What was suppose to get done in October......
* Pay Bills DONE Always done first. No bills put on credit cards and balances carried forward.
* Go to Ridiculous Amount of Dr. Appointments DONE I can't even remember how many.....the cardiologist here, 2 appointments with the surgeon in OH, 3 PT sessions in OH, the DME doc in OH, the pre-admission testing doc in OH, a wound check with my old NP in LA, 7 more PT sessions in LA before Oct. ended. I'd call all that a ridiculous amount. 8-)
* Fly to Ohio DONE
* Have Surgery DONE See previous post on that
* Fly Home DONE This almost turned into a disaster thanks to the third party healthcare provider our insurance used. You would think they'd seat someone who just had knee surgery 2 days before(and could not walk as her walker had to be in the cargo hold and not stowed in the passenger area of the plane)in the front of the plane.
* Start PT for Knee DONE It's been slow going due to other medical issues but I show up and make the effort.
* Clean and Organize Stuff in House PASS I did a little as I was able before leaving town for OH.
* Buy Stuff for House DONE The only things besides groceries, etc. that were bought were materials needed to replace the kitchen sink/countertops. Hubs was in charge of all that. Hubs also has been spending on other things that need fixing/doing around the house.
The sink and countertops finally got installed!

And the sink was fiberglass and had been mistreated so badly that the finish was flaking off.
And here is the new stuff.......
A new stainless sink and new faucet too.* Buy a CD DONE I took some excess cash out of the checking account and bought a 12 month CD to earn a little more in interest on that money.
* Do Something Fun FAIL I had hoped to do something fun before flying off to OH for surgery because I was going to be in no shape to have "fun" after then in October. We had won 3rd place at Trivia at the burger joint we like a month or so ago so I had hoped to go eat for free at Trivia in early October. Daughter gave us the news that this branch of the burger chain closed down in October so that was a no go. And now I have to find another branch of this burger joint to use this gift card at and the closest one is in Dallas. sigh
* Clean out Inserts/Coupon Envie DONE Not much of a job this one anymore and I'll be taking it off my To-Do Lists going forward.
* Edit More Photos PASS Been editing photos and moving them into folders but I still have a lot more to work through.
* Post about Old Trips PASS I think I worked ahead and got two installments of the month long Western Adventure in 2017 posted before leaving for surgery. Needless to say with all the medical stuff I slowed down on this goal after surgery. 8-(
* Work on Genealogy PASS This is one of the few things I can do right now while recuperating from surgery so I work on it when I feel up to it. I haven't posted anything genealogy stuff but I do work on it.
* Move Video Files to New Computer FAIL I didn't even attempt this with so much other stuff going on. Some day......
* Plan Travel for the Holidays PASS While we really don't have any plans yet for Xmas, I had hoped to be far enough along to go see my youngest in PA for Thanksgiving but I made the judgement call that it's too soon for my knee to sit in a car for 3 days each way for that trip. Daughter is going to her in-laws for Thanksgiving with her Hubs and while her Hub's mom invited us again this Thanksgiving I am just not up for being there with a ton of Daughter's Hub's father's kids/spouses/baby daddies/grandkids/great grandkids from his first marriage. I don't know these people, even after last Thanksgiving and being in pain and around strangers is a very foreign way to celebrate turkey day. I appreciate the invite but no thanks. So Hubs and I will be alone for Thanksgiving.
Daughter decided to hold a 2nd turkey day the Sunday after Thanksgiving and invite us. I've got almost everything for the meal so I'll have Hubs take it over the day before so it won't cost them much if anything. But now the issue is what are Hubs and I going to eat for "real" Thanksgiving? I'm not a big fan of turkey anyway so having it twice in a week is not going to happen. And I'm not up for cooking or going to a restaurant filled with yet more strangers. We had hoped the Chinese restaurant by my PT facility would be open so we could get takeout but sadly for us, they will be closed. So I guess we'll sit home and eat whatever is here.
I am hoping with all the medical testing I am still going through, by mid December I will feel up to going to PA to see younger son and his partner. We'll have to wait to leave after Daughter's birthday in mid December however because last year the Panama cruise kept us from being here for her birthday.
That's all I got.
Excellent! now go have some fun !
ReplyDeleteOoo, your counters look wonderful...it really brightens up the kitchen! Depending on what food you choose maybe you could order on Wednesday and reheat? But it sounds like some events to look forward to :)
ReplyDeleteI love the countertops and sink. Maybe you could get something you really want to eat that is not Thanksgiving food. Then, when you eat at your daughter's it will all be new tastes. I thought it was a law that all Chinese restaurants had to be open on Thanksgiving.
ReplyDeleteLove the look of the kitchen. We have averaged 4 medical appts each week since mid Sept. Looks like it is going to be going on through Dec also.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful kitchen! I drove two hours and took a complete Thanksgiving meal to my kid in law school, bc finals start the Monday after Thanksgiving.
ReplyDeleteHe won’t be joining us for the Jerry Springer, I mean Thanksgiving Day meal, in Ttown. Most of the parents in his class took a meal for their kids because of the finals. I am actually cooking and serving Thanksgiving meal on Wednesday because my oldest son, who lives in northern part of the state and only comes once a year, is off that day. He is not fond of the Jerry Springer show that Turkey day can be, but braves it once a year for his parent’s sake. Hopefully middle son aka Jerry Springer, will behave. I plan to sleep on Thursday. Christmas is even more iffy. Autistic bipolar etc. folks tend to have difficulties with all the extra sights and sounds that go with the holiday season. If Thanksgiving is successful, I hope
to call it good and just read and eat chocolate while listening to Christmas carols on Christmas. Cindy in the South
Oh wow, Cindy, I hope your Thanksgiving will be more like a Phil Donahue than Jerry Springer episode. At least the food will be good.
DeleteYour kitchen looks great! Hope your Thanksgiving is great, however you decide to celebrate. Maybe watch that WKRP Thanksgiving episode; it always makes me laugh. .."as God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly."