Friday, May 31, 2024

Frugal Friday....the May 31st Edition

There are a few Frugal wins over the past week.

*  Had two PT sessions this week.  Again, no co-pays.  Man, this gal works me hard too but I think I am getting stronger in my shoulders. 8-)  I've got 2 more sessions with her next week and then I continue doing these at home by myself(well the ones that don't require a big machine!). I start another round of PT for a muscle in my back the following week.  If it ain't one thing it's another, right?  The therapist and I had a talk about what the Pain Management folks wanted her to try but A-it's sort of dangerous to do this as the muscle is over my kidney and B-Medicare no longer reimburses them for this procedure/therapy so I'd be paying out of pocket.  We'll be trying deep tissue massage and exercises instead which Medicare does pay for and then will see how that works out. ;-)

*  Hit up Walmart on two days........

2  cans of Culture Pop soda, one had a BOGO free rebate from the manufacturer and I got $1 Ibotta rebate so both cost me .88¢  Has anyone tried this product yet?
The Curad wrap was $1.97 and I received 560 Shop Kicks back for buying it($2.40)so a moneymaker.
The bottle of Zero sugar Pure Tea was $1.98 and I got a $1 Ibotta rebate on that.
The All detergent was .97¢  after Shop Kicks and Ibotta rebate.
The small Max Fresh Colgate toothpaste was a $1.03 moneymaker after Ibotta.
Same for the Colgate small size toothpaste, a $1.03 moneymaker.
The Cover Girl face make-up was $1 OOP after a $3 Shopmium.
The 2 bottle of Olay body wash was $1.83 each after Ibotta rebates and Shop Kicks.  (I generally don't spend that much but this Olay is good stuff.)
The Tazo tea was on clearance and after the Ibotta rebate was $2.25.
The Small Spaces was .94¢ OOP.
The Old Spice trial size body wash was .97¢ after Ibotta rebate.
(The detergent, both toothpastes, face make-up, Old Spice and maybe the sodas will be going to the food bank.)
So either $5.52 or $4.64 OOP for what I am keeping(depending if I keep the Culture Pop).

Then I picked up this at a different Walmart.........
The crackers were a $1.52 moneymaker after Ibotta rebate.
The toothpaste was  a .03¢ moneymaker as well.
The 3 hand soaps were $1.89 total after Shop Kicks or .63¢ each.
Toothpaste and the hand soaps will be going to the food bank as well.
So a $1.52 moneymaker OOP for what I am keeping.
A $4.00 OOP for both trips is I keep that Culture Pop and a $3.12 OOP if I don't.
At any rate the Food Bank wins.  The lady last week when we dropped off our offerings requested toothpaste specifically and more toiletry type items so I am on a mission(even without a Rite-Aid).  ;-)

*  We hit Kroger near PT too yesterday and I scored a few deals......

I got 3 packages of breakfast sausages marked down to $4.40, so $1.47 each.  The Kraft mozzarella shreds were $1.99 per bag(If they had been marked down before Tuesday and part of the "Buy 5, Get $1 off each item" then they would have been .99¢ per bag.  Oh well....still a good price.
I also found a 3 lb. package of 80/20 Ground Beef*not pictured*marked down to $8.66 which makes that $2.89 per lb.

But the best deal was the 16 lb. bag of Kingsford Charcoal briquets.  On sale for $10.99 and I had a $5 off digital coupon so paid $5.49 OOP.  Then I submitted my receipt to Ibotta and got $4 back, making this big boy only $1.49. 8-)))

*  As for Kroger and my KCB account...go read last week's Frugal Friday rant on this....still no resolution and the Technical Team has still not contacted me or anyone else from Kroger.  I have been a bit busy this week with other stuff so I didn't have an extended period of time to call them and find out where we are with this.  They still "owe" my KCB account that missing $1 when they "gave" me a store credit plus  I am missing $21.55 for 8 items I purchased on 5/17 and 5/19 so the saga continues.
Once I get all this straightened out(IF it gets straightened out)I will think twice before I do any deal involving KCB.  IMHO, They feel it's not worth the time or energy to fix that system and just throw store credit at anyone who complains.

*  I got a check from the cruise line this week.......

