Monday, May 27, 2024

What's On The Dining Table....May 27th

The "Baby Bird is Ready to Fly the Nest" Edition.....

Five days ago I caught a glimpse of the mother bird in the nest.

Two days later I got a shot of the baby bird's head.  I know this photo is all blurry but it has the baby bird down on it's head if you can't make that out.

Here's the shot I got Sunday before I got in my car.  The baby bird(still has two spikes of down on it's head)is now standing on the edge of the nest, considering taking flight.  It never did attempt flight while I was looking.

Onward to the meal planning!
This is what was planned for last week...........
1. Sunday--Kielbasi on Rolls, leftover Cole Slaw
2. Monday--Meatballs, Sauce, Spaghetti, Caesar Salad
3. Tuesday--Salmon, Sauté Yellow Squash
4. Wednesday--Leftovers
5. Thursday--Leftovers
6. Friday--Catfish, Green Beans
7. Saturday--One Never Knows, Do I?

And here's what actually happened....
1. Sunday--Kielbasi on Rolls, leftover Cole Slaw
2. Monday--Meatballs, Sauce, Spaghetti, Caesar Salad
3. Tuesday--Portobello Mushroom Parmesan, Teriyaki Green Beans
4. Wednesday--Leftovers(I had a Whopper)
5. Thursday--Take n' Bake Pizza, Leftover Roasted Broccoli
6. Friday--Leftover Rib, Mac & Cheese, Caesar Salad
7. Saturday--Leftover Lemon Pepper Chicken, Zuke, Rice

I found Portobello Mushrooms and a Take n' 
Bake Pizza both on clearance at Kroger so the Salmon had to wait and we had leftovers to use up on Thursday.

What got taken out of the freezer last week....
*  Kielbasi
*  Meatballs

What got put into the freezer last week....
*  Catfish
*  Liver(sorry Anne!)
*  1 lb. of Bacon
*  Cheddar/Jalapeno Sausages
*  1 Hunk of Salmon
*  a Pork Tenderloin

Last week we spent $207.56 on grocery shopping for May.  Big week for grocery shopping but lots of little stops and they added up.

Total shopping comes to $516.44 for May.   There are 4 shopping days left in May but I am basically done for the month procuring food.

Rebate monies earned this month so far.....
I've earned $217.44 on Ibotta in May.
I've earned $27.50 on Shopmium in May.
I've earned $15.50 on Alexa app in May.
I've earned $21.55 on Kroger Cash Back in May.
I've earned $10.70 on TaDa in May.
I've earned $2.31 on Checkout51 in May.
I've earned $26.47 on Aisle, etc. in May.
I've earned 3,844 points on Fetch from food shopping in May.
I've earned 2,635 points from food shopping on Shop Kick in May.($)
I've earned 0 Points on My Points in May.($)
I've earned 0 SB from food shopping on Swag Bucks in May.

That is $273.72 in rebates(not counting Shop Kick/Fetch/TaDa/MyPoints/KCB/Alexa)on $516.44 of grocery spending so in reality it's $242.72 in food spending after the rebate apps I count. I now separate out the Food Bank donations and don't count those in the grocery spending.

My savings percentage for the last week was 51.25% and the monthly savings total for May comes in at 60.33% spent.

Leftovers going into this week...Green Beans, a little Rice, Mac & Cheese, plus some leftover cheese sauce from making Mac & Cheese.

Here is this week's "food plan".....
1. Sunday--Steak, Leftover Green Beans
2. Monday--Hamburgers on Buns, Corn on cob, Pasta Salad
3. Tuesday--General Tso Chicken, Green Beans, Leftover Rice
4. Wednesday-Salmon, Sauté Yellow Squash
5. Thursday--Pork Tenderloin Sandwich, Broccoli, Red Cabbage(Hubs)
6. Friday--Catfish dinner, Cole Slaw, other Leftover Veggies
7. Saturday--Chicken, Broccoli and Cheese Casserole

Not much in the leftover department this week so I'll be cooking(on boy!).  Hubs is making the pork tenderloin pieces.  Might get take-out Catfish at the local joint we like on Friday.

What is getting fixed and served at your house this week?

Was last week's plan successful, did you go off plan or did you not even plan what was going to be eaten last week?

Any deals on food at your stores this week?  



  1. Publix had Pepsi b2g2 for the second week in a row. We bought 4 last week and 4 this week. Tommy said about $4.75, a good deal I guess. Now, to try to get him to cut back on his drinking problem, Pepsi of course.

    1. Oh Linda! Leave that poor guy alone! And quit going out when you’re sick and complaining Tommy is too dangerous to drive! - Jen.

    2. Why are you starting something on someone else's blog. I can leave the house when I am ill. He is dangerous sometimes. Mind your own business.

    3. Well Linda, you do go on and on about Tommy's medical issue and you being ill all the time from one thing or another. If you put it out on your blog then she is minding her own business. I am guessing you don't approve if she comments on your blog so she's voicing her concern for your situation here. And if you don't think Tommy is safe behind the wheel due to his blood sugar episodes, why aren't you driving yourself to the store? You do have a car, right? I do hope if you are buying Pepsi B2G2 for Tommy that's it's the Diet version?

