There are a few Frugal wins this past week so here goes....
* Evelyn/Evelyn the Egret has moved on and we didn't see him/her this past week. I blame the lack of rain filling up the fishing holes in the yard. Goodbye for now my bird friend.
* As for saving money last week at the grocery stores, I already posted the details on my Walmart trips from last weekend........
* Hubs and I had a Valentine's Lunch at a local Chinese restaurant last Friday. Doing Lunch is more frugal than doing Dinner out.
* I received a quarterly Rakuten rebate check this past week..........
A whole $22 and change. Most of that was earned from hotel stays on our 3K+ mile trip in December. Better than nothing I suppose.....
* No grocery shopping this week(so far). My wallet likes that. 8-)
* No eating out except for Valentine's day at lunch this week. Shopping from my pantry and freezer this week.
* We took all this to a local food bank on Thursday.....
Not necessarily frugal but it made me feel good after a day of dealing with my shitty kids. 8-) Bonus-my gift buying list for Holidays shrunk by two(plus 2 spouses and a grandchild)this week!
* I bought a few clothing items and a purse online. My wardrobe is still pretty bare so I used some gift cards for Kohl's I still had and bought a vest, a thinner jacket, 3 shirts and a pair of pants at their 70% clearance sale and ended up spending under $9 OOP. Though the pants are a petite I still need to hem them up 5 inches! lol The jacket may be going back as the color is not what my monitor showed and it's a tad long and shortening it involves a zipper!
At any rate, I earned $20 in Kohl's cash which I now need to spend. 8-) Vera Bradley had an outlet sale online too so I splurged on myself and bought a dog themed purse and wallet because I am all about the dogs. lol I ordered smaller sized dresses, the sort I like to wear in the Summer, and 2 pair of pants in a smaller size as the company that sells them had a President's Day sale as well. My last stop was on online t-shirt vendor for some of their offerings with free shipping. I went through Rakuten to earn rebates when possible at all these online venues.
* I spent a good deal of time finishing trying on every clothing item I own. I sent 6 dresses, some pants(don't recall how many pair)and 5 shirts to Goodwill(also had to pitch a bathing suit and bras), and I have many items I like which I'd like to save by altering them but only about 4 or 5 only require hemming to make them wearable(2 are dresses I bought last Summer that just need hemming). Most items require more extensive alterations-raising shoulder seams and/or taking in seams(side and other)and with my ET I may never be able to save those. It's a shame really. 8-( This was a big time consuming project but it didn't require spending any money so that's why I have included it as a frugal activity.
* I found Money!
The Chinese restaurant referenced above is inside of a run down extended stay motel. As we pass through the lobby I always check the coin return slots in the two vending machines there and one had a quarter in it!
Then I found a dime in Walmart when I returned a shirt at the Customer Service Desk. There is a "change your coins into bills" machine there and I spied a dime that got lost by someone on the floor next to the machine.
Then on Sunday I hit up a different Walmart for 2 items and I just found pennies all over the store--next to the freezer section, in a self check-out machine coin return, on the floor in toiletries and in the foyer while leaving the store.Total Found in last Week.... .39¢
Grand Total Found this Year.......$1.55

Any frugal wins in your neck of the woods? Let's hear all about them!
I was going to buy $1.99 Thomas bagels at Kroger but a manager’s special sticker caught my eye. Kroger brand bagels were $1.25 so I bought all seven bags. We’re eating one and the rest are in the freezer.
ReplyDeleteI’m going to Aldi for $1.99 strawberries tomorrow. That’s pretty much it for the week other than walking the dog. He’s talked me into 4+ mile walks on the nice days.
I love when I find a better store deal too and can save even more. I don't understand this whole Door Dash or pick-up mentality at grocer stores, even though the stores push it. You can miss deals like you found so easily.
DeleteI hope Daryl enjoyed his walkies!
I tried pick up a few times and did miss looking for the clearance stickers. And they gave me some produce that should have been in the manager’s special bags.
DeleteDaryl has been living his best life. He’s currently passed out and snoring on the couch.
Sad. Why talk that way on the internet. Maybe it’s you.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you don't have shitty adult children like I do. Maybe you are a troll, eh?
DeleteI'm sorry about the kids. One day they will realize that parents are one of our greatest blessings. Your VB purchase sounds cool! I love dogs too. This is why I like my Bobs (dog) shoes. I even managed to charm my divorce lawyer's dog during one of my consultations :) I did zero drugstore shopping this week and I don't even feel bad about it. Next week is a different story though.
