Wednesday, September 13, 2023

I've Been Going Through a Lot This Year

*Feel free to just skip reading this if you want as it's just me bitching and moaning about my life and health.*

We've been in Louisiana for a year now and I've got to say it's been one of the hardest years I've had in my life.
Hubs and I fight a lot and neither of us are happy.  I don't know why Hubs is unhappy(other than having to deal with me)but I have had a ShitShow of a year so far so I know why I am miserable.

First came to leg injury on Xmas eve and the months of wound care, pain and waiting to heal.  Disuse of my leg made my knee worse and I ended up fairly crippled by March and in a deep depression.  Add in my hand tremors were rapidly getting worse around this time which made the depression even greater.

We moved here to be near family, our daughter specifically.  She asked us to move here and said she wanted us near so she could take care of us.
While we have had contact with her on occasions it is sporadic and contact usually has to be initiated by me or Hubs.  Granted she let us live with them when we first arrived but had we not bought a house and moved when we did, she may have asked us to leave around then.  I know your grown kids don't want you around 24/7 but this is the child we let move back home for three years in her mid 20's so she could finish her degree and didn't make her pay rent or anything toward the utilities or food bills.  I love my daughter but she runs hot and cold toward us and I don't see that changing.  It is just the way she is.

She also told me in no uncertain terms that they planned to have a baby soon and that factored into our decision to move here.  Since we got here, she began waffling on when and IF her and her husband would have a child.  Neither of them seem in any kind of hurry(they are both in their '30s) and she keeps saying they don't have enough money to have a baby. Gosh is everyone thought that way there would never be any babies anywhere!

Plus now her work situation is precarious due to the company wanting to sell the facility but it's looking like no one wants to buy it.  And IF it gets sold, whether the new owners will offer folks working there now a job is not guaranteed.  And daughter keeps mentioning that they may have to move out of the area since Chemistry jobs are far and few between here.  And after we moved here at her behest she may move away.  Great.

Then dealing with medical stuff has been nothing short of a nightmare!  While Hubs sees the doctor not often(besides an eye dr.), I am a frequent flyer with numerous health issues to keep in check.  It didn't help that we were patients at that substandard clinic for the first 8 months we were here but my hand shaking got worse once we got to Louisiana.  I had an appointment in PA last year with Neurology that I never got to go to because it was scheduled after the move here.  Then it took too long to get an appointment with Neurology down here.  I got diagnosed(initially)with Essential Tremor in June.  The neurologist put me on a very low dose of an anti-seizure medication and the plan was to titrate up until I got to a dose that kept my shaking under control.
The doctor wrote a prescription for 30 pills and had me take 1/2 a pill twice a day for 4 days and then go up to 2 full pills a day.  I did that and realized that this bottle of pills wouldn't last me a whole month.  I messaged him on the patient portal about how this dosage wouldn't last the month and wasn't helping and how I needed a new Rx for more pills.  For almost 2 weeks he didn't respond to my messages on the patient portal.  I was messaging or calling every other day and then daily.  And I was stressing out since I was going to run out of the only thing that helped my tremors(but not enough).  At one point I got a call back from a Medical Assistant that they were sending my new Rx over to my pharmacy but it never arrived.  I continues to follow up with the pharmacy and messaging the doctor but the Rx never showed up.
On the day of my last dose Hubs called the Neurology Department and raised hell.   He got them to fill the drug for 60 pills through another Neurologist in the Department.
Later that night after Hubs picked up this Rx I got a phone call in the evening(about 8pm).  It was my Neurologist explaining that he had come down with Covid the day I was told the Rx was being sent to the pharmacy and he had to leave the hospital and go home for X number of days until he tested negative.  I felt bad for him but for gosh sakes, why didn't he hand over my Rx info to another Neurologist then, to have that Rx sent to the pharmacy?!?  No, he left work and left me hanging for days until Hubs got through to Neurology on the phone. He also said he wanted me to titrate up to 4 pills per day with the medication as 2 pills wasn't helping much at all and he'd write a new prescription.  After this current medication snafu I kept asking him how many pills he was writing the new script for as I had no confidence in what he told me and that he'd follow through with a new Rx.
So I waited for a text from the pharmacy for a few days but when nothing came I called them.  They had the Rx but since I had just had a different Rx for this same medication filled they didn't fill the new one.  I'd have to contact them later in the month when I was close to running out of pills and they'd fill it.  So I relaxed a bit on that score.

