Here are my FOOD BUDGET spending totals for DECEMBER 2012.
I have posted December's totals on the right side bar under Total Grocery Savings for 2012 and updated the Yearly Totals.
I am listing subtotals for each store I purchased from in December. If you aren't interested in that much detail, just skip to the bottom for the Totals Summary.
My spending includes Food, Toiletries/HBA, Pet Supplies, Cleaning Products, Paper Goods & tax where applicable.We are a family of 5(4-5 at home this month)& 2 dogs. No kids under 16.
OOP $21.89
Value $77.70
Savings 71.83%
OOP $17.95
Sale/Ads/Qs $2.00
Value $19.95
Savings 10.03%
OOP $.10
Sale/Ads/Qs $9.00
Value $9.10
Savings 98.90%
OOP $54.90
Value $101.93
Savings 46.14%
OOP $0.00
Qs/Ads/+Ups/Gift Card $785.79
Value $785.79
Savings 100%
SHURSAVE STORES(small local independent affiliated stores)
OOP $98.64
Qs/Ads $85.94OOP $98.64
Value $184.58
Savings 46.56%
OOP $245.63
Qs/Ads $165.34
Value $410.97
Savings 40.23%
I don't track Rite-Aid's +Ups here, nor CVS's ECBs & Walgreen's RRs. They will be included when used on purchases under "Coupons". I'll keep track of what rebates are received monthly. Rebate money/gift cards will be considered 'income' & will go into the Food/Toiletries budget, offsetting the Out of Pocket. Cash will go immediately into the Budget kitty, while Gift Cards will be calculated in when spent.
TOTAL Value of Cash/Store Checks/Gift Card Rebates Received...$0.00
TOTAL Value of Cash/Store Checks/Gift Card Rebates Received...$0.00
1 Giveaway win--Free Laundry Detergent Q
My best 3 Store Savings Totals were the Rite-Aid at 100%, KMart at 98.90%, and the Bread Outlet at 71.83%. l shopped at 7 different stores this past month.
TOTAL Out of Pocket........$439.11
TOTAL Coupons & Store Sales Savings...$1,150.81
TOTAL Value of Items Purchased............$1,589.92
TOTAL Savings of...................................72.38%
TOTAL Out of Pocket after Rebates earned(but not received yet) this Month......$420.11
TOTAL Out of Pocket after Rebates earned(but not received yet) this Month......$420.11
TOTAL Coupons & Store Savings....$1169.81
TOTAL Value of Items Purchased.....$1589.92
TOTAL Savings Rate after Rebates of..........................73.57%
This closes out the December spending.
THOUGHTS & COMMENTS for this month.....
I went into December with $400 budgeted for food/toiletries for the month. I went over budget by $39.11. Once I receive my $19.00 in rebates I earned in Dec., my overage gets cut to $20.11.
My grocery/toiletries savings were at 73.57% for December after rebates. If you take the Rite-Aid purchases out of the equation, my savings percentage falls to 45.40%. Almost 50% savings for just food is quite good. I'm usually around 33% savings for just the food stores.
TOTAL Savings Rate after Rebates of..........................73.57%
This closes out the December spending.
THOUGHTS & COMMENTS for this month.....
I went into December with $400 budgeted for food/toiletries for the month. I went over budget by $39.11. Once I receive my $19.00 in rebates I earned in Dec., my overage gets cut to $20.11.
My grocery/toiletries savings were at 73.57% for December after rebates. If you take the Rite-Aid purchases out of the equation, my savings percentage falls to 45.40%. Almost 50% savings for just food is quite good. I'm usually around 33% savings for just the food stores.
I continued to shop the loss
leaders and sales and stocked up when things were at rock bottom price
in the sales cycles.
Speaking about ONLY the food stores, I redeemed 22 manufacturer's Coupons on 187 items bought in December. I went through my receipts and counted exactly how many Qs were used in December to prove that just shopping the loss leaders and rock bottom price in the sales cycles at the food stores CAN give you a good savings rate WITHOUT using coupons! Yes, I used a few Qs but you don't have to be like those crazy people on that TLC show to save money on what you feed your family!
I also earned 4 Catalina Qs worth a combined amount of $21 that were redeemed in December for food items at my 2 main grocery stores and in the food aisle at KMart.
2012 Total Saved $8,279.46
2012 Yearly Total Value of Items $12,475.82
2012 Yearly Total Spent $4,196.36
2012 Yearly Savings Total of 66.36%
Out of Pocket $198.68
Value of Items $819.07
Amount Saved $615.72
Savings Percentage of 75.74%
Out of Pocket $194.03
Value of Items $823.28
Amount Saved $629.25
Savings Percentage of 76.43%
Out of Pocket $494.28
Value of Items $1127.03
Amount Saved $632.75
Savings Percentage of 54.64%
Out of Pocket $225.03
Value of Items $451.13
Amount Saved $226.10
Savings Percentage of 50.12%
Out of Pocket $336.48
Value of Items $585.35
Amount Saved $228.10
Savings Percentage of 42.52%
Out of Pocket $358.85
Value of Items $1,121.05
Amount Saved $762.20
Savings Percentage of 68%
Out of Pocket $236.43
Value of Items $823.59
Amount Saved $540.90
Savings Percentage of 71.30%
Out of Pocket $485.94
Value of Items $1503.43
Amount Saved $1017.49
Savings Percentage of 67.67%
Out of Pocket $418.60
Value of Items $1233.55
Amount Saved $814.95
Savings Percentage of 65.58%
Out of Pocket $459.36
Value of Items $1130.59
Amount Saved $658.23
Savings Percentage of 59.37%
Out of Pocket $368.57
Value of Items $1267.83
Amount Saved $899.26
Savings Percentage of 70.92%
Out of Pocket $420.11
Value of Items $1589.92
Amount Saved $1169.81
Savings Percentage of 73.57%
2012 Yearly Total Value of Items $12,475.82
2012 Yearly Total Spent $4,196.36
2012 Yearly Savings Total of 66.36%
Out of Pocket $198.68
Value of Items $819.07
Amount Saved $615.72
Savings Percentage of 75.74%
Out of Pocket $194.03
Value of Items $823.28
Amount Saved $629.25
Savings Percentage of 76.43%
Out of Pocket $494.28
Value of Items $1127.03
Amount Saved $632.75
Savings Percentage of 54.64%
Out of Pocket $225.03
Value of Items $451.13
Amount Saved $226.10
Savings Percentage of 50.12%
Out of Pocket $336.48
Value of Items $585.35
Amount Saved $228.10
Savings Percentage of 42.52%
Out of Pocket $358.85
Value of Items $1,121.05
Amount Saved $762.20
Savings Percentage of 68%
Out of Pocket $236.43
Value of Items $823.59
Amount Saved $540.90
Savings Percentage of 71.30%
Out of Pocket $485.94
Value of Items $1503.43
Amount Saved $1017.49
Savings Percentage of 67.67%
Out of Pocket $418.60
Value of Items $1233.55
Amount Saved $814.95
Savings Percentage of 65.58%
Out of Pocket $459.36
Value of Items $1130.59
Amount Saved $658.23
Savings Percentage of 59.37%
Out of Pocket $368.57
Value of Items $1267.83
Amount Saved $899.26
Savings Percentage of 70.92%
Out of Pocket $420.11
Value of Items $1589.92
Amount Saved $1169.81
Savings Percentage of 73.57%
You are a savings queen! Sounds like RiteAid works! I'm going to try my luck this year at CVS and Walgreens. We shall see how it goes!