Thursday, February 15, 2024

Blah, Blah, Blah

 Ok folks, I got nothing today.

What is everyone out there up to today?  
I've got an exciting eye doctor appointment and then I get to inject myself with Humira tonight.  

Oh yeah, and Anne and I are still waiting for KIM to call us.  Good thing neither of us was holding our breath.  We know better. lolz

Fun times.....



  1. I’m going to walk Daryl, hang out with Zima and then walk Daryl again at 5. Same routine every day weather permitting.

    We only have two slices of pizza remaining so I need to make beef and noodles at some point.

    1. Sounds like a full schedule with the fur kids. Did you ever take that sabbatical?

    2. Still on it. I thought about returning to work after Dexter died but Zima vetoed that plan. She cries every time I’m out of her sight so maybe something remote will come along.

    3. So the cat dictates your life? Sounds about right. lolz Remote work would be nice. 8-)

  2. I am lamenting the death of customer service. When did bank tellers stop saying "Good morning, how can I help you?" That little slip of paper doesn't say everything. Sigh.

    1. Amy, customer service died off years ago. Heck, young people don't even go to banks, just ATM machines and make electronic deposits, and wouldn't know how to fill out a deposit slip or a check. I see brick and mortar banks going the way of the dinosaurs. Sad.

    2. They don't even know how to sign their names in cursive, let alone write out a check. Is cursive really as old fashioned as spinning flax? Good Lord...

    3. And they can't read an analog clock so the terms "clockwise" and "counter clockwise" mean nothing to them. lol

    4. To bring up the Customer Service issue again, I just tried to order from a reputable(I thought)online. It took 6 tries before their glitchy website would accept my info and let me order. They also have a banner at the top of their page with a Code to use at Checkout to save 15% but THERE IS NOWHERE ON THE CHECKOUT PAGE TO PUT THIS CODE!!! I am so done with companies like this.....

  3. I had court this morning. I plan to walk an hour this evening before dark since it is pretty and warm today. I try to walk four hours a week, the key word is “try”… lol.. Will probably go to SAMS and get dog food. Cindy in the South

    1. Heck just walking through SAM'S club will get you an hour walk in. lol

    2. Truth… lolz.My son was furious I didn’t have him come to lift the dog food bc he knows how my back can leave me crawling on the floor sometimes . I just didn’t want to bring him bc I would have bought a whole lot more than dog food! I just bought puppy chow so it was only 34 lbs and I could handle that. I just cannot lift the 45 lb dog food bags. Cindy in the South

  4. Still got work to finish - waiting for a report to finish processing. I got some good short walks with dogs in, fresh lovely snow. My daughter just picked up her dog so she could get home and shovel since she stayed here last night after dinner then shoveled me out. I'm on cat feeding duty for my sister while she's on a well deserved and needed vacation. Then meeting my husband's sister and his brothers wife for dinner. I have apprehension about that, because it feels a bit forced. Maybe it will just be a nice dinner.

    1. Hopefully the dinner will be nice. And thank goodness for adult children who look after their parents.....

  5. We drove an hour in each direction, blizzard conditions on the way home, and they had no record of my prescriptions being called in. The health system sucks, as you well know. Our niece started chemo today for breast cancer. And, a 10 year old great nephew started radiation for brain cancer. I have nothing to complain about. (but i probably will…) It’s in the air, people!

    1. Sounds about right for a pharmacy nowadays. Heck, I had the medical clinic down here tell me we had no appointments when Hubs is methodical about that sort of thing. At least I didn't have to drive in a blizzard down here for phantom Hugs and prayers for you, your niece and great nephew too.

  6. I had my teeth cleaned today. LOL

    1. Nice. 8-)) I need to find a new dentist that takes my Supplement plan discounts.


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