The Neurologist wanted me to have an MRI of my brain as well to make sure my symptoms weren't an indication of something worse than ET.  This was decided on my first visit back in July and was set up for mid August.  Diagnosing ET is very much a game of "rule stuff out".  
So I had that MRI on August 16th.  Two days later my test results popped up on the portal but of course it was written in "medicaleze" so being a lay person, it was difficult to decipher what the report meant.
There was also a little "bubble" that said my care team hadn't reviewed the results.  A couple of days later that "bubble" went away but still no one from Neurology contacted me about my MRI results.

Meanwhile as all this was playing out I also had an appointment with the Orthopedic surgeon who I had picked to do my knee replacement.  This was the third appointment with him.  At the first appointment he weighed me and looked at my leg(the Xmas eve injury area)and said he didn't like the looks of it and he said I'd probably lose my leg if he did the knee replacement.  Great.
At the second appointment he then said he wanted the doppler test I had done on my legs before Wound Care would do layered compression on it to heal my devastating leg wound from Xmas eve back in early February.  It took most of a month in July to get the hospital to send that doppler report.  It shouldn't have taken so long to send it(the hospital was 20 minutes drive away)so more anxiety and stress on my part.

At the third appointment(in early August)after saying my leg wound looked much better and reviewing the doppler report which showed good blood flow in my veins/arteries he was set to put me on his surgery schedule for the procedure.
Then I mentioned I was due to have a brain MRI and I had recently been diagnosed with Essential Tremor.
Well that became another roadblock to him!  Now he refused to put me on the surgery schedule until he got a copy of the MRI report.  Every visit it was something else standing in the way of getting my knee replacement.  What does a Brain MRI have to do with a knee replacement anyway?

That was August 4th, the MRI was the 16th and here I sat STILL WAITING until last Thursday for anyone from Neurology to contact me!!  We message or call the Department everyday for the last 2+ weeks.  I am told they will pass the message on to the doctor but he never contacts me.  It would be a 2 minute phone call but he can't find the time.

All I can say it's a good thing I decided to go with the surgeon in Ohio to do the knee or I'd be still sitting here spinning my wheels and not getting a knee replacement because the surgeon here is so risk adverse.  BTW-the surgeon on Ohio knows about the ET diagnosis and the MRI but hasn't said boo about that in regards to my knee.  I just think the surgeon here is gaslighting me.

So we go into September and still no response from Neurology.  While we were at Trivia Monday night my phone rang at 7:05pm.  I picked it up but couldn't hear anybody due to the loudness of the trivia going on.  I said whomever you are(because I couldn't hear a word they were saying)to call me back later as I was in a restaurant and couldn't hear them.  I repeatedly yelled into the phone, "Who is this?" but all I heard was someone hang up.
I am assuming that was my Neurologist as that is the only person I was waiting for a phone call from and I looked up the number that call came from and it was the hospital where the Neurology department is.
So I called that number back Tuesday morning and said I had gotten a call from this number the evening before but I didn't know whom had called.  Of course, some call center person at the hospital answered so I explained what was going on.  She sent yet another message to the Neurology department with a high priority.  Then later that afternoon Hubs called someone in the Neurology department directly, the woman he dealt with before about the prescription fiasco.  He got her voice mail and left a message.  
And nada.

