Yesterday I made a very good crockpot of chili using things I had already.
Basically, it was a lb. of Ground Beef(bought at the local rock bottom price of $1.69lb), 1 large chopped onion, 3/4 of 2 LARGE cans of Light & Red Kidney Beans, red Bell Pepper chopped, 2 small cans of Hunt's Tomato Sauce(2/$1 from Wags)& assorted spices from my spice cabinet. The leftover beans will either be mashed & go into the dogs' food bowls or I'll incorporate the rest into some last-minute side dish this week. The red bell pepper was in the form of strips I froze last fall from the local farm stand. They needed to be used up & were a nice addition to the dish. I mash some of the beans up in the chili to give it a nice creamy texture and as a thickener. We just added a pinch of cheddar cheese when served with fresh hot cornbread. What a filling meal without heating up the kitchen!
The FOOD WASTE report for last week....a container of daughter's cooked penne pasta with vodka sauce. It's going to be very hard to keep on top of the food waste with daughter making her own meals when I cook red meat meals. She often cooks more than she'll eat at a sitting, but she doesn't eat leftovers often. I'll have to earmark most of her leftovers for the doggies dinners, unless it's something hubby & I will eat.
Other than her pasta dish, I can't think of any other food that was wasted last week. There were many trips out to the compost pile, so almost nothing went to waste.
I can't believe I am saying this but there is NOTHING I need to buy for this week's menu! Theorectically I could NOT go into a grocery store this week!!....if I could keep #2 son from drinking milk, that is.lolol
Yes, I have everything to make the menu below. I may pick up some fresh fruit however, as we have none & the strawberries are coming in.
This week is chock full of standard meals for my house. The Chicken Broccoli Cheesy Rice Casserole is my take on the Schwan's Bagged Casserole of the same name. Mine is much cheaper however and not much more work than opening the bag of the Schwan's variety. I'll post that recipe and the Apricot-glazed Pork Chops later in the week.
Here's what is on the Menu at Sluggy's house this week.
MONDAY-Baked Manicotti, Salad
TUESDAY-Apricot Glazed Pork Chops, Potato Salad, Carrots
WEDNESDAY-Fish, Teriyaki Noodles & Veggies
THURSDAY-Chicken Broccoli Cheese Rice Casserole
FRIDAY-Pizza, Greek Salad
SATURDAY-Tacos, Spanish Rice, Refried Beans
SUNDAY-Quesadillas, Brussel Sprouts
DESSERTS FOR THE WEEK-Carrot Cake, Cookies
Organizing Junkie is the home to Menu Plan Monday. Go see what's on her and many other Home Cooks' Menus for the week at Organizing Junkie's Website.
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