Monday, September 18, 2023

This Week on the Dining Table

The "I Miss My Morning Glories" Edition.....  

I seemed to have a green thumb with those flowers(other than veggies I have never been much of a gardener).  They just kept volunteering each year in PA and expanding their range and it brought me joy.  I sure do miss them.....

This is day 99 of the "diet".  Yay!

My PCP is on board with this way of eating to reach a short term goal so no unsolicited advice on this eating plan please.  While I appreciate the concerns I am fine and I am losing weight.  I haven't had any sugar nor any white food(mostly).....bread, potatoes, rice, pasta since returning from the cruise on June 4th.  But I am holding fast to my plan far.  I am down an additional 38 lbs. since starting this eating plan(not counting the 8 lbs. I gained on the cruise and then dropped after coming home).

Onward to the meal planning!
This is what was planned for last week.......
1. Sunday--Lobster Ravioli in Beurre Blanc, Salad
2. Monday--cup of Choc. Milk, Salad, Pasta w/Mushroom & Meat Sauce
3. Tuesday--Yogurt cup, Roast Chicken, Carrots, Broccoli
4  Wednesday--Protein Shake, Grilled Salmon, Spinach SoufflĂ©
5. Thursday--leftover BBQ Pork, Cole Slaw
6.  Friday--leftover Chicken meal
7. Saturday--leftover Pasta meal or ?

And here's what actually happened........
1. Sunday--Lobster Ravioli in Beurre Blanc, Salad
2. Monday--cup of Choc. Milk, Salad, Rigatoni w/Mushroom & Meat Sauce
3. Tuesday--Roast Chicken, Carrots, Broccoli
4  Wednesday--Lean Cuisine meal, Protein Shake
5. Thursday--Pasta and Sauce, Corn on Cob
6.  Friday--Yogurt Shake, Crackers and Hummus, Grilled Salmon, Green Beans w/Teriyaki Sauce
7. Saturday--BLT sammie, leftover Rigatoni w/Sauce

Most of the plan happened but not necessarily when it was planned to happen.  I made the Lobster Ravioli, Rigatoni and Sauce, Grilled Salmon meals.  I was feeling puny on Wednesday and forgot to defrost the Salmon in time on Thursday so Wednesday and Thursday went off course. Hubs was responsible for his own dinners beyond the ones I cooked and any leftover meals.

No going back to old habits and eating patterns for me!

I also drink, water, iced tea(unsweetened), and the odd zero sugar soda or Zero sugar Powerade/Gatorade and keep my stomach full and it also keeps me hydrated.  I mostly stick with the water or unsweet iced teas with lemon added.

What got taken out of the freezer last week...
*  1 bag of Lobster Ravioli
*  1 whole Chicken
*  1 lb. Ground Beef
*  1 Hunk of Salmon
*  2 Lean Cuisine meals

What got put into the freezer last week....
*  4 more Lean Cuisine meals
*  2 pints of Ice Cream

Last week we spent $62.60 on grocery shopping.  
Total shopping comes to 307.82 for September.   
There are 13 shopping days left in September.

I've earned $87.25 on Ibotta in September.
I've earned $23.00 on Shopmium in September.
I've earned $0 on Coupons dotcom in September.
I've earned $4.00 on Alexa app in September.
I've earned $0.60 on Kroger Cash Back in September.
I've earned $0 on Checkout 51 in September.
I've earned 1,457 points from food shopping on Fetch in September.
I've earned 1,128 points from food shopping on Shop Kick in September.
I've earned 14 SB from food shopping on Swag Bucks in September.

That is $114.85 in rebates(not counting the Shop Kick/Swag Bucks/Fetch)on $307.82 of grocery spending so in reality it's $192.97 in food spending after the 6 rebate apps I count. 

My savings percentage for the last week was 32.08% and the monthly savings total for September comes in at 37.88% so far spent.  

Leftovers going into this week....some of that whole chicken, broccoli and carrots, rigatoni and sauce.

Here is this week's "food plan".....
1. Sunday--grilled Steak, Spinach Soufflé
2. Monday--leftover Pork BBQ, Coleslaw
3. Tuesday--Quesadillas(using leftover Chicken), Veggie TBD
4  Wednesday--Cheeseburger(no bun), leftover Coleslaw
5. Thursday--?  Hubs is cooking
6.  Friday--Catfish, Veggie TBD
7. Saturday--Lean Cuisine meal

I'll cook the Steak, BBQ, Quesadilla, Cheeseburger and Catfish meals.  Hubs will eat and do his own thing on other days or have leftovers from those meals.   I'm not feeling any cooking mojo right now.  Can't do roasts, stews, etc. as it's still in the 90's here even though it's Fall so it's stovetop or outside grilled meals mostly.

I also drink, water(usually with lemon), iced tea(unsweetened), and the odd zero sugar soda or Zero sugar Powerade/Gatorade and keep my stomach full and it also keeps me hydrated.   I mostly stick with the water or unsweet iced teas with lemon added.

What do I need to buy to fix everything on this menu?  Nothing I can think of right now.  Will grocery shopping happen this week?  Maybe not.

What is getting fixed and served at your house this week?

Was last week's plan successful, did you go off plan or did you not even plan what was going to be eaten last week?

Any deals on food at your stores this week?  



  1. Heavenly Blue Morning Glories are my favorite flower, but they are one thing you can't grow out here. I miss them too.

  2. Your morning glories were pretty.
    Congrats on the weight loss and sticking with the diet for 99 days. Hope it will make the knee surgery and recovery go a little easier. Will you have to have both knees done?

    1. The left is not as bad as the right. Eventually I'll probably have to have that one done too but that's a ways down the road.

    2. Oh that's good. Hope you will be feeling better soon.

  3. Dang girl, you are killing the weight loss thang!!! Awesome!!! Cindy in the South

  4. You are storing ice cream? So, that means this is on your diet. Just asking for a friend who needs and ice cream diet. I certainly admire your restraint and imagine this will lead to a better recovery from surgery.

    1. A life of deprivation is not worth living. I will indulge in treats as I hit milestones along the way(I just hit a big one.). But will indulge in moderation.

  5. I hope whoever bought your house is enjoying the morning glories!

  6. I just read a book that makes 100% sense to me about our senior citizen bodies. 'The Whole Body Reset". I encourage everyone to read it for the insights about our senior bodies.

    Congrats on the weight loss! Your knee replacement rehab will be easier the lighter you are (I've had both done and I'm no twiggy).


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