Thursday, July 20, 2023

This Week on the Dining Table

The "Weight Loss is Still the Focus" Edition.                                            

Here's another vendor booth from the Spring Fair we stumbled upon in Belfast, Ireland.  We didn't buy any fudge but if Kim had been with us, she would have made a serious dent in their inventory! lol

I'm still making weight loss progress(after hitting a plateau for 2 weeks), am in PT for my lower back issues, got a Neurology consult and meds(though it will take awhile to get them balanced)and am moving forward with both avenues available to get my knee replaced(at some point will need to decide on which one to go with but we aren't at that point yet). 
My PCP is on board with this way of eating to reach a short term goal so no unsolicited advice on this eating plan please.  While I appreciate the concerns I am fine and I am losing weight.  I haven't had any sugar(other than a bit of honey in some hot tea)nor any white food.....bread, potatoes, rice, pasta since returning from the cruise on June 4th.  I am craving fresh homemade bread and Crab Rangoon!  But I am holding fast to my plan far.
I am down 43 lbs. since April(but 51 lbs. if you count the 8 lbs. I gained on the cruise and had to take off again when we got back).  Ideally I want to get rid of 12 more lbs. before the knee replacement(could be as soon as Sept. but likely in Oct.)and I have a goal(but at a slower pace)of 20 lbs. more gone after that surgery(maybe by the end of 2023/beginning of 2024? if it's doable).

Onward to the meal planning!
This is what was planned for last week.......
1. Sunday--Brussels Sprouts, 4 strawberries
2. Monday--Salad(half of it), a yogurt cup
3. Tuesday--Protein drink, more strawberries perhaps
4  Wednesday--small piece of brisket, Broccoli
5. Thursday--other half  of Salad above, yogurt
6.  Friday--Protein drink
7. Saturday-no clue yet-maybe clean out fridge of protein and veggies?

And here's what actually happened........
1. Sunday--Brussels Sprouts, 4 strawberries
2. Monday--Salad(half of it), a yogurt cup
3. Tuesday--Protein drink, more strawberries
4  Wednesday--small piece of brisket, leftover Brussels Sprouts
5. Thursday--other half of Salad above, Catfish, 1 Ear of Corn
6.  Friday--Protein drink, Watermelon
7. Saturday--no food, just hydration
I also drink, water, iced tea(unsweetened), hot tea with lemon and honey and the odd zero sugar soda or Zero sugar Powerade/Gatorade and keep my stomach full and it also keeps me hydrated.   I mostly stick with the water or unsweet iced teas with lemon added.

This one mini-meal per day where I change between vegetable matter and a lean protein and a yogurt cup when these other meals won't suffice.  There also is a regime of supplements I am currently on, either to maintain my body's condition or were already taking them for various conditions.

I guess you'd call this an extreme intermittent fasting deal with many supplements to keep all my innards working and healthy.  I consulted a new PCP and my food plan was given the green light and my blood work came back aok. 8-)

What got taken out of the freezer last week...
*  bag of Brussels Sprouts  

What got put into the freezer last week....
*  a small Hunk of Smoked Brisket
*  9 bags of frozen veggies
*  4 lbs. of Catfish 
*  4 Sirloin Steaks
*  2 lbs. of Chicken Breast

Last week we spent $129.45 on grocery shopping.

 Total comes to $260.98 for July(so far). We stocked up on some items like frozen veggies, meats, wet dog food(again), and more protein drinks, olive oil, Jell-o and yogurt drinks.

There are 14 shopping days left in July(as of Monday 7/17).

I've earned $72.05 on Ibotta in July.
I've earned $9.00 on Shopmium in July.
I've earned $13.00 on Coupons dotcom.
I've earned $0 on Kroger Cash Back in July.
I've earned 299 points from food shopping on Fetch in July.
I've earned 2,890 points from food shopping on Shop Kick in July.
I've earned 0 SB from food shopping on Swag Bucks in July.

That is $94.05 in rebates(not counting the Shop Kick/Swag Bucks/Fetch)on $260.98 of grocery spending so in reality it's $166.93 in food spending after the 5 rebate apps I count.

My savings percentage for the last week was 31.38% and the monthly savings total for July comes in at 26.33% so far spent.

Leftovers going into this week...nothing really.

Here is this week's "food plan".....
1. Sunday-Zalad from Zaxby's, Watermelon
2. Monday--leftover ear of corn, a green bean appetizer for dinner
3. Tuesday--Protein drink, Watermelon
4  Wednesday--Teriyaki Stir-Fry Veggies and Shaved Beef, yogurt cup
5. Thursday--1/2 a bag of Veggies(Broccoli?), yogurt cup, Watermelon
6.  Friday--Salmon, half of a Spinach SoufflĂ©, Watermelon
7. Saturday--leftover Stir-Fry?
I also drink, water, iced tea(unsweetened), hot tea with lemon and honey and the odd zero sugar soda or Zero sugar Powerade/Gatorade and keep my stomach full and it also keeps me hydrated.   I mostly stick with the water or unsweet iced teas with lemon added.
This one mini-meal per day where I change between vegetable matter and a lean protein and a yogurt cup when these other meals won't suffice is not hard to do once you get past the first 3 or 4 days.  There also is a regime of supplements I am currently on, either to maintain my body's condition or were already taking them for various conditions.

What do I need to buy to fix everything on this menu?  Well my menu is pretty basic and I have everything here for it.  Hubs will have the Stir-Fry dish and Salmon with me on those 2 nights but otherwise he's on his own. :-)

What is getting fixed and served at your house this week?

Was last week's plan successful, did you go off plan or did you not even plan what was going to be eaten last week?

Any deals on food at your stores this week?  I confess that I don't need to buy anything right now nor have I had any desire to read the ads.



  1. wow that is a strict diet plan. I don't think it would be near enough to satisfy me. You go girl.
    Great going on the weight loss. Glad to see you post! Take care.

  2. I know this is physically hard for you to do, but I do love seeing your blog!

  3. Who can argue with such stunning success? I applaud your determination and willpower!! Glad to know your medical needs are being addressed. Best to you, Suze

  4. I wanted to ask how you conquered the downsides of so little food. I mean, if you gotta,then you gotta. But I would have a lot of trouble with my mood, my energy, my sleep, my temper...

  5. You can do this. My oldest daughter had to do this diet for 8 months twice to have her hips replaced (twice, yes both got replaced twice because I raised an idiot that doesn't follow doctor's orders and thinks she knows it all).

    We are having vegetables.... the gardens are in full production even the Amish family of 12 next door are being over ran with their gardens.

  6. Thinking of you often and wishing you all the best on your continued weight loss journey. SuzInWA

  7. Kuddos to you for sticking with such a restrictive diet. That's serious willpower!!


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