At this point I have little confidence in this doctor and this Neurology department.  I really need to titrate up on the medication as it's not quite enough to keep me from shaking.  The meds wear off a few hours before I am due for my next dose.  If I feel stressed(and that's constant lately!)it also makes the tremors worse.  If the doctor won't even let me know what the MRI shows weeks after he reviews the test, I have zero confidence that this titrating up on the meds(which will mean a new prescription...again!)won't devolve into a stressful clusterf**k like the last time I needed a new Rx from him.
So I sit and worry about this MRI at present and the lack of communication from this Neurologist.

And my tremors keep me from doing two of the things that I've always done; painting and sewing.  I guess I am in the throes of grieving the loss of my previous life and my abilities.  Taking a half an hour to successfully thread the needle on my sewing machine is disheartening and soul crushing.  I am having to face the fact that I now need to sell all my fabric stash I brought here and that the ceramics I brought here too will need to be gotten rid of and I'll never do either skill with any degree of competency again.

And I finally got in to see a Dermatologist to treat my HS.  Luckily my excellent Dermatologist who was an HS specialist set me up with Drug refills through the end of this year or I'd be shit out of luck.

Let's just say that the Dermatologist I saw last week here was underwhelming.  I specifically asked when I called to make this appointment whether any of the 4 doctors in the office knew how to treat HS.  I was told of course they treat it but now I am left wondering if they treat it successfully since none of the 4 specialize in this little studied disease.  This dermatologist barely said anything to me, didn't examine me even! just had an office staff member copy the report I brought from my Dermatologist in PA and said come back after Jan. 1st when I go on Medicare.  I did get her to give me orders for a TB test since you have to have that every year you are on Humira and I was overdue for that test.

So I have gone to the HS website with a list of HS specialists and set up an appointment in February with a dermatologist who actually treats HS.  Of course there are no specialist for HS in this state.  I either had to go to TX(Dallas or Houston), AR(Little Rock) or MS(Jackson)to find one.  All these specialists require at least a 3+ hour drive one way for treatment.  Luckily I am in remission and just need maintenance visits so would only need to travel once or twice a year for checkups and refills of meds.

The situation here(all of the factors)is pushing me to move back to PA.  We have no friends here, a child who is basically too busy to really be in our lives and our experience with the medical care here is less than stellar.  We could move into Central PA(some place we could afford, cheaper than where we lived before in PA)but still be close enough to my HS specialist as well as a first rate medical center for my other medical needs.  
Besides I find the weather here terrible, the poverty around us is soul crushing and having to pay state taxes on our finances when is was not taxed in PA, as well as sales taxes on groceries(how regressive is that?!)  No wonder people here are so poor....between all the sales tax, state tax and lack of jobs, it's a terrible place to live.  Might be nice to visit but live?  Nope.

UPDATE-I finally heard back from the Neurologist after another portal message and then Hubs called the Patient Advocate's office and lodged a complaint.
A few hours after Hub's call I heard from the Neurologist.  He asked me questions(like was I a smoker, etc.)and said the MRI showed "extensive white matter lesions" to quote him.  When asked what that means he wouldn't give me a definitive answer.  I have had to Google that terms to learn what it means.
We all get white matter areas in the brain as we age but his wording made me anxious that something serious showed up in the MRI.
So he said I needed to have 4 blood tests(come to find out afterwards it was 5 blood tests but they only drew 4 vials)and if those don't indicate anything abnormal I'd need to have a lumber puncture(a spinal tap).  Great.
I asked the phlebotomist who drew my blood to give me the names/what these 4 tests were and I wrote them down.
The Neurologist had me tested me for Antinuclear Antibodies(which indicate you have an autoimmune disease), a JVC test which can indicate(a virus that can indicate you have a rare fatal, progressive disease called PML, a Varicella test or Zoster Virus(Chicken Pox)), a test for HIV and a test for Syphilis.  Really?  Do I look like Al Capone??lol
The 3 were negative except for the Varicella, it showed Zoster exposure(because I had Chicken Pox vaccine as a child and a few years ago I had both Shingles shots)so nothing out of the ordinary came from those tests.  There is no result on the JVC test on the portal so who the hell knows on that one!
So now I get to have a Spinal Tap...maybe.  Go me.

