Friday, May 24, 2024

Frugal Friday.....the May 24th Edition

There are a few Frugal wins over the past week.

*  Had two PT sessions this week.  Again, no co-pays.  Man, this gal works me hard too.

*  I hit up Walmart for this on Monday after my Bone Density Scan.....

The Hair Color was $1 on clearance and a $6 moneymaker from Ibotta.  The Raid spray was double attaching on Ibotta each one cost a whole .97¢.  The Carefree pads were a moneymaker of $2.52 after Ibotta and Shopmium.  The Ajax dish soap was .20¢ after Ibotta and Shop Kick.  The Gooey hazelnut spread(think Nutella)was free with a manufacturer's full refund.  The Beneful dog food was on rollback with a .50¢ Ibotta rebate on each so .56¢ for each container.
The hair Color, pads and dish soap are all food bank bound....
A side note-this Walmart has had a complete remodel and revamp, it's also the one where I had an issue using peelie coupons on the produces I was purchasing before we went on the cruise, which turned into a big old ordeal.
When I tried to purchase those clearance hair color items at a self-checkout, the employee manning this area came over and said she couldn't override the reg. price they rang up of $10.96 and I'd have to go to a checkout with a person.  So I did and when I finally got up to be waited on, she couldn't override the full price to ring them up! WTF???  So she had to call whomever was the floor manager at that time and she gave me lip about overriding the price(practically accusing me of putting that clearance sticker on the items!)so I gave it right back at her that if whomever is marking clearance items improperly they need to find that person and TRAIN them on how to properly do that job.  Incredible....  So then that manager had to call for someone else higher on the food change to put the correct price into the register.  Now WHY did that first person tell me to go to a manned register if that person couldn't do the job, and WHY did this floor manager give me attitude and not be helpful.  Hell, those hair colors had been in that store for awhile(boxes were shelf worn)and had gone through various markdowns(multiple clearance stickers under the top one).  I need to avoid this store because whomever is ultimately in charge there is a PITA Prick or worse! *End of rant*

*  As for Kroger and my KCB account...after my call with Rachelle on the 16th, who said she was escalating this issue, I then got an email from "Adam"(I am thoroughly convinced this was an AI "person")on the 18th, asking me again to explain the issue.  I did and I just wanted them to "fix" the KCB thing.  I don't want them to keep offering me store credit, I just want KCB to work and not have to spend time contacting Kroger about the KCB I am owed and don't get.  I am a good squeaky wheel when I want to be. 8-)
I then noticed that 3 of my KCB offers magically appeared in my account, raising my total there to $9.  Great!  They fixed it.....oh no, they didn't.
Then I got an email for "Future" on May 21st.  expressing their concern.  "Future" went on to say  ......"I would be more than happy to assist, however, upon reviewing your case, I was able to confirm that you issue has already been escalated to our technical team. Once resolved, someone should be reaching out to you via email with an update. In the meantime, to make this right, what I have done is applied a $20.00 store credit to your shopper's card which can be used toward future purchases. "
So I went into my KCB account and now it said I had $28 in there......I HAD $9 so if they added $20, it should be $29!  Aaargh!!!
Today I am suppose to get another $3.30 in KCB($2.55 for 3 bags of Garden Veggie Tortilla Chips and .75¢ for 2 Airheads and of course it is NOT showing up.  I feel another call to Kroger tomorrow coming on.  Plus that escalation to the technical team has never resulted in an email or call to me.
You know, I am NOT the only person who has issues with their KCB account.  I guess it's easier for them to throw store credit at squeaky wheel customers than to actually FIX THE SYSTEM!!! *End of 2nd rant*

*  I got a Rakuten Check this week.......

A big fat $6.02.  Oh Boy!  

*  I got an unexpected UPS delivery on Thursday....

A good sized box from the Texas Star Nut Company.

I had purchased a package of their product back in Feb. or Mar. and it was subpar so I wrote to them.

The bag was misleading as it was a "mixed" nuts pack but the bag said, "Cashew Crave".  So I had naturally thought it was a bag of Cashews in various preperations, right?

