Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Famous Distant Sort Of Relative

 I come from a long line of Holt family on my maternal side.

My 8x Great Grandfather was Richard Holt(1641-1693).  Through him my Seventh Cousin 2 x Removed is a William Tatum "Buster" Holt, Sr.(1987-1963).

At some point before he died "Buster" Holt went and married Jackie Jean "Georgia" Crouch.  "Georgia" Crouch was known as "Georgia" Holt.  Georgia Holt was the mother of Cher.

This makes Cher the stepdaughter of my 7th Cousin 2 x Removed. So I got you babe. lol



  1. That's cool. I bet many people have no idea that they may have famous people in their lineage. I am a distant cousin of former Pres. Ronald Reagon (we shared a grandfather at some point). My late husband was related to Lee Majors as a distant cousin. Love fun facts!

    1. My best friend from high school's mother was from Chicago. She dated Ronnie Reagan when she was in high school. lol
      You should do the genealogy and see what distance the relation is.

  2. Interesting! I wonder if you are related to a friend of mine--Dodd Holt who played for Alabama. I have been friends with he and his wife for years.

    1. Don't know and can't search them out without more information. There were many different Holts that immigrated here so can't tell which cluster/family he is from.

    2. I would not want you to go to the trouble.

  3. Honest question. Do you care

    1. Care? It depends.....I don't care about Cher per se but I find these tidbits when I work on my genealogy interesting.


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