Friday, July 28, 2023

Frugal Friday....the July 28th Edition

Welcome to Frugal Friday!   

There are very few Frugal wins this past week and not everything here may be considered frugal but here goes......

*  Hit some great produce clearance deals at Kroger this past Tuesday as we were over near that store(after PT).... 4 bags of Collards @ $1.68 ea., 1 bag of Spinach @ $1.20, 4x8 oz. containers of organic mushrooms for .75¢ ea., 2 x single serve Caesar salads for $1.10 ea., a Cranberry/Walnut/Apple/Bleu Cheese single serve salad for $1.76, my 2 Zucchini rang up for the .59¢ cucumber price and a big hunk of good Parmagiano Reggiano Cheese for 10% off as well as some reg. Kroger specials (and some of them had Ibotta rebates and/or digital Qs).  The freezer is packed with food for Hubs to eat(that are not part of what I can consume right now), so as long as he remembers to thaw something, he eats. lol

*  Been uploading videos to my You Tube channel and getting posts ready to go.  I still need to figure out the updated version of my photo editing program so I can edit photos from Alaska and beyond.  There's a learning curve on that one. sigh

* Been able to type with my new neuro meds but still can't hardly handwrite.  At least I don't strike a key multiple times anymore(usually)but I still make typos.  Messaged the doc to up the dosage.

*  Went to Physical Therapy for my back again this week.   Basically did water aerobics in their pool.  No copays so again FREE.  I go back 2 x next week and the week after, and the week after, etc.

*  Had the "dreaded" procedure".  Well the procedure isn't too bad because they knock you out but the "Prep Day" before is nasty.  At least being on this diet where I eat so little I really didn't feel deprived or hungry that day by not eating but parking my a@@ on the toilet most of the day and 4 hours the morning of the procedure was the ultimate in fun(NOT!).  Cost of nasty stuff to drink, Zero!

*  I found money! 
Nope.  Nada. Zilch.

Total Found in last Week.... .00¢
Total Found this Year.......$2.49

That's all for this past week.  Just sitting home is frugal, right?

It's too damn hot here(triple digit heat indexes for weeks now!)so I rarely leave the house except to hobble to the car with a/c then to wherever I am going that also has a/c.  Can you say I am over Summer down here on Satan's front porch??

Any frugal wins in your neck of the woods?  Let's hear all about them!



  1. I found a penny and a nickel... I thought of you as I pocketed them

  2. I feel for you. I think the farther south you go the hotter it gets. It’s miserable here, so I can just imagine how you all are suffering. Thank you for the great suggestion on my $40 Target coupon, btw.

  3. Ibotta had a $5.99 rebate for Dave’s Killer Bread bars and they were on sale for $3.99 today. There may have also been a Kroger rebate but those disappear right away and then don’t post for several days.

    Tomatoes are all turning ripe at once. I’ve made a big pot of chili and need to make salsa soon.

  4. What is your YouTube channel called?

  5. Dear me I didn't know people still used 'the jug' anymore!


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