coupon Total....$15.50
$19.92(after tax was taken off)-$15.50=$4.42
Value of Items bought.....$29.72
+Ups Used...$2, $2=$4.00
$4.42-$4.00=$.42 OOP put on free Rite-Aid gift card
I earned....$1(buying 3 Trident), 2x$1(Mascara), $3(Playtex)=$6.00+Ups
Started with $27 in +Ups and ended the day with $29 in +Ups.
**Though my Beauty/Cosmetic purchases totaled .07¢ less than $10, with the tax that was figured in on those items, the Cosmetics totaled over $10, so I could use that coupon. The tax was taken off of the transaction after all coupons were deducted.
Total Spent....$.42 (put on free Rite-Aid gift card)
Value of Items....$29.72
SCR qualified for...$2.00(Crest 3-D Paste)=$2.00
+Up Rewards earned...$6.00
MONTHLY TOTALS-September Rebate Period
Number of Transactions......8
Total Spent....$17.01 put on free Gift Cards/Certificates so ZERO OOP
Value of Items purchased....$299.54
SCR qualified for....$3 in cash and $10 in Gift Cards
Other Cash....$0
Additional Non-Cash Rewards....a Glam Bag
+Up Rewards spent....$58.50
+Up Rewards earned....$87.50
Total 'Spent'...$17.01 on gift cards
Total Cash I'm getting Back=$3
Total Gift Cards I'm getting=$10+Glam Bag
+Up Rewards left to spend=$29.00
This was a very good week for +Ups rolling multiple Rewards. Personally, I got 2 Axe, 8 Johnson & Johnson, 3 Listerine/Reach, 2 Maybelline Mascara, 2 Trident, 3 Oral-B/Crest, 2 Playtex and 1 each on the Edy's Ice Cream and Veet/Clearasil deals. The only item I bought that didn't get an +Up that generated one this week was the 2nd Reach Toothbrush, so the limit on the Reach/Listerine was obviously 3.
So don't always believe when the sales flyer says limit 1 because, for now, it isn't always correct. ;-)
Weis 9/12-9/18 GM/Purina Catalina Totals
I got a couple more trips in to Weis Markets on Saturday to finish taking advantage of the General Mills Catalina double dip Deal I talked about HERE. I also threw in a 'roll of the Cats' on the Purina Pet Food Cat Deal as well.
I don't have the time/energy to gather it all together at this point and take a pic, so just use my 1st trip picture as a representative and multiple it x 4 AND add in 3 x 22lb. bags of Dog Chow....
Here are my totals for the Deals....
My Initial Out of Pocket is...$64.48(including the dog food and the tax)
Catalinas I have left....$13 in regular OYNO Cats & $24 in Meat OYNO Cats
Items I bought.....24 "Helpers"(beef and chicken), 24 Pillsbury bread products, 24 Old El Paso products=72 items and 66lbs. of dog food(kibble).
"Realized" Out of Pocket(after Catalinas)is....$27.48 for all, or $18.80 Out of Pocket for human food items and $8.68 for 66lbs. of pet food.
That breaks down to.....26¢ per item for people food & .13¢ per lb. for the pet food
Now this Deal was great for me whereas it might not have been as great for some one else. Getting lots of products for cheap is wonderful only if you are going to use it all before it expires AND you have room to store it.
*We do alot of Tex-Mex cooking here and I was almost out of beans and shells from my last stock-up in February(another GM/OEP double dipping Cat Deal at Weis). Stocking up on those products made sense for me.
*Between Marching Band fundraisers(where I am required to bake) and the Holidays ahead, all that Pillsbury stuff will save me time in the kitchen. Plus having already made cookie dough is great for the teens to make up their own cookies(seeing as they won't make the dough from scratch and would nag me to make it). And at .26¢ per roll of cookie dough, that's some pretty inexpensive cookies!