It's an odd amount and neither Hubs or I can figure out what this refund is for and the stub only says "net refund".  I even called my "guy" at NCL and he could see it was issued to me but he has no idea what it's for either.  It's not like it lines up with any shore excursion we paid for or anything else!  Those cheap bastards only gave us a 10% off a future cruise for stealing an entire day of our trip where we got to ride a bus hours to the Gibraltar border, got turned away from entry and then rode said bus back to the port all because the Cruise Line did NOT do the paperwork/passport stuff they needed to do.  You would think this was the first time NCL had an excursion from Spain to Gibraltar. This piddily little check is not enough to compensate for that! I'm cashing it anyway. 8-(

*  After PT Tuesday we were near BK and they had a National Hamburger Day Deal--get a free hamburger when you spent .70¢ on any item.  Of course they have NO items on their menu priced that low. lol  I bought the smallest bag of Onion Rings they sell which was more palatable than ordering the equivalent sized French Fries so I spent $2.09+ tax OOP.

*  We have been using food here and eating all the leftovers(except the small burger and rings on Tuesday).  No "real" eating out so far this week.

*  I got good news on the Essential Tremor front.  Scheduled to see a doctor in VA and will be staying with my brother and his wife while there.  These medical people seem more on the ball and I could have the procedure before Summer is out(if I qualify).  Medicare and Supplement pay for this.  I will had to drive to VA and back(the gas won't be frugal)but I won't have to make multiple trips like to the place in Dallas and I have a free place to stay while in VA. 8-)  And if it works, I won't be on these seizure meds for the rest of my life just so I can perform normal  ADL(activities of daily living).  More on that saga later....

*  I found money!

I went up to Walmart to pick up some Rxs on Sunday and found this penny.
That was my only find for the week even though I seemed to be going out most days of last week.  Pennies are thin on the ground here right now.....

Total Found last week.... .01¢ 

Grand Total Found this Year.......$4.55 & 5.30 Euros

That's all I got.  

Any frugal wins in your neck of the woods?  Let's hear all about them!



Monday, May 27, 2024

What's On The Dining Table....May 27th

The "Baby Bird is Ready to Fly the Nest" Edition.....

Five days ago I caught a glimpse of the mother bird in the nest.

Two days later I got a shot of the baby bird's head.  I know this photo is all blurry but it has the baby bird down on it's head if you can't make that out.

Here's the shot I got Sunday before I got in my car.  The baby bird(still has two spikes of down on it's head)is now standing on the edge of the nest, considering taking flight.  It never did attempt flight while I was looking.

Onward to the meal planning!
This is what was planned for last week...........
1. Sunday--Kielbasi on Rolls, leftover Cole Slaw
2. Monday--Meatballs, Sauce, Spaghetti, Caesar Salad
3. Tuesday--Salmon, Sauté Yellow Squash
4. Wednesday--Leftovers
5. Thursday--Leftovers
6. Friday--Catfish, Green Beans
7. Saturday--One Never Knows, Do I?

And here's what actually happened....
1. Sunday--Kielbasi on Rolls, leftover Cole Slaw
2. Monday--Meatballs, Sauce, Spaghetti, Caesar Salad
3. Tuesday--Portobello Mushroom Parmesan, Teriyaki Green Beans
4. Wednesday--Leftovers(I had a Whopper)
5. Thursday--Take n' Bake Pizza, Leftover Roasted Broccoli
6. Friday--Leftover Rib, Mac & Cheese, Caesar Salad
7. Saturday--Leftover Lemon Pepper Chicken, Zuke, Rice

I found Portobello Mushrooms and a Take n' 
Bake Pizza both on clearance at Kroger so the Salmon had to wait and we had leftovers to use up on Thursday.

What got taken out of the freezer last week....
*  Kielbasi
*  Meatballs

What got put into the freezer last week....
*  Catfish
*  Liver(sorry Anne!)
*  1 lb. of Bacon
*  Cheddar/Jalapeno Sausages
*  1 Hunk of Salmon
*  a Pork Tenderloin

Last week we spent $207.56 on grocery shopping for May.  Big week for grocery shopping but lots of little stops and they added up.

Total shopping comes to $516.44 for May.   There are 4 shopping days left in May but I am basically done for the month procuring food.

Rebate monies earned this month so far.....
I've earned $217.44 on Ibotta in May.
I've earned $27.50 on Shopmium in May.
I've earned $15.50 on Alexa app in May.
I've earned $21.55 on Kroger Cash Back in May.
I've earned $10.70 on TaDa in May.
I've earned $2.31 on Checkout51 in May.
I've earned $26.47 on Aisle, etc. in May.
I've earned 3,844 points on Fetch from food shopping in May.
I've earned 2,635 points from food shopping on Shop Kick in May.($)
I've earned 0 Points on My Points in May.($)
I've earned 0 SB from food shopping on Swag Bucks in May.

