Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Well Aren't You Special, Darling!

This below is the sort of troll/hate mail I get frequently.  Instead of deleting it I thought I'd share it.....I know, these kind of people just want this sort of attention, but it was too "good" not to post.

On my "What's Happening Here Lately" Post she wrote.....

Didn't you check out your new neighborhood BEFORE you moved there? Nowadays, retiree locations include health accommodations, taxes, cost of living, safety & crime rates, drivability etc. etc. Leaving PA and retiring to a hick town with low class amenities and poor health care seems like such a huge mistake. And you're going to let them do a knew replacement? How come no pics yet of your single wide retirement home? Enjoy your upcoming cruise. If there ever was an example of what NOT to do for retirement, you'd win.  Rita Marie Jones

Thanks for your hate filled comment Rita Marie Jones(if that is your real name).

Where to begin in my rebuttal, not that I feel I really need to address your comment, but here goes.

If you've read my blog for any amount of time you know I am not an idiot, especially when it comes to being frugal and to our finances.  Because of our money skills and income Hubs was able to retire at age 59.  
A lot of moving pieces got into deciding on where to relocate as you age.  Hubs wanted out of the "snow belt" and I wanted a one story home because of my bum knee.  We also wanted to be near at least one of our children so there was some sort of support system where we relocated to.  Oldest child lives in New Jersey.  We have lived in NJ before and I swore I'd never live there again, plus the cost of housing and property taxes and all those people and traffic plus the outrageously high auto insurance?  That wasn't ever going to happen.  Middle child lived in Louisiana, has a house and is married and settled here.  Though even as a young child growing up in Southern Virginia I have never been able to stand the heat and humidity in Summer in the South, yes we did move here.  Our youngest child is not settled down yet, nor is his job something he wants to stay with long term, but for now he is living in Pennsylvania near where we use to live.

We are NOT rich but by being careful with our money we are "comfortable".  Staying in the Northeast was not feasible unless we wanted to use a large percentage of our income for housing and all it's associated costs.  You must not know anything about PA-it's referred to as Philly and Pittsburgh with Kentucky in the middle, meaning we LIVED in a "hick town" up there.  ''

We actually live in lA a nice quiet area outside of a metropolitan area with any amenity you could want(well except an Aldi and a Costco).  This area is between a twin cities type area and a small town plus it's 7 miles from my daughter and son in-law. And it's much safer and full of Southern hospitality(something I've missed since moving North when I went off to college).  
Fresh produce is cheaper down here too so not having Aldi and Costco aren't a big deal as there are other options.  

The healthcare situation was unfortunately and we were driven by our private health insurance to go to the clinic we first attended plus it was the closest one to us and not knowing our way around down here, we tried it.  I believe God put us into that situation so that 1-I could get to know a truly caring medical professional and make her believe in herself enough that she is now not afraid to leave her situation and find one worthy of her talents and 2-I could do some good in this world by calling out the CEO and other people running that place and get regulatory boards in this state involved in changing how they were running the clinic. (Since sending out a letter to said CEO plus cc'ing it to 4 Board Members and 3 regulatory agencies its seems I've stirred up a hornet's nest in this organization.  Hopefully things will change for the betterment of the patients there.)

 I received good care from my NP there but some things didn't get addressed in as timely a manner as I needed/wished but then again, my medical providers up in PA in many ways were just as bad!  We are now hooked into one or more of the three major healthcare facilities in this area(does LSU ring a bell?)  I have TWO options for a "Knee" replacement-one through my insurance which is a special program of elite joint replacement surgeons around the country or two-a local "KNEE" replacement surgeon, who graduated med school at the top of his class and is Board Certified by the Royal College of Surgeons in Canada.  Before moving here he had a thriving practice outside of Minneapolis, Minnesota.
There was no way the initial clinic we attended was going to perform knee surgery on me.....this was NOT a surgeon's office.  It's clear you have little understanding of the way medical care works(or doesn't)in this country.