*All that Hamburger/Chicken Helper.....what can I say? Not the healthiest of choices but pair it with lean meat and fresh veggies and it's ok. In my defense, at least I don't have a boxed Kraft Mac & Cheese
I'll probably give a portion of these to relatives who have limited cooking skills or food bank them...yes, I just used 'food bank' as a verb. The rest I like to have on hand for those rare occasions when Hubs is pressed into cooking duties since it's something he can comfortably make successfully.....and that's all I'm going to say about that. ;-)
*66 lbs. of dog kibble was needed as we are down to our last large bag. Now that we are down to 2 dogs, these 3 bags should last us through the end of the year, if not a touch longer.
For our area, this Catalina Deal was a really good one.
I'm glad I had money in the food budget to take advantage of it.
Here's hoping a good Cat Deal comes your way very soon as well! 8-)
I don't have the time/energy to gather it all together at this point and take a pic, so just use my 1st trip picture as a representative and multiple it x 4 AND add in 3 x 22lb. bags of Dog Chow....
Here are my totals for the Deals....
My Initial Out of Pocket is...$64.48(including the dog food and the tax)
Catalinas I have left....$13 in regular OYNO Cats & $24 in Meat OYNO Cats
Items I bought.....24 "Helpers"(beef and chicken), 24 Pillsbury bread products, 24 Old El Paso products=72 items and 66lbs. of dog food(kibble).
"Realized" Out of Pocket(after Catalinas)is....$27.48 for all, or $18.80 Out of Pocket for human food items and $8.68 for 66lbs. of pet food.
That breaks down to.....26¢ per item for people food & .13¢ per lb. for the pet food
Now this Deal was great for me whereas it might not have been as great for some one else. Getting lots of products for cheap is wonderful only if you are going to use it all before it expires AND you have room to store it.
*We do alot of Tex-Mex cooking here and I was almost out of beans and shells from my last stock-up in February(another GM/OEP double dipping Cat Deal at Weis). Stocking up on those products made sense for me.
*Between Marching Band fundraisers(where I am required to bake) and the Holidays ahead, all that Pillsbury stuff will save me time in the kitchen. Plus having already made cookie dough is great for the teens to make up their own cookies(seeing as they won't make the dough from scratch and would nag me to make it). And at .26¢ per roll of cookie dough, that's some pretty inexpensive cookies!
*All that Hamburger/Chicken Helper.....what can I say? Not the healthiest of choices but pair it with lean meat and fresh veggies and it's ok. In my defense, at least I don't have a boxed Kraft Mac & Cheese
I'll probably give a portion of these to relatives who have limited cooking skills or food bank them...yes, I just used 'food bank' as a verb. The rest I like to have on hand for those rare occasions when Hubs is pressed into cooking duties since it's something he can comfortably make successfully.....and that's all I'm going to say about that. ;-)
*66 lbs. of dog kibble was needed as we are down to our last large bag. Now that we are down to 2 dogs, these 3 bags should last us through the end of the year, if not a touch longer.
For our area, this Catalina Deal was a really good one.
I'm glad I had money in the food budget to take advantage of it.
Here's hoping a good Cat Deal comes your way very soon as well! 8-)
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Partying at Rite-Aid on Friday
So I did 3 transactions at Rite-Aid on Friday....2 different stores.
At the end of each one I had a bit more +Ups in my pocket than when I started=I got paid to buy this stuff!
How could I say no?lol
I began with $26 in +Ups.
2 x Veet on sale BOGO50%=$9.73
2 x Clearasil on sale BOGO50%=$8.23
1 x Playtex tampons on sale=$4.00
1 x Crest Toothpaste on sale=$2.49
1 x qt. milk=$1.99
Coupons Used
1 x $5 off $25 AdPerk/VV IPQ=$5.00
2 x $3/1 Veet IPQ=$6.00
2 x $2/1 Clearasil IPQ=$4.00
1 x $2/1 Playtex IPQ=$2.00
1 x $1/1 Crest Toothpaste ManQ=$1.00
Coupon Total....$18.00
Value of Items bought.....$35.03
+Ups used....4x$2(J&J)=$8.00
$8.44-$8.00=$.44 OOP put on free Rite-Aid gift card
I qualified for SCR #55=$1.00, SCR #564=a Glam Bag, the toothpaste put me over $25 for the SCR #556=$10 Rite-Aid Gift Card.
