Thursday, June 27, 2024

Return to the Creepy Eye Doctor

 If  you've been here awhile, you know I went to a local eye doc to have a secondary cataract zapped in my left eye back in March.  

When I left there, the doctor handed me a card with a new appointment for June.  I assumed it was a follow up to check up on my procedure from March.  

So I go in, the tech makes me read off an eye chart, etc., then sticks me in a room to wait for an eye doctor, a different one from the one that lasered my eye in March.

After close to an hour of waiting, the eye doc comes in, greets me, looks at my record and then asks me why I was there?  I told her I assumed this was a follow-up to laser procedure in March, which she said it wasn't.  She continued that usually the office schedules a procedure for the other eye at that first laser procedure, not a follow-up and she had no clue why I was there.

Now I also had no clue why I was there either!  She said to make another appointment at the front for having my other eye lasered.  She asked me if I wanted glasses before I left.  Yep, this was an appointment just to get me to order glasses.  *eyes roll*  Nope.  My reading glasses work just fine, thanks anyway.

So I made an appointment to get my other eye's secondary cataract taken care of and left.

Besides wasting my time with this non-appointment I was also disappointed that the giant eyeball outside was NOT decorated for the season.

I'll be going back the day before the 4th of July so am hoping there is an Uncle Sam hat or US flags poking out of the top of it.

I did snap a new eyeball artwork gracing the walls inside the building though......

Love this one! lolz


1 comment:

  1. What a waste of time. Did they charge you for just sitting?


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