That is $273.72 in rebates(not counting Shop Kick/Fetch/TaDa/MyPoints/KCB/Alexa)on $516.44 of grocery spending so in reality it's $242.72 in food spending after the rebate apps I count. I now separate out the Food Bank donations and don't count those in the grocery spending.

My savings percentage for the last week was 51.25% and the monthly savings total for May comes in at 60.33% spent.

Leftovers going into this week...Green Beans, a little Rice, Mac & Cheese, plus some leftover cheese sauce from making Mac & Cheese.

Here is this week's "food plan".....
1. Sunday--Steak, Leftover Green Beans
2. Monday--Hamburgers on Buns, Corn on cob, Pasta Salad
3. Tuesday--General Tso Chicken, Green Beans, Leftover Rice
4. Wednesday-Salmon, Sauté Yellow Squash
5. Thursday--Pork Tenderloin Sandwich, Broccoli, Red Cabbage(Hubs)
6. Friday--Catfish dinner, Cole Slaw, other Leftover Veggies
7. Saturday--Chicken, Broccoli and Cheese Casserole

Not much in the leftover department this week so I'll be cooking(on boy!).  Hubs is making the pork tenderloin pieces.  Might get take-out Catfish at the local joint we like on Friday.

What is getting fixed and served at your house this week?

Was last week's plan successful, did you go off plan or did you not even plan what was going to be eaten last week?

Any deals on food at your stores this week?  


Sunday, May 26, 2024

Kim & Sissie Update...Sort Of


Since Kim is still MIA on her blog I will provide an update of sorts.

She made it to the DC area where Sissie commenced to torture her by making her scrub bathrooms. lol  No laying in bed until the crack of 9am at Sissie's house!

Next update I got was almost a week later when they were on the road.  It had been an adventure thus far with Sissie's two cats, Lucy and "my" Bud.  I'll let them tell the hilarity that ensued in that realm.  

They were a day away from Kim's house, with one more night to spend in a hotel with the kitties at that point.

I got a text response on May 21st from Kim that she was not going to Alaska with us in the Fall.  Not a word since then and I've texted both and called(gotten voice mails and no replies).  I am assuming the truck has been unloaded and the new home search is tentatively underway.

As for Sissie's home in MD, she kept worrying about the possibility that it wouldn't sell fast and they'd have to delay their house search out in Idaho.  I kept telling her I KNEW it would get snatched up lickety split but did she believe me?  Noooo.
Well before the house even when properly on the market(it was still in the "coming soon" phase on the website)someone made an over asking offer!  See?  I am a soothsayer. lolz

So hopefully that sale goes through quickly and with cash in hand Sissie can find a great home for her and her Hubs and the kitties. 8-)

I am sure when she's not dealing with the home sale and new home search, Sissie is bossing Kim around and straightening her out. lol
But it would be nice if Kim would POP UP AND WRITE SOMETHING(and call me)SINCE WE ARE ALL WORRYING ABOUT THEM!!!


Saturday, May 25, 2024

I Loves Me Some Kroger Clearance

One thing I enjoy(well "enjoy" may be an overstatement lol)doing is digging through the clearance bins at Kroger.  Now and again the various Walmart stores here will set up a clearance shelf/shelves but they are likely to remove then or worse luck, move them to where I can't find them.  I am not up for a game of hide and seek trying to find where the clearance has moved to.  Plus clearance at Walmart at my stores is rather pricey as they hardly mark things down much so the prices are "meh".  

But Kroger, that is a whole other animal when it comes to clearance.
If the items are refrigerated, I know just where they dump the stuff they want gone in both of the stores I frequent.  Meat type foods just get a clearance price slapped on the label so you have to look for it in the normal places where the meat/chicken/pork/seafood is kept.  And if it's not perishable, they have designated areas where it is put and I can dig to my hearts desire.

The one store's clearance area is a hot mess but the other store's area is tidy so that one is a bit easier to wade through.  That store is where I found these items yesterday.........

I am not particular or brand loyal to any allergy product and I find I can use most any allergy spray with good results.
I found a Flonase, an Astepro and a Nasacort product in the clearance.
Here are the clearance prices....