We are located outside of two medium sized cities(if you consider Dallas a large city)but are drivable to get  ourselves to any amenity you could think of, in a very safe area with little to no crime out here beyond the city limits and I'd put my tax bill up against yours any day!

As for the "single wide retirement home", we didn't purchase a single wide mobile home.  But what if we had?  It's economical housing and manufactured homes are very prevalent in this state(as they are in the middle of PA/hick town PA).  I am not a "house proud" type person as are many Americans(and they wonder why they are going broke?)  I want my home to be of a certain standard and comfortable.  We still had money tied up in the PA house but needed to jump on a new abode down here.  We found one we could slowly cash flow improvements on which also gave us enough land so we weren't crowded by neighbors and we could afford it with the cash on hand.  The sale of the PA house gave us extra cash for anything we needed to fix/replace and otherwise increased our nest egg in retirement.  Does the fact that we were able to purchase our home down here for cash tell you enough about how capable we are in managing our money?
Now don't tell me how bad manufactured homes are versus a site built home.  Have you seen the sheer destruction in Vermont and the Hudson Valley in upstate New York lately?  Or the million+ $$ homes in California sliding down cliffs?  If Mother Nature wants to take your home, it doesn't matter where it is or what it cost.  Most(if not all) of this state is below sea level so even if we bought a site built home there are no basements to flee to during natural disasters here.

So go ahead and slander the choices I've made in retirement.  Let's hear what stellar choices you've made in yours, how many countries you've been to and had experiences in and what your net worth is Rita Marie Jones.  Then you can crawl back under your bridge and go away.



  1. Whew Chile, you said a mouthful… lol. Yeah, Mother Nature takes what she wants to take. I cannot have a basement at my work house where I am Monday through Thursday, usually. Water table is too high and there is not a basement in town on that flat, swampy land, except for the City Hall, which is on the only small hill in town.I cannot even build an above ground shelter for tornadoes bc my front and back yard flood during monsoon like rainstorms, as does everyone else’s yards here. Work house is two feet up on slightly raised foundation bc of flat ground. I do have basement in my very small weekend/retirement house bc it is in a hilly, college town. Folks always wanna judge when they do not know anything. I have also lived in a single wide before and it was my favorite house, easy to heat, cool, and cheap to repair. I regret selling it. I don’t care what folks think either. They are not paying my bills. As far as health care, LSU is outstanding, and took great care of my kid. Let the trolls stay where they are and look their noses down at ya, while you travel the world!!! You have done two international trips in the past year, AND paid cash for a new residence before selling your old residence, AND you were retired!!! Bless their hearts! Jealousy is the only thing I can figure out about trolls. Cindy in the South

  2. Hi Sluggy, this is Chris. All I have to say is Bravo!

  3. Online Anonymity has brought out ignorance beyond my wildest possible thoughts. I can't wait to hear if she replies. Probably going to start a new email just to look like a new attacker.

    Happy Wednesday!

  4. Good for you!! I live in a 51-year-old single-wide mobile home with my 91-yo husband. He has mobility issues and has to be on one level (almost impossible to find in this hilly state). I bought this home (before I met him) 21 years ago and have remodeled it myself into our cozy, humble home. I wouldn't trade it for any other home I can think of. The cost of lot rent, taxes, maintenance and insurance are less than 1/3 of of a stick-built house. We are in the exurbs of a large city with access to good health care and any amenity we could possibly want. Even went to Aldi and Costco this morning LOL!
    --Frances in the Trailer Park (and darn proud of it!)