I earned....$1.50(Crest), $3(Playtex), $5($15 in Veet/Clearasil)=$9.50+Ups
6 x Axe Body Wash on sale $4.33=$25.98
Coupons Used
1 x $5 off $25 Pdf file from newsletter I signed up for in Jan. IPQ=$5.00
3 x BOGO Axe ManQ=$12.99
Coupon Total....$17.99
Value of Items bought....$34.14
+Ups used....3x$2(Listerine/Reach), $1.50(Crest)=$7.50
$7.99-$7.50=$.49 OOP put on free Rite-Aid gift card
I earned....2x$3(for buying 3 Axe in one transaction)=$6+Ups
1 x Johnson's on sale but 20% wellness discount was $3.83=$3.83
2 x Johnson's on sale $3.99=$7.98
2 x Oral-B Toothbrush on sale $2.49=$4.98
3 x Trident Gum on sale $1.00=$3.00
2 x Edy's Ice Cream on sale $3.50=$7.00
Coupons Used
1 x $5 off $25 AdPerk/VV IPQ=$5.00
1 x $1/1 Johnson's PeelieQ=$1.00
1 x $2/2 Johnson's IPQ=$2.00
1 x $1/$10 any skin care Wellness IPQ=$1.00
1 x BOGO Oral-B Toothbrush ManuQ=$2.49
1 x $1/1 Oral-B Toothbrush ManuQ=$1.00
1 x $1/1 any Oral-B Toothbrush RA booklet Q=$1.00
1 x $1/2 Trident Gum IPQ=$1.00
1 x $.50/1 Trident Gum IPQ=$.50
Coupon Total....$14.99
Value of Items bought....$41.20
+Ups used....$10(Buy $30J&J)=$10.00
$11.80-$10.00=$1.80 OOP put on free Rite-Aid gift card
I earned....3x$2(Johnson's), 2x$1.50(Oral-B), $1(buying 3 Trident), $1(buying 2 Edy's)=$11.00+Ups
Started with $26 in +Ups and ended the day with $27 in +Ups.
Total Spent....$2.73 (put on free Rite-Aid gift card)
Value of Items....$110.37
SCR qualified for...$1.00, $10 Gift Card & Glam Bag
+Up Rewards earned...$26.50
MONTHLY TOTALS-September Rebate Period
Number of Transactions......7
Total Spent....$16.59 put on free Gift Cards/Certificates so ZERO OOP
Value of Items purchased....$269.82
SCR qualified for....$1 in cash and $10 in Gift Cards
Other Cash....$0
Additional Non-Cash Rewards....a Glam Bag
+Up Rewards spent....$54.50
+Up Rewards earned....$81.50
Total 'Spent'...$16.59 on gift cards
Total Cash I'm getting Back=$1
Total Gift Cards I'm getting=$10
+Up Rewards left to spend=$27.00
At the end of each one I had a bit more +Ups in my pocket than when I started=I got paid to buy this stuff!
How could I say no?lol
I began with $26 in +Ups.
2 x Veet on sale BOGO50%=$9.73
2 x Clearasil on sale BOGO50%=$8.23
1 x Playtex tampons on sale=$4.00
1 x Crest Toothpaste on sale=$2.49
1 x qt. milk=$1.99
Coupons Used
1 x $5 off $25 AdPerk/VV IPQ=$5.00
2 x $3/1 Veet IPQ=$6.00
2 x $2/1 Clearasil IPQ=$4.00
1 x $2/1 Playtex IPQ=$2.00
1 x $1/1 Crest Toothpaste ManQ=$1.00
Coupon Total....$18.00
Value of Items bought.....$35.03
+Ups used....4x$2(J&J)=$8.00
$8.44-$8.00=$.44 OOP put on free Rite-Aid gift card
I qualified for SCR #55=$1.00, SCR #564=a Glam Bag, the toothpaste put me over $25 for the SCR #556=$10 Rite-Aid Gift Card.
