Saturday, January 19, 2013

Price Book Update--Week 2

Just posting the Week 2 Price Book numbers for my items.  I'll try to get Week 3 numbers reported in earlier this coming week and since that gets us halfway to all our data, I'll talk about the trends that seem to be appearing.

Ground Beef...2.28/3.69  3.79/3.99
Chuck Roast....3.99/3.99  2.99/3.99
Hot Dogs....4.99/5.99  4.99/5.99
Pork....3.99/3.00  3.99/2.99
Bacon....2.98/3.50  3.99/3.50
Chicken Breast....2.99/3.09  2.99/3.49
Chicken Whole.... .78/1.69  1.39/1.89
Salmon....10.00/7.99  0/7.99
Cheese....1.77/2.99  2.00/2.00
Butter.....3.00/3.50  3.49/3.98
Eggs....1.93/1.50  1.79/1.89
Carrots.... .90/1.00  .75/1.29
Potatoes....1.48/2.50  2.99/2.99
Celery.....1.69/259  1.99/1.89
Onion..... .49/.75  1.69/1.00
Salad Greens....2.50/1.95  2.50/1.85
Pasta..... .88/1.00  1.00/1.00
Spaghetti Sauce.... .88/1.00  1.33/1.25
Coffee....5.65 lb/5.12 lb  5.65 lb/4.16 lb
Soup Tomato...1.05/.75  1.05/1.00
Soup Cream....1.00/.75  1.29/1.39
Flour.....2.19/2.19  2.19/2.19
Sugar.....2.69/2.69   2.69/2.69
Brown Sugar...1.89/1.69  1.89/1.69
Honey.....4.00 lb/3.45 lb  4.00 lb/3.45 lb
Deli Ham...5.99/7.99  4.99/5.99
Deli Provolone...7.99/8.99  4.99/8.99
Frozen Pizza...4.49/4.99  5.00/3.33
Ice Cream...3.00/3.00  2.50/3.00
Frozen Broccoli...1.88/1.50  2.19/2.00
Soda....4.99/4.00  4.00/4.00
Chips....3.00/3.00  3.00/2.50

Be sure to log in your Week 2 prices and work on collecting your Week 3 prices.


1 comment:

  1. After you use the oil sprayer, can you give us your opinion of how it works? Also, what brand is it. Thanks.


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