The Flonase was marked at $5.60, the Astepro was $6.30 and the Nasacort was $7.00.
I had a $4 digital coupon that came off for the Flonase making it $1.60, another $4 digital coupon for the Astepro AND it was part of the "Buy 5, Get a $1 off" Mega Sale and I got another $1 off, so that one cost me $1.30 and while there was no digital coupon available for the Nasacort, there was an in date $3 off Peelie coupon on the box so that one cost me a whole $4.00(extravagant I tell ya, extravagant! lol).  '-)
And none of these were expired(or anywhere near their use by dates).  It would have been even better if there were Ibotta rebates on the items but alas, not this time. 8-(

Plus there is some stuff in their normal aisle that is clearly tagged on the shelf as clearance.  The best is when a "Buy 5, Get $1 Off Each Item" Sale is going on and the clearance tagged item is part of that Sale, making it an even better deal.  Those are sweet deals. 8-)

I also picked up a Take and Bake Pizza(shout out to SAM who is always writing about picking up Take and Bakes!)that regularly sells for $7.99 at Kroger for just $3.37 on Thursday.  We stopped in as this store as we needed something there and it was right near my PT facility.  The pizza had a use by date of that day and it was just the right size for Hubs and I to share for dinner that evening(along with some leftover Roasted Broccoli).  Of course that meant adjusting my meal plan for the week but that wasn't a problem as I am not a strict "must follow the meal plan or else" type. ;-)

OTC Allergy meds are pricey things(not as bad as rx ones unless you have small co-pays for those)so getting stuff like this at a rock bottom price is great.
This is just one of the ways I keep our grocery/toiletries/paper goods/etc. budget under control.  Stuff sure adds up.....

Do you like shopping clearance deals at your stores?


Friday, May 24, 2024

Frugal Friday.....the May 24th Edition

There are a few Frugal wins over the past week.

*  Had two PT sessions this week.  Again, no co-pays.  Man, this gal works me hard too.

*  I hit up Walmart for this on Monday after my Bone Density Scan.....

The Hair Color was $1 on clearance and a $6 moneymaker from Ibotta.  The Raid spray was double attaching on Ibotta each one cost a whole .97¢.  The Carefree pads were a moneymaker of $2.52 after Ibotta and Shopmium.  The Ajax dish soap was .20¢ after Ibotta and Shop Kick.  The Gooey hazelnut spread(think Nutella)was free with a manufacturer's full refund.  The Beneful dog food was on rollback with a .50¢ Ibotta rebate on each so .56¢ for each container.
The hair Color, pads and dish soap are all food bank bound....
A side note-this Walmart has had a complete remodel and revamp, it's also the one where I had an issue using peelie coupons on the produces I was purchasing before we went on the cruise, which turned into a big old ordeal.
When I tried to purchase those clearance hair color items at a self-checkout, the employee manning this area came over and said she couldn't override the reg. price they rang up of $10.96 and I'd have to go to a checkout with a person.  So I did and when I finally got up to be waited on, she couldn't override the full price to ring them up! WTF???  So she had to call whomever was the floor manager at that time and she gave me lip about overriding the price(practically accusing me of putting that clearance sticker on the items!)so I gave it right back at her that if whomever is marking clearance items improperly they need to find that person and TRAIN them on how to properly do that job.  Incredible....  So then that manager had to call for someone else higher on the food change to put the correct price into the register.  Now WHY did that first person tell me to go to a manned register if that person couldn't do the job, and WHY did this floor manager give me attitude and not be helpful.  Hell, those hair colors had been in that store for awhile(boxes were shelf worn)and had gone through various markdowns(multiple clearance stickers under the top one).  I need to avoid this store because whomever is ultimately in charge there is a PITA Prick or worse! *End of rant*

*  As for Kroger and my KCB account...after my call with Rachelle on the 16th, who said she was escalating this issue, I then got an email from "Adam"(I am thoroughly convinced this was an AI "person")on the 18th, asking me again to explain the issue.  I did and I just wanted them to "fix" the KCB thing.  I don't want them to keep offering me store credit, I just want KCB to work and not have to spend time contacting Kroger about the KCB I am owed and don't get.  I am a good squeaky wheel when I want to be. 8-)
I then noticed that 3 of my KCB offers magically appeared in my account, raising my total there to $9.  Great!  They fixed it.....oh no, they didn't.
Then I got an email for "Future" on May 21st.  expressing their concern.  "Future" went on to say  ......"I would be more than happy to assist, however, upon reviewing your case, I was able to confirm that you issue has already been escalated to our technical team. Once resolved, someone should be reaching out to you via email with an update. In the meantime, to make this right, what I have done is applied a $20.00 store credit to your shopper's card which can be used toward future purchases. "
So I went into my KCB account and now it said I had $28 in there......I HAD $9 so if they added $20, it should be $29!  Aaargh!!!
Today I am suppose to get another $3.30 in KCB($2.55 for 3 bags of Garden Veggie Tortilla Chips and .75¢ for 2 Airheads and of course it is NOT showing up.  I feel another call to Kroger tomorrow coming on.  Plus that escalation to the technical team has never resulted in an email or call to me.
You know, I am NOT the only person who has issues with their KCB account.  I guess it's easier for them to throw store credit at squeaky wheel customers than to actually FIX THE SYSTEM!!! *End of 2nd rant*

*  I got a Rakuten Check this week.......

