Tuesday, June 18, 2024

To-Do List....How I Did for May 2024


My To-Do List and how I did......

*  Pay Bills  DONE  Always paid first and early or on time

*  Have Bloodwork Done  DONE  Had labs drawn before I saw my PCP in May.  Everything was good.

*  Start Shoulder PT  DONE  Started and continued through May.  

*  Go to 3 Dr. Appointments  DONE  It seems all I do is go to medical appointments.  Saw the PCP, Orthopedic Doc and medical safari to MS to see my Dermatologist.

*  List 12 Items to Sell  FAIL  I just didn't get to this.

*  Take Box to One Kid  DONE  I drove over and left it on the front porch as Daughter didn't even have the courtesy to answer the door.  So I taped a note to her front door and she has made no attempt to contact either of us.  Sad.

*  Finish Arrangements for Trip and Cruise  FAIL  Well, I finished paying for the cruise but we still have to make plans for the flights out to Idaho.

*  List 2 Items on Facebook Marketplace  PASS  I DID  list 2 items on FB Marketplace.  I listed the two derelict boats in the back 40 that the previous owners left here.  I put them up for free.  We don't have the titles to either of these boats but previous owners have not made any attempts to come get them(so they have been abandoned here).  I got deluged with folks wanting one or the other or both, even in the bad conditions they are in and one of the boat trailers has no tires on it.  So Hubs looked up what is involved with actually selling/giving them away legally and it's quite a lot of paperwork involved so we are going to find another way to get rid of them where we don't have to pay fees and such to the state.   So I DID list them but we still have them. 8-((

*  Go Through Old Photos  PASS  I had to go through photos in order to put photos in Daughter's box.  

*  Contact Lawyer with Changes  FAIL  Ran out of time before we left.

*  Read/Finish Two Books  FAIL  Just hadn't felt much like reading.  Some days it's hard to hold a book still enough to read words with this danged Essential Tremor.

*  Buy Stuff for House(Always)  DONE  Hubs bought something, even if it was just kerosene for the burn pile. lol

*  Giveaway/.Donate Clothes That are Salvageable  DONE  I treated all the baby clothes I've been carrying around since the 1990's with Biz and everything that got cleaned went to Goodwill and anything too stained went into the garbage.  I gave each kid the outfit them came home from the hospital in and sent a box of boy clothes to my new Great Nephew, born in March.

As a Bonus I was able to donate some shirts and a new bra to Goodwill too. 8-)

*  Have Bone Density Scan  DONE  That wasn't much of anything other than laying on that hard "bed" at the scanner place.  ouch  Was done with that within 5 minutes and my bones all look dense and good.

*  Take Food to Food Bank  DONE

Everything pictured above got hauled to the Church Food Bank in May.

*  Edit More Photos  DONE  I got more photos on my computer edited but, I came back from the cruise with even more of those type of photos. I don't think I'll every get all these done.  lolz

*  Post About Old Trips  DONE  Worked on the 2017 Trip Out West and got near the end of that saga(finally).

*  Work on Genealogy  DONE  I was contacted by a 3rd cousin 1 x removed on Find A Grave, concerning some work I had done there putting up some memorials of relatives.  I didn't know she was my cousin until we got to corresponding about some errors in my FAG memorial placement.  Perhaps we'll stay in touch once we get this FAG issue hashed out.  We share my 3x GGrandfather Vassar but her Grandmother's maiden name is Snead and she is my 1st cousin 3 x removed too.  See what I mean about having a family macramé and not a family tree. lol

*  Buy Poly Mailers to Ship Fabric  DONE  I ordered and received the poly mailers.  Now I just have to photo and actually list fabric so I can sell and ship it. ugh

*  Photograph Fabric for Listings  PASS  I only got 3 pieces of yardage photographed before the month ended.

May turned out to be a busy month and June is about as busy.


1 comment:

  1. You got a lot accomplished, Sluggy. Way to go. I also had a bone density test in May. I'll have that addressed at the doctor's office next week. It's too bad about the red tape involving the boats. I know what it's like to get rid of something that you don't want in your yard.


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