Monday, January 8, 2024

This Week on the Dining Table

The "What Day?/What Month?/What Year is it?" Edition.....  

Before we left on this whirlwind 3K+ trip I had to try on clothes in my closet to see what now fit or not.  Basically since the TKR surgery in October I've been wearing t-shirts and the 5 pair of smaller pants I picked up at Walmart for the last 2 months of 2023, as I only went to dr. appointments, physical therapy and grocery shopping.  Didn't need to be a fashion plate nor did I need cold weather clothing(PA got 6 inches of snow yesterday where youngest lives and where we spent some time).
I had picked up this pair of trousers at a Talbot's Outlet on one of our girl's trips in the past 3 years(can't recall which).  I tried them on(they were tight when I bought them back then)to see if they fit properly now.  Well, I could have smuggled both of our dogs on the trip with us in those pants with me! lol    Anybody need a pair of nice, expensive pants that never were worn?? 8-)
I am still trying to settle down into our usual mundane routine here after being home since Wednesday night. 

This is day 211 of the new "diet".  Down 59 lbs. since the cruise(not counting the 8 I gained on the cruise and then lost again, which would make it 67 lbs.).  
I did eat stuff on the trip I try to stay away from(sweets and carbs)but considering I didn't gain an ounce once I got home and back on a scale I'd say eating-wise, things went pretty well.

Onward to the meal planning!
This is what was planned for last week hahaha.......
1. Sunday--No Clue
2. Monday--No Clue
3. Tuesday--No Clue
4  Wednesday--No Clue
5. Thursday--No Clue
6.  Friday--No Clue
7. Saturday--No Clue

And here's what actually happened over the course of the trip that I remember(when I mention Iced Tea that means I had that for Breakfast).......
12/20 Wed.--KFC take-out in Hotel room(blech)2 pieces chicken, cole slaw, green beans, half a biscuit
12/21  Thur.--Chinese Buffet near Hotel(I had unusual self-restraint)
12/22  Fri.-- Hotel Oatmeal, Applebee's Asian Chicken Salad
12/23  Sat.--Hotel soft yellow omelet thing(no flavor),1 cheese cube and a cracker at Youngest's House, Fish and Chips w/Cole Slaw(ate half)and a Guinness Stout at restaurant
12/24  Sun.--Ate leftover Fish and Chips for Breakfast, Chicken w/Cashews at Chinese Restaurant
12/25 Mon.--Jelly Toast at Hotel, Stuffed Shells, Clams Casino at son's finacè's parents house
12/26 Tues.--Hotel Oatmeal, a few olives for a snack at Sissie's house, and I know she fed me dinner but can't for the life of me remember what it was besides she "forced" me to eat a piece of her homemade Pistachio Baklava(so good!)
12/27 Wed.--Iced Tea, Shrimp and Other things I can't remember for dinner
12/28 Thurs.--Iced Tea, Rueben Sandwich out for lunch, leftover Prime Rib made into Stew
12/29 Fri.--Pork Chop, some side dish at Brother's house
12/30 Sat.--Raid the Fridge Day and I can't remember what I ate
12/31 Sun.--Ham Biscuit slider, a Cheeseburger Happy Meal with Apple Slices, Champagne with Strawberry at midnight
1/01 Mon.--another Ham Biscuit slider, Black Eyed Pea, Collards, Prime Rib
1/02 Tues.--Iced Tea, Turkey w/Gravy, Salad, Green Beans at IHOP
1/03 Wed.--Jelly Toast at motel, Arby's Beef and Cheddar at a truck stop(then we got home)
1/04 Thur.--Iced Tea, Catfish Dinner w/Cole Slaw, Green Beans(half)
1/05 Fri.--Iced Tea, leftover Catfish meal, Sm. Apple Walnut Salad
1/06 Sat.--Iced Tea, Teriyaki Green Beans, Cheeseburger(no bun)

No going back to old habits and eating patterns for me!

What got taken out of the freezer last week...
* 1 lb. Ground Beef
I really only "cooked" 1 meal last week.

What got put into the freezer last week....
* 2 lb. Ground Beef
* 10 Lean Cuisine/Stauffer's dinners
* 2 bags of Frozen Veggies
* 2 lb. Shrimp

Last week we spent $190.62 on grocery shopping for January.  We hadn't grocery shopped for over 2 weeks so needed to do some stocking up.
Total shopping comes to $190.62 for January.   
There are 23 shopping days left in January.

I've earned $55.60 on Ibotta in January.
I've earned $14.00 on Shopmium in January.
I've earned $1.00 on Alexa app in January.
I've earned $1.20 on Kroger Cash Back in January.
I've earned $19.05 on TaDa in January.
I've earned $0 on Checkout51 in January
I've earned $0 on Aisle.
I've earned 304 points from food shopping on Fetch in January.
I've earned 320 points from food shopping on Shop Kick in January
I've earned 0 SB from food shopping on Swag Bucks in January.

That is $89.65 in rebates(not counting the Kroger Cash Back/Shop Kick/Fetch)on $190.62 of grocery spending so in reality it's $100.97 in food spending after the 6 rebate apps I count. 

My savings percentage for the last week was 38.95% and the monthly savings total for January comes in at 38.95% spent. 

Leftovers going into this week....Green Beans.

Here is this week's "food plan".....I am trying to get back into the groove here, it ain't easy......
1. Sunday--Caesar Salad, Chicken Strips
2. Monday--Spaghetti and Meatballs, leftover Green Beans
3. Tuesday--Lean Cuisine tv dinner
4  Wednesday--Chicken Sandwich, Stir-Fry Veggies
5. Thursday--Lean Cuisine tv dinner
6.  Friday--Shrimp Scampi, something veggie?
7. Saturday--Stauffer's Cheddar Broccoli Bake

What is getting fixed and served at your house this week?

Was last week's plan successful, did you go off plan or did you not even plan what was going to be eaten last week?

Any deals on food at your stores this week?  



  1. Woohoo, look at you, looking great and all!! Too bad about those pants, but an excellent reason to update the wardrobe :)

  2. Look how skinny you are, just dissappearing.

  3. Amazing progress! Super impressed with your determination, even over the holidays.

  4. You have made amazing progress! Good for you!

  5. You look amazing!!!!! Susan R

  6. I doubt I could get into those pants! You are shrinking and I am blowing up.
    The iced tea is so bad at the KFC where we used to eat that it gagged me.
    On the way home, Tommy went into Food Giant and picked up 2 packages, $10 worth of bscb that was $1.99/lb. If the freezer ever has enough room, we will buy much more. As it is, when the bscb is on sale, we go in and buy two packages. I always instruct him to ask if it is thawed on the counter and get some still rock hard frozen.

  7. You look great! Congratulations! You look a world different! How wonderful, except for all the surgery and pain part of this adventure for you.

    I lost about 25 pounds in the past year and decided that since I hate clothes shopping and didn’t want to spend a fortune on clothes, I would see what I could get at local thrift stores. So far I have found 6 pairs of pants, only two needed to be hemmed, at an avg price of $8. Not sure if you can find such a thing in your new location but worth a try…. Hilogene in Az

  8. Hi Sluggy, this is Chris. Looking good. đź‘Ť

  9. Jre You look great and I would think this really helps your mobility! I really need to lose at least 15 # this next year mostly so I can get back into my clothes more comfortably. ( and even at that I’m not slim at all).

  10. You look fantastic! Cindy in the South


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