Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Dollar General Deceptive Business Practices

Because the South is lousy with DGs, this is a big problem here.  Funny how these stores seem to always proliferate in low income neighborhoods.....I'd need both hands to count the number of DGs within a 6 mile radius of my house.  I watch at the register like a hawk if I step foot in a Dollar General and buy anything.  I've been overcharged quite a bit but if they don't honor the price on the shelf, I don't buy that product and have them put it back.  I inform them on the discrepancy but when I return to that particular store weeks or a month later, the shelf price has not been corrected.  Every other store I buy anything from will honor the shelf price if the item in question rings up higher at the register.(Some states have laws that require a store to honor the shelf price anyway.)
This beef I have goes back to when we lived in PA and I didn't pay as close attention and was overcharged once.  I wrote to the company and basically was told "so sad, too bad" and nobody was going to rectify the situation.  These stores are constantly under staffed on purpose and it's all the employees can do to keep order and the doors open.  It's a very poor business model and I hope more states bring lawsuits against them.



  1. Amazing! I went into one DG all the time. They did not like me coming in because I complained, got refunds over the prices. Now, I know.

  2. Thanks for the information.
    I do not go to dollar general stores a lot but do on occasion.
    I will keep an eye on them when I do.
    I stopped at a local owned nursery the other day and bought a flat of flowers.
    I wasn't feeling well so I didn't pay close attention. I always check my purchases.
    When I got home I took the receipt and went to put it in my wallet.
    I realized they changed me 78 dollars
    for 30 dollars worth of flowers.
    I called and told them what happened.
    It took a few minutes to correct the issue. I had to drive back to the nursery
    but I got the money back.
    They also apologized and gave me a nice sized gift card.
    That's why I like to shop with local owned
    businesses. Your a customer not a number. You can bet I'll be more careful
    from now on.

  3. Our Attorney General nailed their butt in court. They had to donate a lot of $$ to every county they were in to food banks etc. I am in OHIO.

  4. Hi Sluggy, this is Chris. The DG in our town recently closed. I never really shopped there.

  5. I only go to DG for a nail brush they carry that is good and cheap. Tommy keeps using it to scrub vegetables, so I suppose I need another. Plus, I buy the cheap little terry house shoes I love. Nothing else. Tommy does buy Pepsi when they are a good buy.

  6. Our DG always has shady characters hanging out in front. I’ve only been in there once because my nephew wanted some kind of game cards that they carried. It was dirty looking and messy so I’ve never been back.


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