A big fat $6.02.  Oh Boy!  

*  I got an unexpected UPS delivery on Thursday....

A good sized box from the Texas Star Nut Company.

I had purchased a package of their product back in Feb. or Mar. and it was subpar so I wrote to them.

The bag was misleading as it was a "mixed" nuts pack but the bag said, "Cashew Crave".  So I had naturally thought it was a bag of Cashews in various preperations, right?

I had suggested they label it differently as the bag was 3/4 almonds and not cashews.  Some one responded to my email about my concern and offered to send me a bag of any of their products as a goodwill gesture for my disappointment.  I explained that we'd be out of town for an extended time and said not to send anything until we returned.  About 2 weeks ago I remembered this offer and how they had yet to send this free bag of nuts to me so I wrote and remembered them.

I received a nice letter from their customer relations person and SIX bags of nuts!!
Well, they have won me over with this.  While I will still me dubious about any bag of nuts marked "Cashew Crave", I will recommend doing business the Texas Star Nut Co.  You can find them online--  
Or if you don't want to use my referral link it's

*  We have been using food here and eating all the leftovers(except I got a Whopper on Wednesday as it was discounted).  No eating out so far this week.

*  Besides the items for Hubs new diet, I picked up this for the food bank on Wednesday too........

The razors were .47¢ after rebate and coupon and the Iced Latte packets were on clearance for $1.72.  Even people who have to use a food bank deserve a treat now and then. ;-)

*  We went to Kroger after PT on Thursday but I'll recount what we got next Friday as I am so done with this post. lol

*  I found money!

On the 19th I went to DG to buy an Anniversary Card for my Brother and Sister in-law.........

Found this behind my car in the parking lot.

Then on the 20th I found this in Walmart next to a vacant self-checkout register......

Then we dropped off a load at the Food Bank.  I noticed a guy with lots of bags standing at the church entrance on his phone.  He had been there awhile and I assumed he was trying to contact someone for a ride home because it was more than he could carry.  So I offered him a ride and after he got him safely home with all his goodies from the food bank I noticed these at the end of the dirt driveway by his house........

Two more pennies for my found change bag.

On Wednesday I went to Walmart for some items as Hubs had to start a low fiber diet.  I spied this next to my checkout register.......

Another unloved penny.

Then I went to Burger King since it was Whopper Wednesday and the thought of eating leftovers yet again didn't sit right with me.  Their drive through is glacially slow so I walked in to order my $3 Whopper and found this while waiting for it to be prepped....

Another penny....a bit grimy but it washed up well. 8-)

Total Found last week.... .06¢ 

Grand Total Found this Year.......$4.54 & 5.30 Euros

That's all I got.  

Any frugal wins in your neck of the woods?  Let's hear all about them!


Thursday, May 23, 2024

Thank You All!

I want to thank everyone who has commented on yesterday's blog post with good wishes and prayers.

I do have an ace in my back pocket as far as the Neurologist goes.  My new PCP has set me up with a Neurologist in their healthcare system(this current Neurologist is part of a different healthcare system here).  I don't see her until Mid June.  I am trying to get medical records sent to her(as well as the surgeon in Dallas that does the Focused Ultrasound)before that appointment.  So while all hope is not lost, if I have to wait until mid-June to get a referral from her that puts me behind another month in this very long process and keeps me in this shitty place I live.

It's no secret that Hubs and I are not happy living here(  Oh, and we had yet another power outage last night.  This one was Only 5 hours.  In April we had three separate power outages-one before we left for the cruise, one while we were ON the cruise and a long one after we got home from the cruise.  Hubs had alerts from the power company set to let him know on his phone, that's how we knew about the outage while we were in Europe(or in the Atlantic somewhere).  Thankfully, that one didn't last very long but I tell you, it gets very tiresome that we constantly have to go through this....wondering how long until we get power back and if we need to take action, especially in the Summer when temps here are triple digit even before heat indexes and having a fridge that is hardwired into the house and we can't just get a little generator to help keep the food cold.

I am prone to depression and anxiety and when I think I can actually make progress on any project, I hit a brick wall and inertia sets in.  

While Hubs is happy as a clam to do his projects and be alone, I need to be around people sometimes.  I am so very lonely here.  That's probably why I go to the grocery store so much. It's become my social activity. lolz

Now I sit and peruse the cruise website and plan out all the trips I want to go on.  Anything not to be here!  We are going to visit Kim & Sissie in the Fall and then follow that up with another Alaskan cruise from Seattle since we'll be out that way.  Kim has decided not to come with us as there are too many memories of her Hubs from our trip there.  That makes me sad.