ReplyDeleteThis younger generation is clueless. If I had talked to my parents and did to them what they do to me? We stopped being a bank to them so they have no use for us. I never thought they'd turn on us after all we did for them.
DeleteI ended up going to Walmart and Kroger for a few things this week. That's it. *Patting myself on the back for that.*
Sounds like a good week for you, Sluggy. I've had to donate some of my clothes this past year too for the same reason. We rock!
ReplyDeleteYes, yes we do! 8-)))
DeleteI am sorry about the kids. I hope they wake up.
Thanks Melissa but I don't see that happening before we die. What happened to children showing respect and caring for their parents? This generation as a whole is clueless....
DeleteJre. 100% agree with you. Although I’m on fairly good terms with my kids/spouses times are different. I think I got over involved and still am worrying about them and my grandkids. My siblings and I and our spouses/kids went through up downs …….. and my parents I don’t think ever lost any sleep over it as they were in that generation that we need to figure it out ourselves and we did!! I would never have disrespected my parents or expected things after adulthood and I’d left home. It might have been nice but in a way maybe that’s why we are self sufficient and proud of ourselves. I remember digging in closets to take back pop bottles to get enough change for milk and bread, now days parents including myself are cooking and shopping … taking care of our adults. Good luck but it sounds like tough love is needed
DeleteYou won’t include a grandchild in Christmas? No gifts? Seems harsh. What did a baby do to sluggy lolzzz
ReplyDeleteI love that child but am not allowed any contact with her. How do you suppose I am to send her presents if her parents won't let her have anything I send? I'd love to know your answer. lolzzz
DeleteIt looks like you had a great week. Congratulations on your weight loss!
ReplyDeleteThank you Precious. It was hard work. I am sorry I can't comment on your blog anymore because I don't have a WordPress account.
DeleteMy kids are not the problem, it is the lying ex. I dropped a quarter from my purse, and it fell into the cart. Then, i heard it fall and thought it fell onto the base of the electric cart. I forgot to get it right then as I was looking in my purse for something. A few aisles later, I remembered the coin dropped on the base of the electric cart. Well, it was not there. So, I am going backwards on the money finding.
ReplyDeleteThey say if you want gratitude, do it for someone else's kid. We were in the same boat, family bank. And yes, when the money stopped, they stopped coming around.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know you had a grandchild.
I do, born last August. Though her mother hates me and refuses to let us have any contact with our grandchild(not even photos)and my son has no balls(figuratively)and has gone no contact with his parents at his wife's request. When he did text us(only form of contact he would allow)he told us lie upon lie to cover up his wife's lies and deceit. He has become a nasty toxic person since he hooked up with her and dumped all over the people who raised him and supported him through thick and thin. Nice, huh?
DeleteI am so sorry.
DeleteI have four kids, three somewhat ok kids, although some of them tend to only come around when they need cash, and one special kid who, when in one of his bipolar episodes ( like yesterday) would kill me or his two brothers and sister, if he could, and when normal is still difficult on a good day bc of his autism. Hospital visits, police visits, etc., occasionally happen and the only thing “good” I can say is I have a lot of empathy for parents with difficult children bc of him, and it helps me in my line of work. Many folks don’t “get it” when other parents deal with difficult kids. I also understand the huge financial burdens these grown kids are to aging parents.
ReplyDeleteSome will literally not eat until hospitalized if they don’t like the food and have autism, some other parents have to lock the refrigerator bc of mental health issues with their kids and kids will eat until they have gorged and have to be hospitalized. I get it. My personal view is that mental health is about 100 yrs behind advancements in physical health medicine, and I hope over the next 100 years it improves significantly. Cindy in the South
I don't envy anyone dealing with a child who has mental problems and autism. God bless you! The "normal" kids are bad enough. I know this sounds bad but some days I wish my kids had been born with Down's syndrome. While those kids are usually dependent for life at least they are happy and loving(for the most part).
DeleteReading the absolute vitriol you spew on those kids. I’m sure they made the right call to part ways. You’re very toxic. I wish them well and wish you a clue mothering.
ReplyDeleteWhy should I give you any credence to speak of my life and my relationship with my children if you refuse to identify yourself? GO AWAY and troll someone who cares!