Welcome to Frugal Friday!
There are a few Frugal wins this past week so here goes....
* Grocery shopping this past week........
This is what got bought at Walmart last Friday with Ibotta rebates, the Kraft boxed mac/cheese went to the son in-law and the coffee drink to my daughter. I spent $70.40 OOP on what is pictured and got back $35.12 on Ibotta plus another $5 for hitting the Weekend Bonus and another $1.25 in various bonuses.
And I received $11.00 on Shopmium and $5.75 on Alexa so $19.15 OOP in the end on all this. (I also earned $5.20 worth of Shop Kicks too but those get counted once I cash out on that platform.)
Then I went to Kroger and a different Walmart on Tuesday and got this Ibotta valid stuff(plus 2 Two Good Yogurt Shakes not in the photo).....
This(plus the yogurt)all cost me $52.15 OOP. I got back $16.50 on Ibotta, $11.50 on Shopmium, 775 Fetch Points, 801 Swag Bucks and 1,065 Shop Kicks(or $4.26). So $24.15 after rebates but before cashing in on Fetch, Swag and Shop Kick eventually.
And this stuff that was a good price but didn't have Ibotta rebates on it.....
The soup and cake mix were part of the .99¢ sale at Kroger. I picked up the wet dog food at Walmart as it's marked down from $1.99 each to $1.28 each. I also got 340 Shop Kicks on the dog food so $1.36 back once I redeem those SK points for a gift card.
I also got 4 Ibotta rebates on Wednesday for these 3 items(the Spray n' Wash qualified for 2 different rebates). This above cost me $14.99 OOP. I got $6.60 for these on Ibotta plus another $5 for hitting the Midweek bonus, so $11.60 in rebates. Then $5 from Shopmium so $16.60 back on $14.99 spent. Nice.I also got 10 Shop Kicks on this trip and earned $5.01 on Swag bucks for the TruSkin product and $8 worth of points on Fetch for same TruSkin item. 8-))
So in total I spent $154.35 so far this week OOP on everything and got back $61.22 on Ibotta, $27.50 on Shopmium, $5.75 on Alexa so $101.47 back on $154.35 spent.
Add in the Fetch Points of 9,071(which puts me just shy of a $10 Kroger gift card), Shop Kicks worth $10.86, $10.83 worth of Swag Bucks and my Kroger Cash Back which came to $1.40 this past week and once I cash all that out(it's $33.09), my OOP on everything bought this week so are will cost me $19.79 in the end.
I am 9 items away from earning a big $10 Bonus on Ibotta so I'll be picking up 9 more items later today before we leave town. I probably won't have time to add those into my totals but it will be items we can use(or I can give to my daughter for her use).
* I also found a discarded receipt outside of Walmart on Wednesday. I scanned it into Ibotta and got .60¢ for free! I think of this as finding money on the ground because it IS money and I only had to pick up a receipt laying on the ground. lolz
* My new bras arrived this week. I will not be showing those off(because really, who wants to see an old, short, fat lady in her unmentionables).lol I will say that I had to order ones that are 10 band sizes smaller than what I had been wearing and that they were on sale and when you bought at least 2 you received free shipping. 8-))
* My stipend arrived to pay for rides, food, incidentals on our trip to Ohio for surgery. I am so thankful for this program we were able to participate in through Hubs old work insurance. Once I have to have my other knee done I have a problem getting it done here which I'll talk about later.
* Since we now have a significant amount sitting in the checking account which earns close to zippo I finally went and bought a CD and moved about half of what was in checking into that. The CD is with the same bank but it earns 5% for a 12 month instrument. Putting that money to work to earn some passive income is definitely a win! ;-)
* We didn't eat out a single meal this week. I figured we were going to be doing nothing but eating out(or ordering in)once we got to Columbus. Anybody in the Columbus area want to meet up? I'll have a little bit of free time Sunday, Monday afternoon and a bit on Tuesday. Of course we won't have a car so you may have to come to us or meet us somewhere our hotel. Just shoot me an email if interested. 8-)
* I found money!
I went with Hubs to his eye exam at a Walmart that is not our usual location and found this shiny penny by a register.
Total Found in last Week.... .01¢
Total Found this Year.......$3.11
* As I was getting clothes ready to pack into my suitcase I checked the pockets of the jacket I took on the cruise in May. I found all this.....
A fiver in one pocket.......
And 3 singles and the free unused headphones Air Canada gave out on our flight from London to Montreal. I probably jammed these bills into my jacket pockets in case I needed to tip someone at one of the airports we flew out of/into.
I LOVE finding money, don't you? But I am not going to count this toward my Found Money Goal for 2023....though the Challenge sure could use this boost as finding money around here has been fairly rare as finding hen's teeth as the expression goes. ;-)

Any frugal wins in your neck of the woods? Let's hear all about them!
Hopefully all goes well and according to plan and I'll be back blogging next weekend unless I can figure out how to post from my phone while in Ohio. If you don't mind, I'd appreciate if you can keep good thoughts for me, especially this coming Wednesday. ;-)
Good thoughts coming your way!
ReplyDeleteGood thoughts to you! Knee replacement is the best thing I've ever done for myself.
ReplyDeleteSending lots of good thoughts.
ReplyDeleteGood thoughts and prayers and hope you have minimal pain! Cindy in the South
ReplyDeleteBest wishes for your surgery and recovery!!
ReplyDeleteDaiya cheese is on sale for $1.99 (reg. $4.99) so I cleared the shelf. I was down to 1/2 of a bag so perfect timing. I’ll go back for more by Tuesday.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the surgery and hope the new knee gives you back your mobility!