Sunday, May 26, 2024

Kim & Sissie Update...Sort Of


Since Kim is still MIA on her blog I will provide an update of sorts.

She made it to the DC area where Sissie commenced to torture her by making her scrub bathrooms. lol  No laying in bed until the crack of 9am at Sissie's house!

Next update I got was almost a week later when they were on the road.  It had been an adventure thus far with Sissie's two cats, Lucy and "my" Bud.  I'll let them tell the hilarity that ensued in that realm.  

They were a day away from Kim's house, with one more night to spend in a hotel with the kitties at that point.

I got a text response on May 21st from Kim that she was not going to Alaska with us in the Fall.  Not a word since then and I've texted both and called(gotten voice mails and no replies).  I am assuming the truck has been unloaded and the new home search is tentatively underway.

As for Sissie's home in MD, she kept worrying about the possibility that it wouldn't sell fast and they'd have to delay their house search out in Idaho.  I kept telling her I KNEW it would get snatched up lickety split but did she believe me?  Noooo.
Well before the house even when properly on the market(it was still in the "coming soon" phase on the website)someone made an over asking offer!  See?  I am a soothsayer. lolz

So hopefully that sale goes through quickly and with cash in hand Sissie can find a great home for her and her Hubs and the kitties. 8-)

I am sure when she's not dealing with the home sale and new home search, Sissie is bossing Kim around and straightening her out. lol
But it would be nice if Kim would POP UP AND WRITE SOMETHING(and call me)SINCE WE ARE ALL WORRYING ABOUT THEM!!!



  1. Oh, how neat! Thanks for the update. :)

  2. Thank you for an update - many have been worried. Hopefully Kim will post sometime soon!

  3. Thank you for the update on Kim!

  4. I knew Sissie's home would sell fast too! I am not at all surprised it did. I hope for a quick closing!

  5. God I hate moving, and traveling with animals is just another side of hell for me. I cannot even imagine across country. Hope the twin finds a house soon that she loves and that all are ok. Hope also you find physicians you are happy with, and a place to live that you adore. Maybe the Texas and Mississippi docs can help. Virtual hugs to all of you!! Cindy in the South

  6. I was wondering what happened with her. Thanks.

  7. Thank you so much for the update! It seems you are predicting quite the story when Kim finally surfaces from this adventure. You really weave a good tale ;). Hilogene in Az

    1. Hilogene, I kept seeing folks asking about Kim so I wanted to let them know they are ok and in Idaho safely. The story is not mine to tell though so I'll leave it at that. ;-)

  8. there is no sorrow like a missing loved one.

  9. Walmart clearance shelves seem to be just a bunch of badly dented cans barely marked down.


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