I earned....$1.50(Crest), $3(Playtex), $5($15 in Veet/Clearasil)=$9.50+Ups
6 x Axe Body Wash on sale $4.33=$25.98
Coupons Used
1 x $5 off $25 Pdf file from newsletter I signed up for in Jan. IPQ=$5.00
3 x BOGO Axe ManQ=$12.99
Coupon Total....$17.99
Value of Items bought....$34.14
+Ups used....3x$2(Listerine/Reach), $1.50(Crest)=$7.50
$7.99-$7.50=$.49 OOP put on free Rite-Aid gift card
I earned....2x$3(for buying 3 Axe in one transaction)=$6+Ups
1 x Johnson's on sale but 20% wellness discount was $3.83=$3.83
2 x Johnson's on sale $3.99=$7.98
2 x Oral-B Toothbrush on sale $2.49=$4.98
3 x Trident Gum on sale $1.00=$3.00
2 x Edy's Ice Cream on sale $3.50=$7.00
Coupons Used
1 x $5 off $25 AdPerk/VV IPQ=$5.00
1 x $1/1 Johnson's PeelieQ=$1.00
1 x $2/2 Johnson's IPQ=$2.00
1 x $1/$10 any skin care Wellness IPQ=$1.00
1 x BOGO Oral-B Toothbrush ManuQ=$2.49
1 x $1/1 Oral-B Toothbrush ManuQ=$1.00
1 x $1/1 any Oral-B Toothbrush RA booklet Q=$1.00
1 x $1/2 Trident Gum IPQ=$1.00
1 x $.50/1 Trident Gum IPQ=$.50
Coupon Total....$14.99
Value of Items bought....$41.20
+Ups used....$10(Buy $30J&J)=$10.00
$11.80-$10.00=$1.80 OOP put on free Rite-Aid gift card
I earned....3x$2(Johnson's), 2x$1.50(Oral-B), $1(buying 3 Trident), $1(buying 2 Edy's)=$11.00+Ups
Started with $26 in +Ups and ended the day with $27 in +Ups.
Total Spent....$2.73 (put on free Rite-Aid gift card)
Value of Items....$110.37
SCR qualified for...$1.00, $10 Gift Card & Glam Bag
+Up Rewards earned...$26.50
MONTHLY TOTALS-September Rebate Period
Number of Transactions......7
Total Spent....$16.59 put on free Gift Cards/Certificates so ZERO OOP
Value of Items purchased....$269.82
SCR qualified for....$1 in cash and $10 in Gift Cards
Other Cash....$0
Additional Non-Cash Rewards....a Glam Bag
+Up Rewards spent....$54.50
+Up Rewards earned....$81.50
Total 'Spent'...$16.59 on gift cards
Total Cash I'm getting Back=$1
Total Gift Cards I'm getting=$10
+Up Rewards left to spend=$27.00
Friday, September 17, 2010
Double Dip Time at Weis....but Hurry!
I am late to the party as usual, but I wanted to let all the other procrastinators out there know about the GM Double Dip that's going on this week at Weis Markets.
There is a Buy $25/Get $5 or Buy $35/Get $10 Catalina Deal this week on assorted GM products(and brands owned by GM).
Within this Cat Deal are 4 other nationwide Catalina Deals running now, so if you buy the items that qualify for both Cat Deals, you get both Deals!
The 4 other Deals are when you buy qualifying Green Giant veggies, Old El Paso items, Hamburger Helper items &/or Pillsbury refrigerated items(not the frozen ones).
Here is what I just hauled home from Weis....
6 x Hamburger Helper reg. price $1.99/sale $1.00=$11.94/$6.00
3 x OEP Beans reg. price $1.45/sale $1.25=$4.35/$3.75
1 x OEP Shells reg. price $1.79/sale $1.25=$1.79/$1.25
2 x OEP Seasoning Packets reg. price $.89/sale $.67=$1.78/$1.34
2 x Pillsbury Simply Cookie Dough reg. price $3.19/sale $2.50=$6.38/$5.00
2 x Pillsbury rolled Cookie Dough reg. $2.99/sale $2.50=$5.98/$5.00
2 x Pillsbury Crescent Rolls reg. $2.29/sale $1.67=$4.58/$3.34
SubTotal reg price $36.80/sale price $25.68
Coupons Used--remember I can only use ManQ at this Weis store
2 x $1/3 Hamburger Helper=$2.00
2 x $1/2 Cookie Doughs=$2.00
1 x $1/2 Crescent Rolls=$1.00
Coupon Total....$5.00
$25.68-$5.00=$20.68 OOP
Buying $35 in reg. priced GM items triggered a $10 OYNO Cat
Buying 6 Hamburger Helpers triggered a $3 off Hamburger/Tuna/Chicken OYNO Cat
Buying 6 Old El Paso items triggered a $3 off Meat/Chicken OYNO Cat
Buying 6 Pillsbury items triggered a $3 OYNO Cat
That's $19 in Cats for spending $20.68!