  5. Granted, I sometimes speak my mind in comments, (usually when someone is woe the #$%@ is "meing" themselves over their own bad choices) but you damn well know where to find me when I do! Having lived in many different regions in the country, I understand fully your choice, but full confession: As for the pre-fab home...I never chose to live in one, and they weren't really prevalent in the regions in which I lived prior to moving here. I had a very negative view of them until, looking for our first home here, my realtor explained that what I had was an east coast bias, and made us take a tour of one on acreage with ocean view. I LOVE when my preconceived notions are prejudices are shattered! (In short: pre-fab not taxed at the same rate as site built, and some pre-fab is actually built better than many ticky-tacky on site stock homes getting slapped up in our rapidly decreasing farmland...but that's MY diatribe. Plus, you know this.) And how travelled is this troll if she compares PA to LA, and calls the latter "hick." Hickiest place I ever visited was PA. This chick probably thinks Texas is nothing but oil barons and cowboys, and Alaska nothing igloos. And, she probably has no idea WHY you would not want to get into a battle of wits with a Seven Sisters alum. I love your blog, and can't wait to see more pics of your place if you will share. xoxo

  6. Does she want you to show your home so she can criticize it? As my neighbor in NYC city used to say " Shutting the %$& up is free". Sad that so many people's lives are so empty that they need to be nasty to strangers on the internet - strangers that they clearly seek out! I think it's amazing and adventurous that you relocated!

  7. Shew, I think you told her. I don't understand how some people get their jollies from being nasty. Keep doing you!

  8. I think you and the commentors summed up some pretty good answers!!!!

  9. Wow. I will never understand why the choices others make is any business of strangers. I've read your blog for a while now and I think you and your husband are aspirational! You travel and have new adventures all the time and you can do so comfortably because of the wise money decisions you make. Let the haters drink the Haterade!

  10. You're in the South now; you could have shorten your retort to "bless your heart."

  11. anne in the kitchenJuly 12, 2023 at 2:04 PM

    I guess it is the term troll, but this post reminds me of the Three Billy Goats Gruff. I think this troll (poster) got kicked off the bridge and tossed in the river. Whether she is gone for good or not remains to be see though. Trolls by virtue of this medium seem to have a myriad of names

    1. Anne, I think I know who the troll is, based on your description the last time Sluggy was attacked. I was attacked by the same person before, if it's who I think it is. A very nasty person.

    2. Je does anyone know if she has a current blog? Last one went down awhile ago? I like going to the circus.

    3. I’ve been wondering the same thing. I rarely agreed with her, but it was good entertainment.

  12. I too live in a small southern hick town.
    I am disabled and use a cane.
    Every where I go here someone's opening the door, picking up my cane if I drop it .
    From older gentleman right on down to eight year olds.
    What fools,helping someone they don't know.
    My neighbors care about each other and help each other.
    What ignorant hicks! How I miss being pushed by or shoved aside in the city.
    I also live in a manufactured home but alas, it's not a single wide.
    It's not trendy at all. No designer
    furniture or clubhouse.
    It does not have a thousand dollar tv.
    It does not have a gaming room,cable,
    In ground pool or sauna.
    What it does have is lush beautiful gardens,deer,foxes,raccoons,bunnies and every bird in creation singing .
    I arise to beautiful sunrises.
    I am surrounded by the forrest and a lovely pond. You can sit on my porch and read and feel the wind on your face, listen to the pines whisper.
    It is a place of respite to all who come and visit.
    It is furnished with beautiful but frugal antiques I've found and refinished and placed with care.
    Every one who has come to stay tells me it's like a bed and breakfast and they don't want to leave.
    I guess they are all idiots as well.
    I enjoy your blog and I subscribe to your ideas on frugal living. Looking forward to seeing pictures of your home as it progresses. Oh, and welcome to the southland.