As of now I am still in the dark but it looks like I am at a higher chance of stroke and dementia and may have Small Cerebral Vessel Disease.
So we went into this MRI to rule out Parkinson's but came up with a bunch of unanswered questions, none having to do with Essential Tremor.

It's like my life is a nightmare and I can't wake up from it.



  1. Life has sure thrown you a lot of curve balls this year !Sending virtual prayers and hugs for you.

  2. If the daughter has a chemical
    Engineering degree or something similar, yes there are companies in Louisiana that employ those type of engineers. I believe there are several companies in Texas also. She might have to move because of the job, unfortunately. While I love Louisiana, I can see why you are unhappy because the heat there is something else, combined with the humidity. Plus you don’t have any friends there yet ( I don’t have any close friends left, both died of cancer) and the frustration with all the medical issues would be upsetting. It is ok if y’all feel like the move didn’t work out and you sell and move back to where you feel comfortable.
    Life Is too short to not be happy.
    Bonus point if it is near or closer to
    other family who don’t run hot and cold. Some of my kids don’t usually see me unless they want something, usually money. I have a couple who are not that way, but I have two who are. I don’t take it personally because they are kinda stressed with jobs, or families. Really, I just don’t give a shit anymore if they like me or not. Ditto with other relatives. I guess I have given up on being June Cleaver and I am more like permanent Halloween witch flying on my broomstick…. lol. Cindy in the South

    1. She has a regular Chemistry degree, not Chemical Engineering.
      I never vacuumed in pearls so no June Cleaver here. lol My oldest son is dead to me and I'm at a point were I wish I never had him. It sounds harsh but he deserves it. He has caused us nothing but heartache since he married that woman. But whatever, I'll probably be dead in a few years with this MRI results. I just want to give the world a middle finger salute. 8-(

    2. JRE. I’m going to sound like a total b…..h here but I think it’s time for you and your hubs to do YOU! I think that you have plenty of $, each month you’re in the black. It’s a consistent incoming stream. Put yourselves first as your kids aren’t really considering you much. Get out of LA for all of your given reasons. Move to exactly where you want to be (near good medical care). Don’t skimp on your house or get a fixer upper, it’s too hard- too stressful! You both don’t need that!! Life is too short and you and hubs deserve better. The house, medical care crap, weather, and kids have taken too much out of you both. I’m in Mn, bad weather in winter but otherwise great medical, great amenities, in a smaller city with amazing medical access within hour. I can’t imagine waiting on medical information or meds or scheduling. Lower COL. Minnesota nice is true. Wherever you go I wouldn’t worry about how close the kids are. Sorry. spend your kid’s inheritance and figure out from now until dead what do you want? (A quote from Dr. Laura that has a radio show). Best of luck with whatever you decide.

    3. That second reply is not me but yes, as that poster says, if you wanna leave do so.
      Maybe you could go to a different part of Pennsylvania, like you said a less expensive part, but where you know you will have the hood medical care and doctors that is so understandable. I think the photos of where you live currently are lovely but if it is not for you then it is not for you and that is ok. Maybe you could even live just across the border in Kentucky and it be even cheaper but still close to your doctors.Y’all just do what is right for y’all and it sounds like husband is not that happy in Louisiana either. Virtual hugs. Cindy in the South

  3. Hi Sluggy, this is Chris. You really have had a hard year. I hope it helped to get some of it off of your chest. I can see where you would want to move back to PA b/c of the medical care situation. I would feel the same way. We moved to our town to be closer to our kids also and it did work out for us. If the kids left the area, we would stay here. We love the area and would be close to the airport to go visit them wherever they are. The only hard thing is being further away from our elderly parents who are still living.

  4. Need to move. Question why you went to that area with your history and lack of medical care and just what is there. Next time…do your homework. Need to be back in Pa area. Healthcare is bad all over. It less bad in some areas. I am alone, no family, had health issues but living a great life. Not loads of $$. I developed friends at gym and
    I’m content. You need to change your attitude at times to play well with others.e

    1. Knowing Slug very well, she did do her homework. But the medical system is hard no matter where you go. Kids are fickle. So don't judge.