I plan on hitting up a different Weis that takes Internet Qs and rolling the $10 & $3 Cats a few times on this deal before the sale ends on Saturday evening. With the Pillsbury items I'll be able to get other products since I won't be limited to ManQs only. My after Q total will be around the same($20-$22) but by using the $13 in Cats I'll pay $7-$9 for each order of 18 items and still receive $19 in Cats.
If I roll this deal 3 times, I'll end up with 72 items, under $50 OOP and $13 in OYNO Cats as well as $24 in Meat Cats.
Weis has ground beef for $1.99lb in-store special here so I'll probably turn around and use that $24 in Meat Cats to buy 12 lbs. in ground beef and make a very large batch of meatballs and meatloaves on Sunday.
So get on down to Weis before this ends Saturday evening!
There is a Buy $25/Get $5 or Buy $35/Get $10 Catalina Deal this week on assorted GM products(and brands owned by GM).
Within this Cat Deal are 4 other nationwide Catalina Deals running now, so if you buy the items that qualify for both Cat Deals, you get both Deals!
The 4 other Deals are when you buy qualifying Green Giant veggies, Old El Paso items, Hamburger Helper items &/or Pillsbury refrigerated items(not the frozen ones).
Here is what I just hauled home from Weis....
6 x Hamburger Helper reg. price $1.99/sale $1.00=$11.94/$6.00
3 x OEP Beans reg. price $1.45/sale $1.25=$4.35/$3.75
1 x OEP Shells reg. price $1.79/sale $1.25=$1.79/$1.25
2 x OEP Seasoning Packets reg. price $.89/sale $.67=$1.78/$1.34
2 x Pillsbury Simply Cookie Dough reg. price $3.19/sale $2.50=$6.38/$5.00
2 x Pillsbury rolled Cookie Dough reg. $2.99/sale $2.50=$5.98/$5.00
2 x Pillsbury Crescent Rolls reg. $2.29/sale $1.67=$4.58/$3.34
SubTotal reg price $36.80/sale price $25.68
Coupons Used--remember I can only use ManQ at this Weis store
2 x $1/3 Hamburger Helper=$2.00
2 x $1/2 Cookie Doughs=$2.00
1 x $1/2 Crescent Rolls=$1.00
Coupon Total....$5.00
$25.68-$5.00=$20.68 OOP
Buying $35 in reg. priced GM items triggered a $10 OYNO Cat
Buying 6 Hamburger Helpers triggered a $3 off Hamburger/Tuna/Chicken OYNO Cat
Buying 6 Old El Paso items triggered a $3 off Meat/Chicken OYNO Cat
Buying 6 Pillsbury items triggered a $3 OYNO Cat
That's $19 in Cats for spending $20.68!
I plan on hitting up a different Weis that takes Internet Qs and rolling the $10 & $3 Cats a few times on this deal before the sale ends on Saturday evening. With the Pillsbury items I'll be able to get other products since I won't be limited to ManQs only. My after Q total will be around the same($20-$22) but by using the $13 in Cats I'll pay $7-$9 for each order of 18 items and still receive $19 in Cats.
If I roll this deal 3 times, I'll end up with 72 items, under $50 OOP and $13 in OYNO Cats as well as $24 in Meat Cats.
Weis has ground beef for $1.99lb in-store special here so I'll probably turn around and use that $24 in Meat Cats to buy 12 lbs. in ground beef and make a very large batch of meatballs and meatloaves on Sunday.
So get on down to Weis before this ends Saturday evening!
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