Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Great Western Road Trip 2017....Part Thirty Three/Day Twenty Five & Twenty Six--The END

Part One of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE

Part Two of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Three of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Four of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Five of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Six of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Seven of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Eight of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Nine of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Ten of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Eleven of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Twelve of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Thirteen of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE  
Part Fourteen of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE  
Part Fifteen of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE 
Part Sixteen of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Seventeen of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE 
Part Eighteen of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Nineteen of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE 
Part Twenty of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Twenty One of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Twenty Two of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Twenty Three of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Twenty Four of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Twenty Five of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Twenty Six of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Twenty Seven of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Twenty Eight of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Twenty Nine of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Thirty of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Thirty One of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE
Part Thirty Two of the Great Western Road Trip is HERE

The morning after visiting the Serpent Mount we had breakfast at the motel.  They had a pretty nice brekkie set up.........

I wanted to have a bowl of oatmeal but when I went to put hot water in the bowl I pressed the wrong button and started putting COFFEE in instead.  ick  I realized my mistake and finished putting hot water in but the whole think tasted of coffee(side note-I don't drink/like coffee).

Then I saw this breakfast roll/bun.  Of course I had to take a "Raisin Snail". lolz
We left the motel for our next stop but I noticed a Rite-Aid across the street from where we stopped to gas up the car.  I guess I have Rite-Aid Radar or something. ;-)

Hubs cleaning the windshield while I sat and pointed out spots he missed. lol  I am ever so helpful.....

Hubs wanted more coffee and they had a Tim Hortons nearby so we swung through the drive-thru.

I think this was a prison we passed down in Southern Ohio.  It's been almost 7 years so  I may be mistaken.

Approaching the big city from sleepy Southern Ohio.......
We made it to Columbus pretty quickly. 
 I saw that there was a World Market in Columbus and it was on our route so we stopped for a brief look/see.........

"Kittea Infuser"  A cute gift for the tea drinking cat lover in your life.

And for the dog lovers, "Pug in a Mug".

And what is this I spy?  Why it's a tiny ceramic giraffe.........

In a Giraffe patterned mug.

I bet many a coffee lover has felt the anguish of "Perkatory". lol

And I found my mug, well it should say "Mrs. Almost Always Right". lolz

I guess they clearance-d out all the Fourth of July items, like these "Party like it's 1776" decorative napkins since it was August now.


Ok, don't get triggered by the price of gas sign in Summer 2017 we passed.  Most people around the country would like even $3.11 per gallon of gas now.
We stopped to visit with another online friend, Chris and her hubby, yet another Dan in our universe. lolz
Dan made us dinner while Chris, my Dan and I chatted.  Then we had ice cream and went to bed.  It is so nice to meet people in person after getting to know them online!
Dan also made us all breakfast the next morning.

 Hubs snapped this photo of me and Chris in front of her ginormous fireplace painting that she got for a good deal and she loves.

 We said our goodbyes and thanks and hit the road.  We had one more stop to make that day North of them.

More Tim Horton's???  Is Canada taking over Ohio or something? lolz

I spied this water tower painted to resemble a pumpkin(or some similar squash)on the drive to our next stop.

Fairly quickly we were out in a rural area of Ohio.

And just like that!....another Rite-Aid appeared.  Seems parts of Ohio are lousy with them just like Pennsylvania.

We made it to another town in Ohio and to see Rachel, another online friend and her family.

Here we are posing with her kids.  Boy, have they grown up since then!

And one more photo of us two.

Rachel made us a yummy meal(pasta if I remember correctly), we visited for awhile and then she sent us on our way.....

But not before gifting us some yummy zucchini Bread.


Back on the interstate and Eastward Ho....

Passing an old long closed Goodyear Factory.  They don't call this part of the country the "Rust Belt" for nothing.

Getting onto I-80 and heading toward PA.

Lots of folks seem to move in the Summer.

And just like that we hit the state line.

But we had a 5+ hour drive once we got to PA since we lived on the other side of that often traveled and too long state.
So we booked a hotel room near Grove City.
And you know what Grove City is known for?
Outlet shopping!
Not that we really needed anything but we walked around for a couple of hours, I went into the Vera Bradley Store and found some new purses.......

Then we went into a bookstore for Hubs and browsed the selection.  I think Hubs found something to buy too.
After dropping our luggage at the hotel we went down the street for a light late dinner.

I couldn't help but laugh at the ginormous sweet roll on their glossy menu.  All I could picture was Jerlyn's breakfast back in Nebraska, earlier in the trip.....

I think I had an unsweet iced tea and a salad and don't recall what Hubs had but it wasn't very big.  And NO Sweet Buns for us!!!lolz

We slept, rolled out of bed, dressed and it was back on the Interstate to home.

We hit heavy foggy in Central PA.

Stopped for gas in Clarion where our Daughter attended college for one year.

Got home and snapped a photo of the mileage on the car before we turned it in.  7.416 miles on this "before we left" brand new rental car.  Oh my!

It was a great trip!  Full of sights and fun times with many great people that I won't soon forget.  But it was good to be home and sleep in my own bed again. '-)



  1. I love Vera Bradley purses! Cindy in the South

  2. I always enjoy your trip posts. Road trips around the US have become a favorite of mine over the last couple of years.


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