  5. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this all, and on top of it, all at once.
    We're not quite retired yet, but soon....and the idea of a warmer climate is very enticing (we're in MN.) But what you write is exactly my fear! We have good doctors and medical systems that know us and know our (mostly my) medical history.
    And I know what you're saying about adult kids...mine mean well, but they're busy living their lives.
    It's definitely a challenge navigating the retirement/next stage years, and the health part is such a big part to figure out and deal with.
    You have lots being thrown at you....sending my very best wishes to you!!

  6. My brother is going through similar brain issues. Has blood weeping throughout his brain. Ruled out Parkinson’s. He is waiting on a test for an inherited disease, CADISIL. It is very rare and probably not it either. I would move to where YOU are happy. I live in FL and hate the heat and humidity but have a good relationship with my kids who grew up here. Joyce

  7. I still think you need to move to Idaho.... But you have had a very rough year. I would not blame you for moving back to PA.

  8. I say move to where it will make you happy. Like others said, " Life is too short!" I hope things turn around in a more positive way for you.l Hugs

  9. Sorry you are going thru this. We are moving to WV from Pa. to be with our son. Its a big step. My husband has essential tremors the med he is on helps. But wv dr do not subscribe it because its a narcotic. In the process of getting Pa dr to change meds. Health care is so stress full. Hope things get better soon. JB

  10. Hi Sluggy, well, here is my unasked for opinion. Move back to PA and get near good doctors. This is the age we need that support and it can’t be exhausting or we will give up. Second, I had an MRI and one doc said I had small vessel disease…I ignored it. Then went to Mayo and had some other testing done, the doc also looked at the MRI and said he saw zero indication of small vessel disease. So don’t believe one opinion is my motto ;). Anyway, my beloved husband was a bundle of health issues (different issues than yours but equally complex) and it is critical to find doctors! We went through four heart doctors at Mayo before we could the right one, so even if you live in a good place (medical wise), it can be an adventure. Right now you have the pep to fight them, but that won’t last forever….get established in a good place sooner than later. I wish you the best! Hilogene in Az

  11. Dear Sluggy, I am so sorry - I wish I could give you a hug and a shoulder for you to cry on. So, big internet hugs to you. I hope you are able to find good, caring, competent medical care. You are not alone. The way you feel is temporary and can change in the future. There are answers out there. I feel hopeful for you. Is it possible that the diet you're eating is not providing enough nutrients despite the supplementation? I know that as we get older, our ability to absorb nutrients decrease. Could you be b12 deficient? I have read that b12 needs to be taken alone because taking it with other supplements can negate its bioavailability. Are you able to consult a dietician with your insurance plan? Sending you an internet hug -squeeeeze-.

  12. Dear Sluggy, I am so sorry that you are going through this. I wish I could give you a hug and a shoulder to cry on. I hope you get caring, competent, and timely medical care. Is it possible you are nutrient deficient despite supplementation? Low on b12? Are you able to consult with a dietician on your insurance plan? You will get through this. Again, hugs.

  13. I am so sorry you are having such a hard time. Sending you hugs and healing thoughts. I think it might be a good idea to make a move especially since you are not happy there. That can also take a toll on your health. Lori R

