Friday, November 17, 2023

Frugal Friday....the November 17th Edition

There are very few(if any)Frugal wins this past week so here goes....

*  I went to PT 3 x this past week.  Man, does that wear me out and I usually need a nap in the afternoon.  Good thing I've hit all my deductibles and co-pays so I'm not shelling out cash for this service.

*  Grocery shopping this past week--Just a little bit.  Unlocked my Ibotta sides so Hubs picked those up while I was at PT and those turned out to be better than free, then we hit Kroger to finish my Weekend Bonus and unlock my free Turkey.  We used the travel stipend card funds to pay so no OOP.

*  I had an Ollie's 15% off any order coupon so we hit Ollies' on Thursday and picked up a few food items, a book for Hubs and some doggie treats.  Nothing much else we needed to we didn't spend or save a lot.

*  We had lunch at the Applebee's nearby since I still have lots of gift cards for there and the location closer to us shutdown.  The lunch was a bit disappointing as the waitress got our order wrong(or the kitchen did)and my hamburger was practically incinerated. 8-(

*  I had 1 doctor appointment this week at the pain clinic.  They scheduled me for a back MRI, this one is in an open MRI not like that brain MRI I had that wasn't in an open machine and about sent me shrieking out of the building.   At least I don't have any co-pays or deductibles.  go me.

*  I found money!

Nope, skunked again.  It's hard to look for change when you are concentrating on not falling down. lol

Total Found in last Week.... .00¢
Total Found this Year.......$3.45

That's all I got.

Any frugal wins in your neck of the woods?  Let's hear all about them!

Blogging will be taking a backseat to getting me healed so there might not be many posts here for the foreseeable future.8-)



  1. I went to Kroger early yesterday in case they sold out of the good sale items. Sweet potatoes are $.29 per pound and pineapples are $1.29 each. Also found zucchini and tomatoes in the manager’s special bin.

  2. PT wears me out too and I usually need a nap too, the retina specialist does the same thing for some reason.


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