Thursday, May 23, 2024

Thank You All!

I want to thank everyone who has commented on yesterday's blog post with good wishes and prayers.

I do have an ace in my back pocket as far as the Neurologist goes.  My new PCP has set me up with a Neurologist in their healthcare system(this current Neurologist is part of a different healthcare system here).  I don't see her until Mid June.  I am trying to get medical records sent to her(as well as the surgeon in Dallas that does the Focused Ultrasound)before that appointment.  So while all hope is not lost, if I have to wait until mid-June to get a referral from her that puts me behind another month in this very long process and keeps me in this shitty place I live.

It's no secret that Hubs and I are not happy living here(  Oh, and we had yet another power outage last night.  This one was Only 5 hours.  In April we had three separate power outages-one before we left for the cruise, one while we were ON the cruise and a long one after we got home from the cruise.  Hubs had alerts from the power company set to let him know on his phone, that's how we knew about the outage while we were in Europe(or in the Atlantic somewhere).  Thankfully, that one didn't last very long but I tell you, it gets very tiresome that we constantly have to go through this....wondering how long until we get power back and if we need to take action, especially in the Summer when temps here are triple digit even before heat indexes and having a fridge that is hardwired into the house and we can't just get a little generator to help keep the food cold.

I am prone to depression and anxiety and when I think I can actually make progress on any project, I hit a brick wall and inertia sets in.  

While Hubs is happy as a clam to do his projects and be alone, I need to be around people sometimes.  I am so very lonely here.  That's probably why I go to the grocery store so much. It's become my social activity. lolz

Now I sit and peruse the cruise website and plan out all the trips I want to go on.  Anything not to be here!  We are going to visit Kim & Sissie in the Fall and then follow that up with another Alaskan cruise from Seattle since we'll be out that way.  Kim has decided not to come with us as there are too many memories of her Hubs from our trip there.  That makes me sad.

I have tentatively set up a trip to Northern Europe for next June too.  We fly into Copenhagen Denmark and visit 4 ports in Norway before going to Longyearbyen on the island of Svalbard near the Artic Circle(I follow a Youtuber who lives outside of Longyearbyen.  Her videos have prompted me to want to visit there.).  Then it's off to Iceland(another place on my bucket list since the 4th grade)and then back to here.  That trip is pricey but we can afford it as we have an entire year to save up. 8-)

Now I am looking at a cruise to South Africa, Madagascar and Mauritius this December.  Heck that one is only slightly more than the cruise to Alaska(and that's including airfare to SA and back from Mauritius!).

And there is always the cruise I wanted to take this past April/May around the tip of South America but I called too late for it and we would have had to get ourselves to Buenos Aires(or was it Rio?) instead of having the cruise line handle it.(And we don't habla espagñol or portugese.)  That can happen next year perhaps???

I have to remember that there are possibilities in life still and there are people who care about me(and I care about them), even though I am in a bad place for now.

Again thanks for reading my drivel and caring about me. 8-)



  1. People do care! You've been a good, kind, friend, virtually and in real life to those you've met. I understand Kim. I had a a bit of a breakdown in the formal night when couples pictures were taken by photographer. He'd have loved to be there and it was just wrong he wasn't. Seeing her though in different elements in the fall will surely be a welcome time for Kim.

  2. It seems like patients and their advocates must spend too much time and mental energy getting their doctor's attention. I even keep track of which nurse or np is better getting the doctor's attention or making things happen that need to happen.

  3. Things will get better! You have to believe or…

    The wife is looking into cruises for our upcoming 40th anniversary. Nothing crazy, just another trip around the Caribbean. It will be our fourth cruise. I dig life on the boat.

  4. Sorry the last one was me — Joe (houseboy)

  5. Oh I hope the new Dr will be better...mid June will be here before you know it.
    Your cruises sound so exciting! Definitely something to look forward to, and Iceland will be amazing. :)

  6. I have always wanted to visit Longyearbyen! Such a neat little place!


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