Saturday, May 25, 2024

I Loves Me Some Kroger Clearance

One thing I enjoy(well "enjoy" may be an overstatement lol)doing is digging through the clearance bins at Kroger.  Now and again the various Walmart stores here will set up a clearance shelf/shelves but they are likely to remove then or worse luck, move them to where I can't find them.  I am not up for a game of hide and seek trying to find where the clearance has moved to.  Plus clearance at Walmart at my stores is rather pricey as they hardly mark things down much so the prices are "meh".  

But Kroger, that is a whole other animal when it comes to clearance.
If the items are refrigerated, I know just where they dump the stuff they want gone in both of the stores I frequent.  Meat type foods just get a clearance price slapped on the label so you have to look for it in the normal places where the meat/chicken/pork/seafood is kept.  And if it's not perishable, they have designated areas where it is put and I can dig to my hearts desire.

The one store's clearance area is a hot mess but the other store's area is tidy so that one is a bit easier to wade through.  That store is where I found these items yesterday.........

I am not particular or brand loyal to any allergy product and I find I can use most any allergy spray with good results.
I found a Flonase, an Astepro and a Nasacort product in the clearance.
Here are the clearance prices....

The Flonase was marked at $5.60, the Astepro was $6.30 and the Nasacort was $7.00.
I had a $4 digital coupon that came off for the Flonase making it $1.60, another $4 digital coupon for the Astepro AND it was part of the "Buy 5, Get a $1 off" Mega Sale and I got another $1 off, so that one cost me $1.30 and while there was no digital coupon available for the Nasacort, there was an in date $3 off Peelie coupon on the box so that one cost me a whole $4.00(extravagant I tell ya, extravagant! lol).  '-)
And none of these were expired(or anywhere near their use by dates).  It would have been even better if there were Ibotta rebates on the items but alas, not this time. 8-(

Plus there is some stuff in their normal aisle that is clearly tagged on the shelf as clearance.  The best is when a "Buy 5, Get $1 Off Each Item" Sale is going on and the clearance tagged item is part of that Sale, making it an even better deal.  Those are sweet deals. 8-)

I also picked up a Take and Bake Pizza(shout out to SAM who is always writing about picking up Take and Bakes!)that regularly sells for $7.99 at Kroger for just $3.37 on Thursday.  We stopped in as this store as we needed something there and it was right near my PT facility.  The pizza had a use by date of that day and it was just the right size for Hubs and I to share for dinner that evening(along with some leftover Roasted Broccoli).  Of course that meant adjusting my meal plan for the week but that wasn't a problem as I am not a strict "must follow the meal plan or else" type. ;-)

OTC Allergy meds are pricey things(not as bad as rx ones unless you have small co-pays for those)so getting stuff like this at a rock bottom price is great.
This is just one of the ways I keep our grocery/toiletries/paper goods/etc. budget under control.  Stuff sure adds up.....

Do you like shopping clearance deals at your stores?



  1. Good job. I like the Kroger clearance - each dept. kind of has it's own. I am with you on WM clearance - always too pricey for me.

  2. We don’t have a Kroger in Ttown but I have seen a Kroger delivery truck at my neighbor’s house. My son told me his friend gets Kroger to deliver to him. I know there are several Krogers up in the northern part of the state, where I am originally from. Maybe Anne or PP have a Kroger in Birmingham area? I don’t even know. I know there is one in Columbus, Mississippi, which is near the state line. I wish we had one in Ttown bc it looks like they have great deals. Cindy in the South

    1. Cindy,
      There is one on Oxmoor Rd in Birmingham. I have not been there, but the Kroger truck came by here two times on one day. I keep saying I will order from them, but have not yet.

  3. I haven’t found anything good in the clearance section for months. It’s mostly been cake decorating supplies and $38+ bottles of wine. The wine has been there forever since the people checking that area are probably the boxed wine crowd.


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