Wednesday, January 6, 2021

This Week on the Dining Table

The "Y'all Better!" Edition....

I stole this off a school friend on Facebook.  I always hated that my mom made us eat at least one black eyed pea every Jan. 1st.  That was her/our Southern New Years Day thing.  What were your NYD traditions growing up?  Around here where I live it is Pork and Sauerkraut.  Mmm...don't know which is worse to my taste buds!Qlol

Onward to the meal planning!

Moving On....

This is what was planned.....
1. Sunday--Fend for Yourself
2. Monday--Fried Chicken, leftover Mac and Cheese, Brussels Sprouts
3. Tuesday--leftovers
4. Wednesday--leftovers
5. Thursday--?
6.  Friday--?
7. Saturday--?

And this is what really happened.......
1. Sunday--Fend for Yourself
2. Monday--Leftover Lasagna
3. Tuesday--Fried Chicken, leftover Mac and Cheese, Brussels Sprouts
4. Wednesday--something leftover?  I didn't cook so it had to be a leftover
5. Thursday--Fend for Yourself
6.  Friday--leftover Ham, Mac and Cheese, Green Beans
7. Saturday-Pork Tenderloin Sammies, leftover baked Sweet Potato Fries

Last week saw 2 nights of home cooked dinners, 5 nights of leftovers/planned overs, FFY, and 0 night of Take-Out.   
It was a week where I took a well deserved break from  planning/making elaborate meals(or simple meals really lol)and we concentrated on eating up leftovers.
I had 3 sweet potatoes that needed using up so we made baked fries with those and ate them over 3 of the meals last week.

What got put into the freezer last week....
*  nothing

What got taken out of the freezer and used...
*  bag of Green Beans
*  bag of Brussels Sprouts
*  2 pork tenderloin slices

This month is going to be all about taking more OUT of the freezer than putting IN the freezer.  I'll also be going through canned/boxed goods to see what we should be using now versus later.

We spent $13.99 on food/toiletries/HBA/paper goods last week.  $4.74 of that was my OOP at CVS, $9.25 was Hubs Weis(PMITA)Markets trip and the $8.99 spent on food at Ocean State Job Lots was Zero OOP as I used free Crazy Deals gift cards. This bring our food/toiletries/HBA/paper goods Total to $13.99 for January.

I sent Hubs out for milk(to use that $2 CatalinaQ and he also bought powder coffee creamer for himself and Herring in cream sauce. bleck)so the almost free milk turned into a $9.25 spending trip. lolz

There are 27 shopping days left in January(as of Monday when this was suppose to post).

I've earned $20.93 on Ibotta in January.
I've earned $00 on Checkout51 in January.
I've earned $00 on Coupons dotcom/Paypal in January.
I've earned 0 points from shopping on Fetch in January.
I've earned 0 point from food shopping on Shop Kick in January.
I've earned 0 points from food shopping on Swagbucks in January.

My savings percentage for last week was 83.38%(without "regular" Rite-Aid trips)for January and the monthly savings total for January comes in at 83.38%.(w/out R-A). Such a high rate is rare for me but it's because of the CVS trip using ECBs and the OSJL using fee gift cards.  I assure you the rate will go waaaay down as the month wears on. ;-)

Leftovers going into this week--1serving of Lasagna, 2 slices of Garlic bread, 1 slice of the meatloaf, some Fried Chicken(don't know how many pieces)and 1/8 of the pan of mac and cheese.

Here is this week's "food plan".....
1. Sunday--Chinese Take-out
2. Monday--Petite Steaks, Baked Potato, Sugar Snap Peas
3. Tuesday--Fend for Yourself
4. Wednesday--Chicken Marsala, Mashed Taters, Brussels Sprouts
5. Thursday--Beef Teriyaki Stir-Fry w/Ramen
6.  Friday--Take-out Pizza, Caesar Salad
7. Saturday--Sloppy Joes, Carrots(or Tacos/Taco Salad)

What needs buying for this menu?  I'll be buying fresh mushrooms for Marsala(and half will be saved for Stroganoff next week)and a head of lettuce.  I'm trying to use up a bag of potatoes this week that are getting old.
The Weis ad doesn't change until Friday of this week so I've gotten everything they've had on sale for the past month that I want already.  I don't care for a month long sales ad but you have to work with what you get, right?  I figure my Ibotta rebates will be much lower until the Winter is over since I don't like having to go down the mountain in bad weather unless I "have" to.

What is getting fixed and served at your house this week?

Was last week's plan successful, did you go off plan or did you not even plan what was going to be eaten last week?

Any great deals on food at your stores this week?  



  1. So far, I have only found a cheese bargain.

  2. Yep....sauerkraut, pork, mashed potatoes and applesauce here in NJ/Pa! Not only on 1/1 but a favorite many times of the year. First food I want in the fall when the weather changes!

  3. When I was growing up, we didn't have any new year's traditions except my mother telling us to shut up. But she said that every day.


  4. Pork and Kraut. Growing up I hated it but now I ferment my own kraut and love it.



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