Friday, March 12, 2010

Expiring RRs So It was Off to WAGS this Week

I had Register Rewards expiring on Wednesday so I stopped into WAGS to see about rolling them.
I wandered up and down the aisles and not much interested me that would have let me roll the RRs.
Hubby drinks instant coffee on occasion and we had less than half a jar left and NONE in the stockpile.  The Maxwell House was part of a Nabisco/Kraft Deal ($5RR WYB $20) plus I had some decent cookie Qs.  I had wanted to get some Nut*rition nuts(lurv the cashew/almond/macadamia combo!)but they were wiped usual! ugh

I finally settled on the following....

1 x Glade Sense & Spray=$5.99
3 x Dental Floss/Toothbrush/Pocket Packs=$9.00
4 x assorted Nabisco Cookies on sale($2.50)=$10.00 *need these like a hole in my head!*
3 x Maxwell House Instant Coffee on sale($3.99)=$11.97 

Coupons Used
1 x $4/1 Glade Sense & Spray ManuQ=$4.00
1 x $2/1 Glade Sense & Spray WAGS booklet Q=$2.00
3 x $1/1 assorted Floss/Toothbrush/Pocket Packs ManuQs=$3.00
1 x $5.01/3 WAGS flyer Q=$5.01
1 x $1/2 Nabisco Cookies Home Mailer Q=$1.00
1 x $1/1 Oreo Cakesters IPQ=$1.00
1 x FREE Cookies Home Mailer Q=$2.50
Coupon Total....$18.51

RRs Used
$4 P&G
$4 P&G
$2 Goody?
RR Total....$10.00

$36.96-$28.51=$8.45+$.32tax=$8.77 OOP
Received $5RR for buying $20 or more of Nabisco/Kraft items(4 cookies/3 coffee).

So I rolled it a bit.  The Sense & Spray was free(plus 1¢ overage) and after coupons, the 3 dental items were a total of .99¢ for all. 

Between the WAGS here being wiped out of all the good deals by 1am(they are a 24/7 store)on Sunday morning, the 'deals' there usually not being something I want/need and the RRs expiring every 2 weeks(or less sometimes), I won't be shedding a tear when I have used this last $5 one up.

I don't know......
I seem to be doing my Ray Charles impersonation and singing, "The thrill is gone!" lately.  ;-)


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