Monday, June 19, 2023

This Week on the Dining Table

* Oh Goody!  You get two, count 'em two posts today!  Don't you feel special?? lol

The "Weight Loss is Still the Focus" Edition.                                            

I'm still making progress and the knee is holding up somewhat.  We are on a mission as the Blues Brother liked to say.

Onward to the meal planning!
This is what was planned the first week.......
1. Sunday--2 Chicken strips from Zaxby's
2. Monday--Some sort of Veggies TBD
3. Tuesday--a piece of salmon
4  Wednesday--Daughter's cooking(hopefully There's made a veggie dish)or more leftover Chicken Strips or yogurt or 
5. Thursday--No Clue
6.  Friday--Probably half a bag of veggies
7. Saturday--The other half of the bag of veggie,

And here's what actually happened........

1. Sunday--2 Chicken strips from Zaxby's
2. Monday--Yogurt, leftover Veggies
3. Tuesday--Pulled Pork w/Mostly Vinegar Sauce
4  Wednesday--A Greek Salad, a yogurt cup
5. Thursday--an Asian Salmon dish with Quinoa
6.  Friday--an Arby's chicken sandwich, curly fries, unsweetened iced tea
7. Saturday--Nothing but Hydration

I guess you'd call this an extreme intermittent fasting deal with many supplements to keep all my innards working and healthy.  I consulted a new PCP last week(Yay!) and my food plan was given the green light.  

What got taken out of the freezer last week...
*  Salmon to take to Daughter's House
*  3 TV dinners(Hubs)
*  Burritos(Hubs)

What got put into the freezer last week....
*  Nothing

Last week we spent $20.82 on grocery shopping.  I bought a new Japanese bbq sauce and a pack of protein drinks, then Hubs picked up a case of bottled water as we are under a boil advisory.  Our utilities are a shit show right now as a tornado came through the area early Friday morning.  Don't want to get into that right now...another story for another day.

 Total comes to $66.15 for June.

There are 11 shopping days in June.

I've earned $2.10 on Ibotta in June.
I've earned $0 on Checkout51 in June.
I've earned $0 on Coupons dotcom in June.
I've earned $0 on Shopmium in June.
I've earned $0 on Kroger Cash Back in June.
I've earned 390 points from food shopping on Fetch in June.
I've earned 0 points from food shopping on Shop Kick in June.
I've earned 0 SB from food shopping on Swag Bucks in June.

That is $2.10 in rebates(not counting the Shop Kick/Swag Bucks/Fetch)on $66.15 of grocery spending so in reality it's $64.05 in food spending after the 5 rebate apps I count.

My savings percentage for the last week was 39.58% and the monthly savings total for June comes in at 42.59% so far spent.

Leftovers going into this week...1/2 a can of chili.

Here is this week's "food plan".....
1. Sunday--a Protein Shake. leftover Brussels Sprouts
2. Monday--yogurt, maybe another Protein shake
3. Tuesday--Chicken thigh
4  Wednesday--Probably half a bag of veggies
5. Thursday--Grilled Salmon
6.  Friday--Spinach SoufflĂ©
7. Saturday--The other half of the bag of veggies
I also drink, water, iced tea(unsweetened), hot tea with lemon and honey and the odd zero sugar soda or Zero sugar Powerade/Gatorade and keep my stomach full and it also keeps me hydrated.   I mostly stick with the water or unsweet iced teas with lemon added.
This one mini-meal per day where I change between vegetable matter and a lean protein and a yogurt cup when these other meals won't suffice.  There also is a regime of supplements I am currently on, either to maintain my body's condition or were already taking them for various conditions.

What do I need to buy to fix everything on this menu?  Got it all here.  Hubs will either do his own thing or supplement other foods when I do the chicken and salmon.  Right now there is plenty in the freezer he can partake of but are off limits to me right now.  He may go buy more tv dinners as he doesn't like to cook. lol

What is getting fixed and served at your house this week?

Was last week's plan successful, did you go off plan or did you not even plan what was going to be eaten last week?

Any deals on food at your stores this week?  I confess that I don't need to buy anything right now nor have I had any desire to read the ads.



  1. I know the bags of veggies are more economical, but give the box of Green Giant Broccoli in Light Butter Sauce a try. No really, it's that good! In TN Food Lion carries this, but I'm sure other stores have them.

  2. What’s your target weight?

  3. If you look up the Fast500 or Fast800 there are some great recipes specifically for a VLCD (very low calorie diet) so you have a bit of variety while achieving goals. Just a thought!

  4. While I am not interested in your target weight, I do wonder how much you need to or want to lose in order to have the knee surgery. And, what is your target date for the weight loss and the surgery?
    I lost 46 lbs in three months, and my doctor started cursing, telling me that was too much too soon.
    I cooked a pork butt and we have leftover chicken for the week. I have corn, sweet potatoes, slaw, and squash to cook. There is salad and tomatoes.
    Good luck on the weight loss.

  5. I need to finish some cabbage stir fry tonight and I still have a lot of black bean soup left. Dave won’t eat it much longer even on a potato so I’ll make pasta salad tomorrow.

    Aldi had avocados on sale for $.65 so I bought 10. The cashier only charged me for 1 so those are some extra cheap avocados!


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