  14. I am too tired to type or think. But, this struck a nerve with me. I had thought you were close to oldest son. I know how this hurts, but don't give up on him. maybe he will get rid of her.
    Your health problems are entirely different from mine. But, my responses from doctors do mirror yours. I am really sick of living and fighting it. But, I do continue to fight. No, it is not your attitude that needs to change. That was cruel. I feel like I am fighting for my life. I hate to see you go through the stress of another move. If I had a place with better medical care like you do, I would move right smack in the middle of my place I could get care.
    I love the heat, but my body is not loving it so much anymore. Moving to avoid weather seems futile. AC is my savior. But, maybe that does not work for you.
    Maybe you could talk to your daughter about how things are going. My friend's daughter insisted on putting a trailer in my friend's back yard so she could care for her mother as she aged. Well, that made my friend a full-time babysitter who needed no help at age 50. Daughter got chickens, gave job of feeding and collecting eggs to kids, who practically started the hens to death as they did not take care of them. It was always something with daughter, lazy sil and gkids. So, who knows if kids will be helpful or add stress.
    Maybe you could move to an area with a Mayo Clinic or Cleveland Clinic. I wish I were near one of those. They will even call and talk with you about problems and work with your physician to solve medical problems. Well, that is what I hear.

  15. Sending you a big virtual hug and healing thoughts. Just my two cents - I think it would be a good idea to move back to where YOU and your hubs are comfortable and have access to responsive and competent medical care. Depression can take a terrible toll on your health. SuzInWA

  16. You have always been honest and did not sugar coat things in your life, but this is really a lot to handle. I'm sure your disappointment in your children is not helping your health either. I can only second the others. Move back to Pa. Maybe a condo? No yard work or maintenance? I am very dependent on doctors who respond to my needs. If you had that before you can find it again. Best of luck to you.

  17. First off...HUGS! second, if I were you, I'd look into moving out of Louisiana, it doesn't sound very inviting and the medical system is totally out of whack. Again HUGS!


  18. You've had a hard year. My suggestion is to head back to PA where you can maximize your finances, Healthcare and marriage. Your medical incidents and way you've been treated is horribly lacking. As you know, health is #1. Without that there's nothing.

    One last mention, I have a few family friends and a close friend with MS and what you've described sounds close to and in some way exactly what they had prior to diagnosis. The brain lesions is what stuck out for me the most. All have had brain lesions along with other issues. And all are doing well because they are being medically handled with appropriate medical care and medication. I live in NEPA. I believe i stumbled onto your blog a while back from a comment on know how that works. Sending you strength and hope and if I can do anything from afar please post your needs. Jessica in NEPA

  19. I know from being on the other side of family relationships, and being "that woman" that all I wanted was to be left alone, and not have my MIL interlope or triangulate with other family members, and burden me with her expectations. The straw on the camel's back? Her intimating that MY reproductive rights were any of her effing business, and then presuming to think she had a say in any decisions we made about any kids I chose to bear. I never made DH make a choice--but hell to the no was I going to use my vacation to visit her on her terms, and listen to her gripe. He was free to go, I was staying put. Guess who chose to stay put as well? Not saying that's your situation, but believe me when our kids marry, my advice has been that you and your spouse come first, and you must make your own choices and start your own traditions. Are they welcome here? Yes, but not compelled to come.

  20. Oh Sluggy - I am so sorry. It breaks my heart to read this. I can relate about the mother-daughter relationship, I have a similar situation with Buttercup. I can relate to paying taxes on food, but my living expenses are still lower than California. But I struggle with making friends, as I don't have free time to connect with other ladies. I am here if you need anything. You've been an inspiration and a great motivator to be more frugal.

  21. As so many mentioned, get the heck out of Dodge and find better healthcare. You’re worth it and deserve it!
    Hugs and best wishes!

  22. I'm only going to say, I hear you. I care. You are a smart woman and will do what you need, but even smart woman need to vent, unload, and be supported. Anyone who's read your blog knows you researched, planned, and made no decisions lightly.There's no crystal ball in life; no absolutes when we make changes. Crap that we don't deserve, happens despite our best made plans. I'll echo those that said you get to, need to, put you and hubs first. That's the only advice I have. I guess I need to follow it myself.

  23. I am so sorry. It sounds like a rough year. I hope that you can get the medical treatment that you need. I agree with Hilogene, get a second opinion, esp since the docs there seem less than competent. Hopefully you will be in less pain once you are healed from the knee surgery. Pain makes everything worse, and you have had enough pain and stress this year. Sending hugs and prayers.