I have tentatively set up a trip to Northern Europe for next June too.  We fly into Copenhagen Denmark and visit 4 ports in Norway before going to Longyearbyen on the island of Svalbard near the Artic Circle(I follow a Youtuber who lives outside of Longyearbyen.  Her videos have prompted me to want to visit there.).  Then it's off to Iceland(another place on my bucket list since the 4th grade)and then back to here.  That trip is pricey but we can afford it as we have an entire year to save up. 8-)

Now I am looking at a cruise to South Africa, Madagascar and Mauritius this December.  Heck that one is only slightly more than the cruise to Alaska(and that's including airfare to SA and back from Mauritius!).

And there is always the cruise I wanted to take this past April/May around the tip of South America but I called too late for it and we would have had to get ourselves to Buenos Aires(or was it Rio?) instead of having the cruise line handle it.(And we don't habla espagñol or portugese.)  That can happen next year perhaps???

I have to remember that there are possibilities in life still and there are people who care about me(and I care about them), even though I am in a bad place for now.

Again thanks for reading my drivel and caring about me. 8-)


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Neurological Dilemma & Frustration

So I found a doctor at U of Texas in Dallas that performs the Focused Ultrasound for people who have Essential Tremor or Parkinson's with Tremor.  I have contacted their coordinator in Texas and have requested my Neurological Medical Records to be sent to them.  But I also need a referral from my current Neurologist too before they can even set up an initial appointment.(This is a many step process to have the Focused Ultrasound procedure and at this point the initial appt. would be 3-4 weeks out from when they get the referral and the actual procedure is a YEAR out.  So needless to say, I am in a hurry to get this all going!)

My problem is with my current neurologist.  He is beyond unresponsive!  

Certain tests he ordered back on Jan. 31st were never done(3-were urine based and the lab didn't ask me for a urine specimen and 1 blood test came back that the sample they sent to the Mayo Clinic was insufficient to perform that test on my blood).  As of today, May 22nd, my neurologist has not submitted an order for these 4 tests to be done/redone.

Then I had 2 MRIs performed on March 16th.  I have had no feedback or contact from said neurologist as of today on these 2 MRI results.  I am assuming the results were ok but it would be calming to get any sort of call/text/note in the portal saying that's all ok.  Nada.

This Neurologist requested at the time of my Jan. 31st appointment that I be scheduled for a follow up appt. in 8-9 months from then.  The problem is that their scheduling system only goes 6 months out, so once I was 6 months within range from that appointment in Jan., I have messaged the department three times on three different occasions about scheduling an appointment.  As of today, no one in scheduling has responded to my requests. 

On April 5th I messaged through the patient portal that my Dermatologist at U of Mississippi needed my Neurological records as there was a possible issue we are pursuing in regards to her treatment of my HS and these records might hold some information needed.  I gave him her name, address, phone and fax # and guess what?  He never sent anything to her.  And I gave him ample time(appt. with Dermatologist was May 13th)so over a MONTH lead time and he couldn't take two minutes to respond-to send records or let me know what I needed to do to get those records to her?

Now I am waiting on a response from him in regard to the referral I need to be seen to Dallas to be a possible candidate for a Focused Ultrasound procedure.  Friday will be a week since I sent this latest request to him and I have had no response yet.  Of course, I figured I'd get push back on Focused Ultrasound from this department because NO DOCTOR IN LOUISIANA is licensed/trained to perform this procedure so it's not even on their radar as a treatment!!  But the least he could do is respond to ANY of my attempts to contact him.

So what do I do now?

I am so not happy that if I get that referral any time soon, it means I still have to live here for at least another YEAR+(I'd need to have a follow up 6 weeks after the procedure too).  If I ever get the referral and get to Dallas for appointments and testing, it may turn out I am not a candidate if my skull is too thick(as the ultrasound won't penetrate to my brain).  But I at least want the opportunity to try to go for it.

But if we don't pursue this in Dallas it means having to move/sell house/relocate somewhere there is another qualified surgeon who performs this procedure, find a neurologist(not easy to find one to take you on as a patient and may be months to find one and get an appointment)and then start the process all over again.  Leaving before we get on the schedule in Dallas would extend the time line for the procedure even longer. sigh

I am just so over the lack of communication with this neurologist and his laissez-faire attitude toward the treatment of my conditions.  It seems to be a recurring theme in Lousyana.....this "we'll get to it, when we feel like it" in businesses and medical practices.

