Monday, June 10, 2024

What's on The Dining Table....the June 10th Edition

The "Eating Returns to Normal on Monday" Edition.....


I found this photo in my folder.  It's a supposedly a piece of "Texas Toast", probably from Zaxby's as they give you this as part of a Zalad meal.  I don't know about you but "Texas Toast" when/where I grew up was a THICK slice of bread, toasted and flavored.  This is just a piece of everyday, run of the mill toast.  What happened to Texas Toast?  And now I live 7 miles away from Texas and they call this Texas Toast??  I am

Onward to the meal planning!
This is what was planned for last week...........
1. Sunday--Roasted Asparagus, Chicken Tenders
2. Monday--Asparagus Risotto,(plus Caesar Salad for me)
3. Tuesday--Lasagna with Italian Sausage/Ground Beef sauce,(plus Salad for me)
4. Wednesday--Leftovers for me, Mashed Potatoes & Hamburger for Hubs
5. Thursday--?
6. Friday--?
7. Saturday--?

And here's what actually happened....
1. Sunday--Roasted Asparagus, Chicken Tenders
2. Monday--Asparagus Risotto,(plus Caesar Salad for me)
3. Tuesday--Lasagna with Italian Sausage/Ground Beef sauce,(plus Salad for me)
4. Wednesday--leftover Cheeseburger on bun and Roasted Potatoes for Hubs, big Salad & Roasted Potatoes for me
5. Thursday--Rotisserie Chicken, Garlic Mashed Potatoes for Hubs, The Chicken and leftover Green Beans for me
6. Friday--Broiled Salmon for both, leftover Garlic Mash for Hubs, leftover Asparagus & baked Sweet Potato Fries for me
7. Saturday--Leftover Lasagna(plus Salad for me)

I didn't realize what a PITA this low fiber diet for Hubs would be.  Luckily he was ok with 6 days of cornflakes and banana for breakfast, turkey sandwich on white bread with mayo and cheese for lunch so I only had to deal with dinners.  Some things we both ate and other things we went our separate ways.

What got taken out of the freezer last week....
*  Chicken Strips
*  Italian Sausage Meat
*  Ground Beef
*  Hunk of Salmon

What got put into the freezer last week....
*  2 pints of Ice Cream
*  1 bag of Chicken Strips

Last week we spent $142.74 on grocery shopping for June.  How the heck did we spend that much and what did we buy?lol

Total shopping comes to $239.17 for June.   There are 20 shopping days left in June.  Gosh darn it, I am NOT spending any more $$ on food this month if I can help it!

Rebate monies earned this month so far.....
I've earned $65.50 on Ibotta in June.
I've earned $11.00 on Shopmium in June.
I've earned $0 on Alexa app in June.
I've earned $34.25 on Kroger Cash Back in June.
I've earned $13.04 on TaDa in June.
I've earned $6.00 on Checkout51 in June.
I've earned $19.36 on Aisle, etc. in June. (Haven't gotten my Nature Valley/Mott's Snacks rebates there yet.-$7.74)
I've earned 5,943 points on Fetch from food shopping in June.
I've earned 10,362 points from food shopping on Shop Kick in June.($41.44)
I've earned 10 Points on My Points in June.($)
I've earned 2,255 SB from food shopping on Swag Bucks in June.

That is $146.74 in rebates(not counting Shop Kick/Fetch/MyPoints/KCB/Alexa)on $239.17 of grocery spending so in reality it's $92.43 in food spending after the rebate apps I count. I now separate out the Food Bank donations and don't count those in the grocery spending.

My savings percentage for the last week was 41.50% and the monthly savings total for June comes in at 49.30% spent.

Leftovers going into this week...Rotisserie Chicken meat,  Asparagus Risotto, Lasagna(lots), Roasted Broccoli(1+ helpings).

Here is this week's "food plan".....
1. Sunday--TV Dinner(me), Jello for Hubs Nom Nom
2. Monday--Hubs wants Chinese buffet after procedure so we'll have that
3. Tuesday--Dinner out at Trivia?
4. Wednesday--Leftover Lasagna, Salad
5. Thursday--Something with Chicken-Fajitas?
6. Friday--Asparagus Risotto, ?
7. Saturday--?
I'll come back and fill in the menu later on Monday.  I'm a bit busy this morning playing chauffeur. ;-)

What is getting fixed and served at your house this week?

Was last week's plan successful, did you go off plan or did you not even plan what was going to be eaten last week?

Any deals on food at your stores this week?  



  1. TexasToast is an inch thick.

  2. I made a bunch of chili on Saturday and still have quite a bit left. Dave will stop eating it soon so I’ll probably make pasta salad when that happens.

    Zima’s new medication had a nasty side effect but it seems to be over now. It was a busy weekend cleaning her messy bottom.

  3. That doesn't look like Texas Toast to me.


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