  24. I am sorry! This is so sad. My mom made it clear she is not the babysitting/permanent child care grandma - and it is a shame that your daughter is having to reconsider. I would move back tbh, and just tell her with everything going on that you have to be back in PA. As for your son, I do hope in time things will change for you guys.

    1. I have also let my kids know I will not be the babysitting/child care grandmother. I never expected it from their grandparents, and they won't be able to expect it of me. It sounds harsh, but I honestly think people are happier when they know ahead of time the boundaries. That said, you are an adult, Sluggy. Go where you and your DH are happiest. And it may take a few stops along the way to find that place--not sure the "forever home" is attainable.

  25. Boy, did all this resonate with me. It seems like I'm always reading about older folks whose kids are taking wonderful care of them. Not here. We have three sons between us. One hasn't spoken to us in years. Doesn't know if we are alive or dead. I adored being a mother and never thought my grown children would be completely indifferent. Move back to PA. What does your husband want?

  26. Oh Sluggy, I am so sorry for your struggles with physical and mental health. Honestly, it seems all signs are pointing to move back to PA, especially for good medical care - a must have as we age! We moved to be near family, who are literally a mile down the road, and you know how often they want to do anything with us? Just as often as when we lived hours away - their kids birthdays, twice a year! It's been a huge letdown. They convinced us to come to their area, and well, we're looking to leave again! It hurts when family disappoints. Have you spoken to your daughter about how you feel? I'm curious if she's aware of the sacrifices you made to be near her. I'm also traveling for my son's specialists, because finding any around here has been impossible!! I'm a frequent reader, but rare commenter, but I hope things improve for you soon! (Has the neurologist mentioned MS? We recently had 3 friends diagnosed with this! Two with hand tremors and lesions on the brain.)

  27. Sluggy, this was quite a post and I am so sorry for all that you have dealt with so far and what you continue to have to deal with, especially the medical issues. You've already received lots of good advice from others but can I offer one more piece? Can I suggest that you and your husband sit down together and make a list of what is important to *the two of you.* Leave out family and what they want or would like but make a list of what YOU need, want, and would like. What's important to YOU? Once you have your list, rank those items. Is good medical care the most important? Cost of living? Taxes? Climate? Proximity of friends? Proximity of family? etc. Once you've done that, then you can start to research locations. You know PA, but might not want to deal with winters there any more. XXX has great climate but their tax structure doesn't work for you. And so forth. Once you have a list of places that MIGHT work for you, lay them out in a spreadsheet and see which location best meets your needs, and what you feel you can compromise on. We moved to Hawaii back in 2014 because it met all our needs and wants except for cost of living, but we thought we could figure that out and we did. I'm really pulling for you and your husband - you have some tough decisions to make. But again, figure out what is best for YOU and what YOU need, and go from there. Your role isn't to make everyone else happy - it's to get you well and living in a place that works for you and makes you glad every day you're there. With much love, Laura/The Occasional Nomads

  28. Didn't you check out your new neighborhood BEFORE you moved there? Nowadays, retiree locations include health accommodations, taxes, cost of living, safety & crime rates, drivability etc. etc. Leaving PA and retiring to a hick town with low class amenities and poor health care seems like such a huge mistake. And you're going to let them do a knew replacement? How come no pics yet of your single wide retirement home? Enjoy your upcoming cruise. If there ever was an example of what NOT to do for retirement, you'd win. Rita Marie Jones
    I'm not going to say 'I Told You So" BUT, stop all your medical treatment. I wouldn't trust a single thing they tell you. Get the fuck outta dodge and get to a real, qualified medical team. I'm certain you do NOT have all those things wrong with you. You may hate me, that's not important. What is important is YOU. Don't let anyone cut you open. Forgo the 'knew' LOL, knee replacement for now. Move back to PA if you want. It's a much better state with way more qualified people. And start all over again, especially with your health from the bottom up. I apologize profusely that you got the wrong idea about me. I really am very concerned about you. It's heart breaking to see you suffer one iota. Please forgive me and I wish you and your husband only the best. I am praying for your health. And never mind your daughter. Kids will drive us parents to drink. Please do what is best for YOU!!!

