Saturday, February 10, 2024

Our Country Is Broken

First off, I am basically apolitical.  I have no dog in this fight.  If it coms down to a Presidential face off of Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump I won't be casting a vote for either one.

I am not trying to alienate any reader or bash anyone with what I am about to say
How come the Special Counsel, Robert Hur(a Trump appointee btw), declined to charge Joe Biden for his shoddy handling of classified materials in his personal possession due to his mental state, saying the President  presents himself as "a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory" if taken to court over this charge.
Basically we have akin to "Uncle Joe" from the old tv sitcom "Petticoat Junction" as our POTUS IMHO.

Then, with the White House infuriated by the Special Counsels remarks, his handlers had the President give a very rare press conference(tell me the last time Biden's handlers let him give an actual live press conference, I'll wait for you to give me the last time Biden was put before reporters and not just given a written statement to read and then tried to find his way off the stage, looking like a Roomba).   Oh and he mixed up the Presidents of our allies Mexico and Egypt in that press conference.  Not say people don't get "mixed up" at times but seriously, every time Joe Biden opens his mouth another gem comes out like the above.

Then let's talk about the President's handling of our border policy(or rather his staff's handling of it).  Biden disassembled any inroads of our border control his predecessor instituted just because he hates Trump and Republicans.  Now our Southern Border is a sieve, Border Agents are told to stand down, help illegal immigrants attempting to cross the river into our country, that use to be collection of Sovereign States, and are told to put them on buses and ship them somewhere into our country and just hope they show up to their hearings(and I am just guessing here, that once they are in the US, they never attempt to go to their immigration or asylum hearing.  There is no vetting of these people, like before or for the people who came to this country using the legal channels that had worked for a century or more.)  Turning people lose into the interior of America and crossing your fingers you have not let in dangerous and/criminal elements(btw-the drug cartels are a large presents at the Southern Border, using some of these people crossing ib to bring in dangerous illegal drugs, the use of which is killing many young people).
You ask an immigrant who came into the US and obtained citizen ship the "old fashioned way" before this debacle we have now and they will tell you, if they trust you, that this is just wrong and a bad policy.

The man is too feeble and addled to be President IMHO.  We need new ideas and younger people in these top jobs and not just Damage Control persons and Handlers keeping our country's ship on course.

Thank you to the far left who created a Mr. Trump and MAGA and thank you for all the voters who keep voting all these corrupt political hacks into office(from the state level on up)just to keep their dirty hands on power.  If you read at all, you know that George Washington and James Madison warned the country against the rise of political parties. Among the three prescient warnings to the American people made by Washington during his Farewell Address in 1796 was about Political Factionalism.  Reacquaint yourself with his words HERE.

This situation is just sad on so many level; for our country, for us personally and for Mr. Biden and his family.



  1. I won't vote for Trump, no matter what. He is dangerous on many levels. He was not kidding that he would be a dictator. Biden has chosen to many far-left advisors, and he listens to them. Plus, Harris is a joke. Hopefully, Biden does not die and leave her in charge.

  2. First I don't feel bad for Jill Biden, she wants to be first lady more than she cares about Joe. I won't happen but my husband and I would vote for Nikki Haley before either one of these sleeze bags.

  3. We will not vote for either as well.

  4. Trump is a danger to our democracy. If Biden chooses not to run, OK. But if it is Trump v. Biden, it has to be Biden. Trump has announced his plans to round up and deport brown people, let Putin have his way in Europe, give more tax cuts to the rich, etc. He says he wants to be a dictator! He is facing 91 criminal indictments. He's a convicted rapist! Not voting helps him win. Please consider rethinking your position (for women's reproductive rights, Medicare, gun safety, infrastructure, and a booming economy). Thank you.

    1. Thank you D! I came here to say all those things. Social Security and Medicare alone are dogs Sluggy should have in this fight as should all senior citizens. Women's health care rights...also important, especially if you have daughters or granddaughters. The left has everyone talking about the borders when realistically, it doesn't affect the average American on a daily basis like those other issues do, unless you happen to live in border cities. Not voting is a vote for Trump and I'm not a religious person, but lord help us if he gets in. We will lose everything we know today as our country forever. Not voting or voting 3rd party is what got Trump to win over Hillary, even though she won the popular vote. I will never forgive those voters for what we went through....ignoring Covid until it was too late is the most devastating thing Trump did in my opinion. How many Americans and people we know and love are dead because of Covid? How soon we forget!! I'm sorry we don't have better candidates, but it's up to us which way we're headed. Don't vote? Don't complain!!! EVERRRRR!!!