I am so frustrated and low I just want to give up sometimes.  Not get the medications refilled and sit in a chair and shake so badly that I can't feed myself, write, or do anything productive.  I just need some good wishes and thoughts and for this horrible neurologist to at least send a referral.  I hate being on these drugs he prescribed me for ET and they don't work all the time and they make me so loopy.  Let's just drug her up and she won't bother us is how I feel that they are doing.


Tuesday, May 21, 2024

To-Do List.....April 2024

Here are my To-Do List projects and how I did with them.....

*  Pay Bills--DONE  Always #1 and always done

*  Go to 1 Dr. Appointment--DONE  With my Orthopedist.  The first set of injections didn't work much so.....

*  Have Shoulder Injection--DONE  Orthopedist did injections from the back into my shoulders.  He also went over the MRI I had earlier that showed what was going on and he recommended PT after these injections.

*  Begin Going Through Merchandise to Sell--PASS  I sort of did this....went into the "extra room" where all that is stored in tubs.  I unenthusiastically went though a tub or two before closing the door and leaving it.  The problem here is twofold-the Postal Service is so bad here(we call it the Cajun Pony Express as you never know if they are going to pick up your mail).
I can't find the photo I took but I had a package sitting on a chair on the front porch going Priority mail to my brother and had requested a pick up when they delivered our mail that day.
Not only did the Post Office NOT pick up the package but I got an email around 6pm that they HAD picked up the package, when it was clearly still sitting on my porch. SMH
Now how can I run a business dependent on the Post Office to deliver items when I can't be sure they will pick up something?  I'll get negative feedback on eBay or Etsy and who has the time to be running packages up to the PO all the time when items sell?
My second issue is about taxes.  If I sell more than $600 a year I need to start paying quarterly taxes, which is a pain and a complication for us.  I would also need to get a business license here and Lord, they slowness of attention to anything business around here is awful.  I am better off hauling everything to our next home and setting up to sell stuff there.  Nowhere we are considering would be as bad as it is here.

*  Send Box to One Kid--DONE  I mailed a box to Youngest child.  His stuff was in the top and now when/if he goes to see his older brother he can hand deliver the rest to him.  Oldest moved and I don't even know his new address so this is the best I can do.  I need to totally cut ties with him and his nasty wife for my own sanity and mental health. 8-(

*  Finish Packing for Cruise--DONE  I packed too much...could have left some shirts home as I bought a few shirts at places we went and I over packed the nightgowns.  But it got done and the cruise was wonderful.

*  Go Through Old Papers--PASS  I have a plastic storage container of old personal papers.  I made one pass through them and pitched a number.  I need to weed through this box again and get rid of some more.

*  Contact Lawyer about Will Changes--FAIL  Ran out of time before we left town to call the lawyer.  I plan on making contact with his office later this week.

*  Read/Finish Two Books--FAIL  I think I read some one day but didn't finish anything.  I will try to finish at least one book in May.  But I have not felt any motivation to read.

*  Buy Stuff for House(Always)--PASS Hubs bought some tools or something to fix something.  Don't ask me, I don't know. lol

*  Giveaway/Donate Baby Clothes--FAIL  I got the lot of baby clothes "Biz-ed" and sorted out.  The boy clothes went to my newborn great nephew.  I still need to get to Goodwill to donate all the girl clothing.

*  Start New Donation Box--DONE

Here's what Hubs took to the Church Food Bank in April.  And I've already taken a load in May to the same Food Bank this past Monday.  We are working on June's donation.  I still coupon and drive myself crazy(a little)chasing the deals because I know it's all for a good purpose. 8-)

*  Try to Hem Some of My Clothes--DONE  I got 2 dresses hemmed for the cruise but only brought one of them on the trip.  I need to go through what other pants and dresses I can manage to hem(these are the easy alterations I can do on this current ET medication).  The other more complicated items need to wait.
I also need to decide on some tops--whether they are worth altering or just taking them to Goodwill.

*  Edit More Photos--DONE  I almost caught up on photo editing and now I have hundreds more photos from the cruise that need work. ugh.

*  Post about Old Trips--DONE  I have almost finished off our Western Trip from 2017.  One more installment left. rah.

*  Work on Genealogy--DONE  Always working on that now and then.

*  Take Items to Goodwill--FAIL  We didn't get around to taking things to Goodwill before the cruise.

*  Photo Fabric and List--FAIL  I did get a big pile pulled and ordered 100 polybags to ship it in but I didn't get anything photographed or listed.