  29. I can sympathize with your situation and am sad your relationship with your daughter is what it is. And it's hard to endure a health crisis when your partner is probably acting like they are totally unaware of what you need from them (like strong, long hugs and pats on the back and just listening instead of thinking they have to solve something). And, being in a new area, no old friends to talk to about it all. Sluggy, hang in there! It WILL get better! Take each day as a blessing that you're breathing and tell yourself to take it easy and not worry. I know, easier said than done, but eventually you'll believe what you're telling yourself.

  30. I feel bad for you and your husband. Just my opinion but your health and health care comes before your adult child. She needed you at the time and now it appears she doesn't. I'm not sure why but sometimes adult children like to test their parents. I think you passed your test with her. ( I only say this because I have an adult child who doesn't see me anymore) Its time you take the bull by the horns and go back to where you were and get the medical help you need and deserve. It's time to take care of you and your hubby. Best of luck!!!

  31. So sorry to hear the difficulties finding responsive healthcare. I was an economic migrant to LA 32 yrs. ago, and I did have a good career here. But currently at the end of my 60's, I can;'t get any decent health care and I live in the capitol city! Am also confronted over and over with ethnic/sexist/possibly religious inappropriate comments! Have been a widow for 10 yrs. now, and wish I could move back to where I was from originally a state next to your former one!) but am not wealthy enough to do so! I agree with the others (and you) who tho't you might be better off in another part of Pensy. Wishing you a positive outcome!!!Laura C

  32. You come first. And if hubby can behave himself, you can put him in #2 spot - otherwise it's the dogs next! 😜 Holy chit - been a tremendously hard year for you. Seriously, put yourself first, & get healthy any way you need to. We are all on "Team Sluggy!"
    If we weren't moving, I'd have invited you & hubs to stay with us while you were recuping from your knee surgery. If you ever come through Raleigh, we'll have a spiffy new guestroom, though.....😃

  33. I've been thinking about your post for a while and I don't have any words of wisdom for you, but I am so sorry to hear that you have no relationship with your oldest son. When our daughter relocated, we thought of following her, but one trip to TX and we knew that was not the place for us. Not only that, but if and when it's feasible, she will probably relocate to another state eventually. She's doing just fine on her own and so are we. It has taken a long while for us to feel like we are home. I don't think a day has gone by in the 10 years since we relocated to AL that we didn't think of moving, but now we've put down roots, made friends and have gotten used to the way things are. (well, everything except the politics). Luckily I found a good doctor before the mass migration to Baldwin County. Now it's almost impossible to see one because they aren't taking new patients. And I have been saying for years that it's a myth about the south having a lower cost of living. The only thing that's low here is the property tax, (and the level of education, Good lord!). We have 10% sales tax on everything, including food. Hurricane insurance is insane, and gas and food prices are the same as the rest of the country, but wages are very low. When we moved here in 2013, $9.00 an hour was considered a good wage. I had been making $14.00 an hour in PA. I'm finally making that much now, 10 years later, as a substitute worker. We are lucky we got a a point where we were able to retire and the SS benefits we earned while working up north all those years are helping us now as we can live on that income alone if we absolutely had to, but we are still working part time for extra money and we have a decent savings put aside, so we feel pretty comfortable currently. It's been a journey for sure. A very long one in so many ways. I know that in your heart you will know what is right for you and Dan and do what you need to do to be happy. I wish you all the best, always.

  34. I'm so sorry to hear that you're dealing with so much Sluggy. I'm praying for healing for you and I know that you will make the best decisions for yourself & DH. Forget everyone else & do what makes you & hubs happy. Sending hugs my friend. Hang in there. This too shall pass.

  35. I think it is time to come home. My part of PA is economical and has good health services. It is tough after uprooting your life and everything but bottom line the happiness of your marriage is the most important after your health troubles. Does DH think moving is the answer?


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