    2. First off "D", our government isn't a democracy, it's a democratic Republic. Two very different forms of government. If we were a democracy then there would be no balances and checks and the majority would always win. (That's why some misguided folks keep pushing to eliminate the Electoral College.)
      Lorraine, I can live without SS if I have to but there is no way in heaven Republicans can turn off the SS and Medicare money spigots. The American populace would never allow it. And you are wrong, we should all be scared about open borders! States having the sovereignty to close a border in their state against people illegally entering this country is part of state/federal contract. If only 5K a day are admitted without vetting as they are now, that's 1.8 Million + people here a year who may not be qualified to be within our borders. Yes, the states adjacent to Texas will feel to burden first, plus all those liberal Sanctuary cities up North. Didn't the mayor of NYC just say all these immigrants being bussed and housed from the border is putting a tremendous strain on social services there? And I have an issue with the government taking more $$ from it's legal citizenry to pay for all these unvetted immigrants and stretching our already thin social safety net even thinner. Think about that the next time you get a SS check so yes, open borders and these extra expenses of people here not through the proper channels DOES and WILL affect your pocketbook given enough time. And why are people coming here from countries far down in Central American and South America instead of attempting to immigrate or request asylum in other more developed countries before hitting our border....say Mexico perhaps? Because they don't have open borders like we do! And folks from places overseas are coming via global smuggling networks via the Texas border. In fact, just recently 2 known Yemeni terrorists were captured down there attempting illegal entry. We should all be concerned with the Biden border policy. Agents have nicknamed the POTUS "Let Em Go Joe" due to his lack of enforcement of our border policy.
      Biden insisting we need more funding for whatever in regards to closing our borders is a lie. HE can close them with one word, no funding needed for extra anything.
      I vote and I will vote my conscience. 8-)

    3. You are lucky that you have a million dollars in the bank, so you don't have to worry about SS. Not everyone does and don't believe that republicans won't touch it, reduce it or eliminate it entirely. They can and they will if Trump wins!
      As for the border, it has been a problem for every president and even though proposals are being made today, republicans refuse to vote on anything that will give Biden a win. It's all f'd up.
      As for you being

    4. Luck didn't have anything to do with us saving like demons to be able to afford retirement Lorraine...ok I had a smart husband who had a good job, and worked his ass off in school to be able to land a good job and I was very frugal with our resources so maybe that was "our" luck.

      Just send me proof from a credible source that Trump and Republicans will do what you say. Yes, there is a faction who wishes to privatize SS but only on a going forward basis, not for the old folks already on SS so you have nothing to worry about in your lifetime. But in reality, this SS system is currently unsustainable as there are too few income earners/workers to pay for all the Boomers retiring and drawing on SS. Something has to give in the coming generations.

      Not that it matters since that's not what my post was about, I can't stand Trump or political parties(see my Geo. Washington quote).
      Biden(as have many of the recent POTUSes) has the LAWS in place to close the border, he just refuses to enforce these laws on the books. Period. Tying funding to pork barrels like money for Ukraine, Israel, etc. is, as you say f'ed up and not necessary for this one issue, border control.
      Now you see how f'ed up political parties can be?
      Laugh at my being apolitical if you will but I deeply care about this country and the problems the Government is not solving and just making worse year over year. The system is broken and nothing gets solved by the left or the right lashing out at each other. Have a nice day!

  5. Hur didn't decline to charge President Biden because he has problems with his memory. His report said there was no evidence that Biden wilfully retained the documents. Biden's personal lawyers found the documents, reported they had been discovered, and returned them. In contrast, the National Archives notified Donald Trump that he had sensitive documents and Trump refused to return them. That's why the documents were taken away from him. There's also no reason to think that Joe Biden showed any classified material to anyone, while a number of people have reported that Donald Trump showed off classified materials as if the documents were trophies. The two cases are very different. Hur's comments about Biden's memory were inappropriate. As President Biden has said, he didn't want to talk about his son's death and was upset over being asked about it. Yes, he's had some slip ups with names. I have that problem myself from time to time. At least neither one of us thinks that Joe Biden is Barack Obama and about to start World War II, as Trump has said. He's also confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi, and he repeats the same lies over and over. I don't like it that either one of them is so old, but if it's Biden v. Trump, then I choose Biden. I hope you will rethink your position. Voting is a privilege.


