Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Some Music for a Wednesday

 Just a few songs I was listening to today.

Some Classic Beatles........

Some not-so Classic The Eagles....

Audra McDonald really shows these other two "non-singers" up.  Trivia time-I was a costumer dresser for Ms. Baranski long before she was "Cybil"s best friend in that sit-com or Leonard's mother in "The Big Bang Theory".  This was back when she did Summer Stock and legitimate theater work and hadn't broken into the "big time" yet.

And I still think the Elaine Stritch "Company" version is the best. ;-)

And here's Elaine's version from the original cast of "Company"..........

It will be 10 years next month since Ms. Stritch left us.  Gosh, time flies......

What music have you listened to lately?


1 comment:

  1. Usually have Shakespear’s Sister playing but found an old Eminem CD in my car. “Lose Yourself “ was a pretty good song.


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