  13. A-Holes abound... GEEZE. Yes we checked out all of it before buying our forever home. Guess what, we knew upfront we were going to be driving at least an hour to get to quality health care. Even the Amish warned us upfront about the lack in this area . BUT our taxes and property insurance is half of what it was where we lived. I would say RMJ hasn't reached our ages Or her family deals with all the choices for her as she drifts along in OZ.
    Proud of you Sluggy

  14. Although your response came about as a result of a negative comment, I'm a new reader and appreciate the background

  15. You should build a fancy pool and post plenty of pics. That would really cause some jealousy. 😀

  16. Wow! Good answer Sluggy. I enjoyed reading it.

  17. Sounds like "Rita Marie" needs to get back to grade school spelling. "knew" replacement? OMG. Wondering if this is the idiot from upstate NY we both know so well? I'mma bet it is! She's just nasty.

  18. Well said Sluggy!


  19. Well, Rita sure is full of herself, isn't she? Miserable people have miserable lives. Healthcare can be shitty, even in the big city. A relative was killed in a hospital by negligence. Another friend would have been killed if his wife hadn't been paying such close attention to every little detail. Both of these were supposedly top hospitals in the country.

  20. Sluggy, you DO NOT have to explain yourself to anyone! Your life, your money, your rules. Some people need to get a damn life. When you were previously attacked about your mobile home, I wanted to applaud you, because I understood why you did what you did. All I can say is 'you made a damn smart financial move', so enjoy your new PAID FOR home. Keep doing you girl & don't let the naysayers get to you.

    What Mr Millionaire said. That made me lol.

  21. Smiles at your response. It's the high road you are on. Now, she can come over and criticise my messy life. I could use an excuse to get fierce.

  22. Excellent answer, Sluggy. It’s so obvious your troll does not read you on a regular basis or they would know how well you handle your finances. Trolls stink!

  23. I would live in a mobile home if I were not terrified of blowing away. I have lived too many years in the South and have seen too many trailer parks with a target on them for tornadoes. I had my old, huge house and that time is gone.
    In my post today, I described going to a walk-in clinic in what some might say is a hick town because I was not finding out what was my problem in a city with world class medical centers. I suppose your daughter does not realize it yet, but she can get you where you need to be as you age.
    I figured you would show your house when you are ready to disclose it. That does not bother me in the least. She must be very nosy.
    Even if you have made mistakes, you are big girl who knows what she is doing and can also fix mistakes. You don't impress me as someone who chose willy nilly where you would move.
    She must be jealous of your travel and guts to have a knee replacement.
    I have had a troll who gets it all wrong as to what has happened to me when she starts criticizing me.

  24. A round of applause for a most excellent answer!

  25. Wow,wow,wow,some people are just plain ignorant !Good for you sluggy,you're a very intelligent woman and I really enjoy reading your blog,you have a talent for writing, especially when you write about your genealogy ancestors.

  26. You go girl! Let her have it! We lived in asingle wide mobile home 40 years ago and I remember it as some of the happiest years of our lives. And I LOVE your description of PA! My Mom's family but one are all there in the middle.

  27. Admit it, it is occasionally fun to kick a troll

  28. Grrrrrrr, that sweet response gets four snaps in a Z formation! Anyone who has followed you for more than a few days knows Sluggy ain't no fool when it comes to finances and spending. And your life choices are yours to make, whether people agree with them or not. No explanations or apologies necessary. You do you! (And you do it well!)


  29. Good for you putting her in her place. When we relocated we had a couple of people ask why we would leave Florida and move to Southern Illinois and buy a smaller house. 1. We've saved a lot of money over the years 2. only two people live here 3. I don't want to spend the rest of my life cleaning and doing maintenance on a big house 4. You don't like it, you don't have to visit.

  30. One word...whoa!!! (Rhitter standing up .... applauding Sluggy for a well written rebuttal...not that you needed to)

  31. I don't blog so don't know much about trolls. Really enjoyed your response though! Think this is the first time I've ever heard Pennsyltucky referenced in a blog but anyone familiar with the state knows the term. Thanks for the chuckle!


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Though I moderate it's partly to keep trolls at bay but also partly so that I read every comment. I don't often respond to comments so if you need me to answer you please write me at my email addy posted on my "About Me" page, linked on the side bar.