    1. First off, he DID show some of those documents in question to the ghostwriter who helped him pen his memoir.(Go fact check that, I'll wait.) And he conveniently had forgotten he had the classified documents presently, as he has stated in the past that he DID have classified documents(as reported by credible sources like the WSJ and the National Review) but in order to avoid being charged he has to feign memory....unless he really can't remember now at his advanced age. You tell me which truth you want to believe. From Mr. Hur's report...."There are photos of the boxes that contained classified materials, including one damaged box with documents about Afghanistan that was found in the garage of Biden's home in Delaware "near a collapsed dog crate, a dog bed, a Zappos box, an empty bucket, a broken lamp wrapped with duct tape, potting soil, and synthetic firewood."' No Janie, Go read Mr. Hur's report and not garner your information from some "talking head" on a news network....The Hur report states Mr. Biden and I quote "“willfully” kept the documents after leaving the White House". I'll go on to state that Biden is a plagiarizer(go read the speeches he has made which he lifted off of other speakers going back to his Congressional Days), makes up stories(he was places with important people during landmark events where he wasn't)and the fact that he has some form and stage of dementia is being covered up by his handlers(and Jill Biden)because they like the power they have currently. He will use any incident(real or made up)to garner sympathy and votes to get and keep his hands on power. He'll even use his dead son, Beau's death, saying he died in Irag while serving this country when in fact he died 6 Years AFTER serving there(in 2015, of brain cancer). Add in that Biden has lied for decades now about his first wife and infant daughter's deaths....that the accident was caused by a truck driver when in fact, the first Mrs. Biden caused the accident that took her and her daughter's lives. Every election cycle when Mr. Biden runs for some office he regurgitates that lie since the accident happened in 1972.
      I guess after telling a lie for 52 years it becomes part of the automatic tape running in his head.
      That truck driver's poor family has had to listen to that lie time after time when the subject is brought up every election cycle even though if you read the actual facts of the case, Mrs. Biden drove into the truck, broadsiding it.
      Personally, I have no respect for a man like that. And let's not get into his black sheep son, Hunter, and his shenanigans. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree as the saying goes.
      I didn't pen this post to debate anyone(remember I am not political though I worked election polls for some time in PA and I always vote). I believe in our republic but it's citizenry has gotten lazy(I don't want to believe stupider)as the years have gone on.
      I read what the sources tell me, not listen to political hacks on tv who just read off a teleprompter the latest talking points from their network bosses views and opinions on the facts of the day.
      American Politics is all a big game(bigger than the Super Bowl)and we, the little people who don't have the money or access to the powerful there are the real losers.

    2. Hur alleged that Biden kept the documents wilfully but concluded "no criminal charges are warranted." Hur stated there wasn't evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that wrongdoing had taken place. Joe Biden worked with a writer name Mark Zwonitzer on two memoirs. The more recent of the two is "Promise Me, Dad." Biden read some passages from his notebooks to Zwonitzer. Biden has stated he wasn't sure if what he read was classifed, and again, Hur concluded proof beyond a reasonable doubt doesn't exist to charge Biden with sharing classifed information. Joe Biden has stated at times that his beloved son, Beau, was killed in Iraq, and then clarifed that he got cancer from his exposure to a burn pit in Iraq and has expressed concern for all the service members who are exposed to the toxic effects of burn pits. The first Mrs. Biden did drive into the path of the truck. That's well known. For a long time, it was considered common knowledge in that area that the truck driver had been drinking. When Joe Biden found out that the truck driver's family was upset about the allegation and they stated he had not been drunk, he called to apologize to them. I am very worried about another term in office for Donald Trump because he has openly stated he plans on being a dictator on Day One of his presidency. When Trump says he intends to do something, even if it's illegal, then we are in danger that he will follow through. He wants to weaponize the Justice Dept. He believes in presidential immunity and says it's okay for him to have an opponent assassinated. He has a long history of racism and anti-Semitism. He's opposed to Social Security, Medicare, and women's civil rights. During his first term he said repeatedly that he would only hire the best people. In so many cases, it didn't take long before he said the people he had chosen to work in government were horrible, and he fired them. Our country's government isn't an episode of The Apprentice. I'm not happy that we are reduced to having two aging men as our most likely candidates, but we are safer with Joe Biden as our president than we are with someone who worships Putin.

    3. I didn't post what I did to hear someone go on a screed against Mr. Trump. We all know what kind of a person he is so this is so redundant ad nauseum. As Benjamin Franklin was known to say, " Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Please move on.