Look at me, I am a big fat failure.  Maybe I can do better in May. 8-(


Monday, May 20, 2024

This Week on the Dining Table.....the May 20th Edition

The "What's Going On In My Yard" Edition.....

You probably can't see it but the bird nest now has a fuzzy headed youngin' in it.  It looks like the momma bird only had one egg(or at least one egg hatch).

And the photo above is of a Mudbug or Crayfish tube.  This one isn't very tall(Hubs may have mowed it down with his tractor)but if the critter is still in there, it will be built taller.  Trust me! 8-)

Onward to the meal planning!
This is what was planned for last week...........
1. Sunday--Steak, Salad, Sweet Potato Fries
2. Monday--Leftovers or food out as we are going to Jackson
3. Tuesday--Scallops, leftover Cole Slaw, Au Grating Potatoes
4. Wednesday--Caesar Salad, Chicken Parm, Sauteed Cabbage
5. Thursday--Kielbasi, Squash, leftover Potatoes
6. Friday--Salmon, Veggies TBD, whatever leftovers
7. Saturday--???Whatever I pull out of the freezer

And here's what actually happened....
1. Sunday--Steak, Salad, Sweet Potato Fries
2. Monday--Chick fil-A Sandwich, Salad
3. Tuesday--Scallops, Cole Slaw, Teriyaki Veggie Mix
4. Wednesday--Lemon Pepper Chicken w/Zucchini, Rice
5. Thursday--Steak Sandwiches, leftover Cole Slaw
6. Friday--Fish, leftover Cole Slaw, Roasted Broccoli
7. Saturday--Smoked Ribs, Mac and Cheese, leftover Teriyaki Veggies

I got a special on zuke, squash, thinly sliced steak and pork ribs so Wed., Thurs., and Sat. meals were changed up. I used the half a head of cabbage left to make a big ol' tub of Slaw instead of sautéing it.  I also had almost an entire half gallon of milk that was set to go off so I made a rare pan of mac and cheese(not rare in and of itself but rare for me to make that dish since losing all the weight).  Hubs will be tasked with finishing that(evidently I am incapable of making just a "little" mac and cheese).  He said it's a hard life but he'll do the best he can. lolz

What got taken out of the freezer last week....
*  2 Steaks
*  Scallops
*  6 Chicken Thighs
*  pack of Thin Sliced Steak
*  slab of Pork Ribs
*  6 Fish Fillets

What got put into the freezer last week....
* 2 Hamburger Patties
*  Sugar Snap Peas
*  a Meatloaf ready to cook
*  3 hunks of Salmon

Last week we spent $158.18 on grocery shopping for May.  Big week for grocery shopping but sometimes, when the deals present themselves you have to answer the call. ;-)

Total shopping comes to $308.88 for May.   There are 11 shopping days left in May.

Rebate monies earned this month so far.....
I've earned $114.89 on Ibotta in May.
I've earned $16.50 on Shopmium in May.
I've earned $15.50 on Alexa app in May.
I've earned $21.55 on Kroger Cash Back in May.
I've earned $6.56 on TaDa in May.
I've earned $0 on Checkout51 in May.
I've earned $10.49 on Aisle, etc. in May.
I've earned 2,625 points on Fetch from food shopping in May.
I've earned 182 points from food shopping on Shop Kick in May.($)
I've earned 0 Points on My Points in May.($)
I've earned 0 SB from food shopping on Swag Bucks in May.

That is $141.88 in rebates(not counting Shop Kick/Fetch/TaDa/MyPoints/KCB/Alexa)on $308.88 of grocery spending so in reality it's $167.00 in food spending after the rebate apps I count. I now separate out the Food Bank donations and don't count those in the grocery spending.

My savings percentage for the last week was 67.77% and the monthly savings total for May comes in at 64.74% spent so far. 

Leftovers going into this week...Lemon Pepper Chicken w/Zuke, Rice, Ribs, Mac & Cheese, Roasted Broccoli, plus some leftover cheese sauce from making Mac & Cheese.

Here is this week's "food plan".....
1. Sunday--Kielbasi on Rolls, leftover Cole Slaw
2. Monday--Meatballs, Sauce, Spaghetti, Caesar Salad
3. Tuesday--Salmon, Sauté Yellow Squash
4. Wednesday--Leftovers
5. Thursday--Leftovers
6. Friday--Catfish, Green Beans
7. Saturday--One Never Knows, do One?*extra points if you get the Fats Waller reference here*

What is getting fixed and served at your house this week?

Was last week's plan successful, did you go off plan or did you not even plan what was going to be eaten last week?

Any deals on food at your stores this week?  