I had suggested they label it differently as the bag was 3/4 almonds and not cashews.  Some one responded to my email about my concern and offered to send me a bag of any of their products as a goodwill gesture for my disappointment.  I explained that we'd be out of town for an extended time and said not to send anything until we returned.  About 2 weeks ago I remembered this offer and how they had yet to send this free bag of nuts to me so I wrote and remembered them.

I received a nice letter from their customer relations person and SIX bags of nuts!!
Well, they have won me over with this.  While I will still me dubious about any bag of nuts marked "Cashew Crave", I will recommend doing business the Texas Star Nut Co.  You can find them online--  
Or if you don't want to use my referral link it's

*  We have been using food here and eating all the leftovers(except I got a Whopper on Wednesday as it was discounted).  No eating out so far this week.

*  Besides the items for Hubs new diet, I picked up this for the food bank on Wednesday too........

The razors were .47¢ after rebate and coupon and the Iced Latte packets were on clearance for $1.72.  Even people who have to use a food bank deserve a treat now and then. ;-)

*  We went to Kroger after PT on Thursday but I'll recount what we got next Friday as I am so done with this post. lol

*  I found money!

On the 19th I went to DG to buy an Anniversary Card for my Brother and Sister in-law.........

Found this behind my car in the parking lot.

Then on the 20th I found this in Walmart next to a vacant self-checkout register......

Then we dropped off a load at the Food Bank.  I noticed a guy with lots of bags standing at the church entrance on his phone.  He had been there awhile and I assumed he was trying to contact someone for a ride home because it was more than he could carry.  So I offered him a ride and after he got him safely home with all his goodies from the food bank I noticed these at the end of the dirt driveway by his house........

Two more pennies for my found change bag.

On Wednesday I went to Walmart for some items as Hubs had to start a low fiber diet.  I spied this next to my checkout register.......

Another unloved penny.

Then I went to Burger King since it was Whopper Wednesday and the thought of eating leftovers yet again didn't sit right with me.  Their drive through is glacially slow so I walked in to order my $3 Whopper and found this while waiting for it to be prepped....

Another penny....a bit grimy but it washed up well. 8-)

Total Found last week.... .06¢ 

Grand Total Found this Year.......$4.54 & 5.30 Euros

That's all I got.  

Any frugal wins in your neck of the woods?  Let's hear all about them!



  1. That was very kind of you to give that man a ride.

  2. I suppose your aggravation with the credits and discounts is worth it for being able to give non- food items, desperately needed, to the food bank. I just don't have inclination to battle. I'll accept a freebie or rebate gladly, but would not have the will to fight.

  3. In the past three weeks I have had a kid graduate from law school Magna cum Laude which I suppose I could count the full tuition scholarship of 39 grand a year as frugal, daughter’s family fly 2,000 miles across country and then drive a couple of hours to graduation, had a murder trial, then hearings in four separate murders, dealt with very unreasonable folks at work that are probably going to make me decide to retire from part time job, and well, the only frugal thing is that I could do was pack sandwiches and run. I did stay at Sleep Inn for the graduation and it was clean and economical. Took grandkids to a free splash pad run by the city where we were staying. I bought sandwich stuff at Walmart for daughter’s family to snack and have lunch. Took them all out to a local Mexican restaurant that was $45 for three adults and a kid’s plate for the four yr old since the 18 month old ate off everyone’s plate. We did some expensive things also (well, expensive to me, like I paid for all our guests to eat at Olive Garden after the graduation but for five adults ( or was it six???? I cannot remember) and a kid it was $145. I just got back from Aldi and I am too exhausted to go dig receipt out of car but I bought various cheese and ground beef for the lasagna I am making tonight for middle son, milk, orange juice, bagels, cream cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes, I think I had spinach and onions already, anyway it was 32 bucks at Aldi whatever I bought. Cindy in the South

  4. One my Walmarts shut off price adjustments for the self serve front end manager. I admit I wonder why because the one smaller but closer to me still lets them. This has taken up room in my head rent free. Also I can't remember the last time I went through the line with clearance and didn't have to get a price adjustment. BTW the thanksgiving napkins rang up correctly at .10. It's a head scratcher.


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