  6. How I wish the very topic didn't stir up what has--for millions of us--become trite rhetoric. By the thousandth time you've read the same comments, they cease to spark reaction. I agree withy you, Sluggy. Especially on these two statements... "We need new ideas and younger people in these top jobs..." [I've been saying that for at least 20 years] and "This situation is just sad on so many level(s)." It is. It has been. And the rest is just... noise. --Elise

  7. I’ve said many times (and many elections in a row) that in a country of 300+ million citizens its sad this is the best we can find to run for office.

  8. I grew up in dictatorships at the time, Argentina, Chile, Brazil. They change on a whim. Your guy may be in one day, and the next day he's out and you're being rounded up or fleeing. I will always, always vote, at all levels of government, even if I dislike the candidates. Pick the lesser of evils. It's not just my right, it's my responsibility. Democracy must be preserved, and can only be if people participate.

  9. Thank you for the FACTS, Janie. Wish that more people relied on them rather than mindless hyperbole and crazy rantings.

    1. I'd go actually check Janie's "facts" if I were you. Nothing personal.

  10. I see a lot of disinformation and all-out wrong information in the comments - especially by D. But... talking politics in the comments is like wrestling with pigs. You both get muddy and only the pig likes it. Sigh. Dig deeper for truth, real information and facts. They are out there. Just bypass the bought-and-paid-for media and read sites that still believe in facts, truth and journalism. :)

  11. I am an immigrant whose parents came the right way. I don't begrudge other folks who are unable to do that, they're hoping for a better future. You don't need to vote, but I think attributing Trump and MAGA to far left folks when it's right wing Republicans and straight up racists backing him, seems kinda unfair.

  12. Your title to this post is spot on. IMO we are in serious trouble no matter which party wins.

  13. Very Interesting post.
    1. Over 10 million migrants have entered America illegally (that we know of). Along with these migrants have come illegal drugs that have killed thousands of American citizens. Not to mention the rapes, thefts, car jackings, burglaries, murders and now the beating up of our police force (only to have the DAs dismiss these crooks without bail).
    2. Biden's energy policies have almost bankrupted American car manufacturers since not too many Americans can afford these massive EVs. If we want a low cost EV now, China is selling them. How many Americans are being laid off from American car manufacturers?
    3. Thanks to Biden's financial policies, the true rate of inflation is 20%. Period. Millions of both Americans and Europeans are having difficulty heating their homes and putting food on their tables. Waiting on a food pantry line for hours has now become the norm for many, many millions of people.
    4. American oil reserves are almost depleted thanks to Biden doling out oil (and selling millions of gallons to China etc) thus weakening the stability and safety of American lives and country.
    5. Homelessness, especially among those over 65, has increased exponentially. Name any top American city that isn't lined with more and more Americans and Veterans living in tents. Take a good look at their faces. Unkempt, ill and in very poor health, malnourished and yet Biden keeps sending billions of your hard earned tax money to countries such as Ukraine and Taiwan.
    6. Americans keep getting poorer and poorer with each passing day. No longer able to afford buying a home, no longer able to afford paying rent, no longer affording to pay for medical insurance, home insurance, car insurance, etc.
    7. The high costs of providing migrants with shelter, food, clothing, a cell phone and a $5,000 gift card has forced many cities to cut back on the police, school benefits and other essentials Americans need.
    8. Biden ill aging health is well documented. We all can see it for ourselves. Yet, the media keeps making excuses thinking most Americans are stupid. Americans are stupid because despite all of the above (and much more) they claim they will still vote for Biden because they hate Trump so much. RFK Jr. is running for President. Anyone remember that? A Kennedy back in the White House?
    I'm glad you made the decision not to vote for anyone come this next election. You prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the media is indeed right: most Americans are just plain stupid. Do all of us a favor and don't vote. PLEASE!
    Stephen Welsh

    1. I agree with much of what you said but I never said I wouldn't vote. I just won't vote for Biden or Trump(there are alternatives). Besides, the contests that have the largest impact on an American's day to day life are the other races-your state legislators and your local candidates running for local and state positions.
      Unless that last point wasn't directed at me, then as SNL character Emily Litella says, "Nevermind".

    2. You called out Janie on her facts, might wanna include Mr. Welsh as well. (Especially the $5000 gift card claim.)

    3. Listen, I don't haver the time or energy to vet every person who comments Bobi. I'm sorry if that disappoints you. I didn't see anything about a gift card claim by Mr. Welsh. Maybe I should just turn comments off? It's a thought.


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