Sunday, June 30, 2024

My Current You Tube Obsession

I found this guy on You Tube recently.  It's a channel called "Willys Truck Life".  This guy is from Newfoundland and lives in his truck.  He travels around Canada and cooks over an open fire and most of his videos are of what he is cooking.
The first one I found was this one, and it remains one of my favorites.
**Warning for Anne**  Don't watch this one as he is cooking Liver. 8-)))

Better than what he is cooking in this video is the fact that he is doing so in a town named DILDO.
Now I must go to Dildo Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.  And visit Nana & Pop's Souvenir Shop and buy bunches of bumper stickers, bookmarks and t-shirts that say DILDO. lololz

As I've watched more of his videos I find he is a real likeable character.  My guilty You Tube pleasure?



  1. One of my guilty Youtube pleasures at the moment is the Wheezy Waiter. He's been around for quite a few years and while maybe not as exciting as living in his truck in Canada, he is good fun!

  2. Thank you for sharing this! I won't eat liver and onions either but I had a dear friend from St. John's and visited her in the early 90's. It's a beautiful area and if you ever get to go I highly recommend it.

  3. I love liver and onions with gravy. I found the gift shop and most everything has the name of the town on it.


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