Guess what else arrived last Sunday?
Yup, KMart Super Doubles.....AGAIN!
Have I ever mentioned that SIL is a longtime, die-hard coupon hound?
Double Coupons AND a "Partner in Crime" this week to egg me on into a shopping frenzy.....
Oh, this is bad my friends, VERY Bad!!!
Did I mention that the previous week I only spent $1.79 on groceries for the whole week?
Remember my 'being good' because I am about to blow that low spending week out of the water!lolol
After 2 days driving across the country, SIL was tired. But not tired enough to NOT want to head down the mountain to KMart on Monday morning at the crack of dawn.
Here's what I got....

2x Quantum Dishwashing Detergent @BOGO $6.99=$6.99
2x Finish Dishwashing Detergent @BOGO $6.99=$6.99
3x MarroBones Dog Treats @ $2.99 ea.=$8.97
2x Bic Razors @ $5.69 ea.=$11.38
1x Bic Soleil @ $5.29
1x Bic Bella @ $5.99
1x Candy Bar(filler b/c the register said my total was under $50 but it wasn't!!)$1.25 **not pictured**
TAX $2.14
Coupons Used
4x Edge Shaving Gel @ $1.00 doubled=$7.96
2x Quantum Dishwashing Detergent @ .75¢ doubled=$3.00
2x Finish Dishwashing Detergent @ .75¢ doubled=$3.00
3x MarroBones Dog Treats @ $1.00 doubled=$6.00
2x Bic Razors @ $2.00 doubled=$8.00
1x Bic Soleil @ $2.00 doubled=$4.00
1x Bic Bella @ $2.00 doubled=$4.00
$5 off $50 KMART Q=$5.00
Used 2 K-Mart Gift Cards(obtained from prescription transfers last month)so actual Out of Pocket was ZERO!
And it was a good thing I spent nothing because then we had to go to the Grocery Store for Pasta Salad veggies and a Teeny Tiny Graduation Cake and I spent $44!
And.....sit down for this part.....I didn't use a Single Coupon!!! I didn't have my binder with me and we were in a hurry to get home and get the food ready for the cook-out. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
I can't remember the last time I went grocery shopping and didn't use any coupons. I am still in semi-shock over it. ;-)
More of the week's adventures to follow.....
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