    4. My comment Linda is both to your comment HERE snarking at Tommy, let alone all the nasty stuff on your own blog. But frankly - when you go on and on about going out ill and Tommy being dangerous to drive, and then doing so - well you guys are not too bright and don't seem to have regard for anyone else on the roads. You need to get some assistance. That's just a fact at this stage.

    5. Tommy and I were discussing my role in his health. He said he would be dead if I did not intervene. So, I am helping him, not 'bothering him.'

    6. Linda, it's not even about "bothering him'. Some of your readers, not just me are APPALLED you keep having 911 come out to lift you or move you, that you cancel your own appointments, and that Tommy DRIVES when he has a dangerous condition (your words). Many are appalled you talk about his violence in one moment than criticize him non stop, yet won't take care of your own health or move to a safe place. Linda, it's hard, but it's super odd. You need to consider moving to a care home with independence, or having an aide move in. I think there is more than physical issues here

    7. Hi Linda. My neighbor up the street (Ttown) is a very bad diabetic and the EMT’s come to her house I would say about once a month. I have been around bad diabetics before and some folks can get very physical and combative (and not remember a thing afterwards) when there are blood sugar/insulin issues. I am glad that Tommy is wearing his monitor as it seems to be helping a lot. Glad you are there to get him a coke and a peanut butter sandwich as needed. Always call 911 if he becomes unstable and you cannot stabilize him quickly. Hope your health improves or stabilizes. Just make sure that Tommy is stable before he drives and I know you always go prepared with food and Coca Cola ( in the deep South everything is a Coke, even Pepsi… lolz) I don’t think he needs to be doing the drive to Cullman,
      at least not I 65, bc is a nightmare even for young , healthy drivers. I try to avoid it as much as possible and go back roads. Blessings.
      Cindy in the South

    8. Sluggy,
      As many issues with health as you have, how can you talk about my 'being ill from one thing or another'? My issues are less than yours? You give her the voice she wants. Being dead would be better than being bullied on other peoples' blogs.

    9. Linda,
      I do have health issues but am addressing them(at least when I can get a competent doctor here). I don't understand your constant need to tell the world you are "ill". I think people are just concerned about your health as well as Tommy's, and what you post about Tommy being aggressive and mean to you and the fireman being constantly called for various reasons. If you want to call it bullying and be melodramatic about what people say, that's your prerogative.

    10. Linda someone having an opinion on the constant vitriol you talk about Tommy is not bullying. It’s having an opinion to things you put on the public internet. You talk so nasty about people in stores, on the phone, in doctors office yet refuse to help your own situation. It’ all very odd and the fact you need some serious help and professional help to get life sorted is well, just that. A fact.

    11. i'll drop this now Sluggy -sorry to have used your blog! just find the whole thing frustrating and a case of "it's time to help yourself" . Feels like there is mental illness at play. But sigh, i'll let it go..mostly i worry about the danger those two cause others - it's actually quite gross

    12. that was more of a message to you sluggy to thank you for entertaining me! LOL. you can remove it if you wish, but hey, we are all entitled to opinions :)

  2. I pulled the last container of soup out of the freezer this morning so lentil soup for me most of the week. Dave has a pasta concoction that includes broccoli and some Impossible bratwurst. It’s cooler here so I’m planning to make some potato bread today.

  3. We had a cool front come in so I'm going to pull the last two servings of chili out of the freezer to get them gone before the real heat comes back. Other than that, it's a day by day adventure.

    1. Lori, I'd LOVE a cool front to come in here but that's not happening until at least until October. ;-)

  4. Wow just wow. All this makes my hatred of liver seem so trivial!

    1. Anne, I don't know why you continue to pick on organ meats! What have they ever done to you?

  5. Cindy,
    Thanks for being supportive. He is perfectly fine to drive now, not dangerous at all since he got this monitor. At least, I can relax. We do carry something to eat, but before he denied his blood sugar was low. Now, he listens to monitor and I have no reason to point out his blood sugar is low.
    I would never let him on backroad since he could not stay in the lines, and there are too many ways to run off old 31. I won't even go to Top Hat for fear he would veer off the road. Now, we can go that way sometimes. He never goes over 60 and drives in the right lane. He wants to drive rather than let me drive. Thanks. Thanks for the message.

    1. Linda: my apologies for even going into other things such as Tommy’s driving.
      Your original comment was a simple comment about Tommy cutting back on Pepsi and I think that is bc soft drinks are not really good for any of us. If I recall
      correctly, he drinks Diet Pepsi
      I drink waaaaaay too many, and can consume a diet Mt Dew without six pack of regular cans in a day! Again, I apologize for going way beyond your original comment and going off on a tangent about Tommy’s driving. It was inappropriate of me. Your original comment was fairly benign. Have a wonderful day! Cindy in the South

    2. Cindy,
      The day we talked about his Diet Pepsi drinking, I made one comment to him. He did not take it well, but the next day he only drank two cans of Diet Pepsi I love Mt Dew Diet, but the caffeine is too much. I buy it bogo and only drink half a bottle about once a week. Except once when we had none and I did without for a month. Usually, I only drink it when I see it in a case at Lowe's, all frosty looking. Now, I resist them in Lowe's.


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