Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Meal Plan Monday...November 15th Edition...Quick and Easy Week

I am late again with the menu this week....sigh.  Oral surgery & painkillers will do that to a person.

Last Week's Menu Postmortem...

Everything but the Shrimp Alfredo and Hot Dogs were served.  Not in the mood for that shrimp dish this week, so I'll go with a different seafood meal this week and I'll move the hot dog meal to this week(we had it last night actually).  I also didn't make the apple pie as we had so many other dessert type foods already.  I'll make that pie later this week with some of the tons of apples I still have here.
Hubby made steak, scalloped potatoes and butternut squash on Sunday.  I appreciated the day off from cooking and he did a great job!  He has offered to make dinner again this Sunday.  Now, how could I refuse an offer like that?  ;-)

Here's what I will be serving our family of 4 this Week....

MONDAY--Hot Dogs(freezer), Beans(stockpile), Carrots(root cellar)
TUESDAY--Chicken Parmesan(freezer), Salad(fridge), Spaghetti(stockpile)
WEDNESDAY--Beef Pie(freezer/stockpile)
THURSDAY--Lasagna(stockpile/freezer), Swiss Chard(end of garden!)
FRIDAY--Grilled Pastrami Panini(fridge), Soup(stockpile)
SUNDAY--Hubby Surprise...I get the day off, hubby is cooking!

SNACKS/DESSERTS--Apple Pie, lots of stuff in the stockpile

This week is chock full of easy meals since next week will be the major league cooking marathon for Thanksgiving.  I'm giving myself a rest this week.

Last week I spent $84.49 on food and toiletries.  $16.57 of that was on Part 2 of the massive haul from Acme, talked about Here and the rest was stocking up on other Catalina Promos.  It would have been much less OOP on groceries last week except for the Acme Catalina Deals and both my local independent grocer and the regional chain grocery store here had Catalina Deals going.  I can't resist a Cat Deal it seems.  Now that I've gotten my Rite-Aid shopping done for the week I am trying very hard to stay out of the stores this week.  Except for weekly milk purchases, we require NO additional food purchases.  I don't have any RRs to roll at Wags and I have to check if my ECBs are expiring this week or next so I might be able to stay out of CVS too. I'm hoping this week turns out to be a Low Spend Week and I'm going to try for a No Spend Week next week. 

Food Waste Report....nothing wasted again this week.  All vegetable matter composted.

Check out ORGANIZING JUNKIE to see what other Home Cooks are serving this week!


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