Saturday, November 6, 2010

Sometimes I am A Deal Hunting Mess!

I meant to get back to Rite-Aid during the week after Halloween day to get some Glad trash bags and try to make up another $25 transaction but it slipped my mind until I got up from a nap at 8pm Saturday night.
So #2 son and I flew to the store.....flew there right after I got my Rite-Aid coupon envelope and then spent 20 minutes trying to find my Glad trash bag coupons.  I was convinced I had cut them out of the inserts but never did find them...until an hour after we got home from the store....ugh.  They were still in the
So basically I just went to get the Suave 'Poo that I hadn't picked up yet on sale(2 for $3)and I figured the Glad bags would be out of stock by now so I figured I'd get a raincheck.
I hadn't planned on buying anything else.
Yah.....famous last words, right?lol

So we get to the store 1/2 an hour before they close and I grab the 'Poo I wanted(2 bottles)and made a wide swing around the back of the store to where they keep the trash bags.  Along the way I see that they still have 3 of the Diabetes lancing tool that is/was free on sale after coupon. And by buying 2 I'll have over $30 in qualifying diabetic items in ONE TRANSACTION so I'll get my $5 +Up Reward...finally!  I just happened to have clipped those coupons so I threw them into my cart. 

While I am digging in the coupon envie I find other coupons I can use to get other stuff that is still on sale for the next 1/2  So I send #2 son off in search of 3 kinds of gum(Orbit, Trident layers and Mentos)as I have coupons for those.  We grab some Soy Joy bars and there is 1 box of Glad bags on the shelf so I grab that even though I don't have my ManuQ for it, I do have a AdPerks/VV Q.  Plus my $5 off $25 will help cover most of the cost for the trash bags.

Total before coupons was $49.65.
Coupons used were....
$5 off $25
2 x Up to $19.99 on the lancing tools(adjusted down to $15.99-the price w/my wellness disc.)
$.50 AdPerks/VV Glad Q
2 x $1/3 Soy Joy bars Q
$1/5 AdPerks/VV Soy Joy bars Q
$1/2 Suave Professional 'Poo Q
$2/2 Suave Items AdPerks/VV Q
2 x $.75/1 Triden Layers Q(I got $.01 overage on one of these Qs)
2 x $1/1 Mentos Q(I got $.51 overage on one of these Qs)
$.50/1 AdPerks/VV Orbit Q

Coupon total was $47.48.
I used 2 $1 +Up Rewards to pay and put the .17¢ on my free Rite-Aid gift card.
Again, I spent nothing out of pocket.
And I received a $1 +Ups for the Glad bags and a $5 +Ups for the Diabetic Promo for a totala of $6 in +Up Rewards.

The Suave I picked up was NOT the type on sale 2 for $3, but my ManuQ was only for the Pro-type I bought and it was only $4 and change after my wellness discount so I got it anyway.  The one on sale was $3/2 and w/the AdPerks Q it would have cost $1 for 2 bottles.  I used $3 in Qs on the Pro-type so it cost me $1.46.  It was worth getting what I wanted for the extra .46¢ instead of the other stuff.

Interestingly, the expiration on the Diabetic +Up is 1/8/11!
I have $27 in +Ups that expire next Saturday that need to be used this week, including a $10 +Up.
I'm on a mission to find something with a SCR attached to it's purchase to use that $10+Up on so I can basically convert that +Ups to cash.

I did get my raincheck but the cashier forgot to put the $1+Ups on the deal and write the price for a $1 less than the current sale price.  bleh

And after I had my order rung up and paid(well, I didn't PAY actually but you know what I, I was talking to the MOTD and the cashier while she rang up someone else in the store.  We were talking about my wellness discount and this lady, though she had the wellness card, didn't have a discount yet, so I gave her my card to have the cashier scan so she'd get the 20% discount.  And before I get any comments about that is cheating, the MOTD was standing right there and had no problem with it. ;-)  This lady was complaining that the price of the item she was buying had gone up around $3 in the past couple of weeks and was NOT currently on sale.  After my discount, she got it for $3.19 less so it was the old price she use to pay, making her very happy.  Just my random act of kindness for the day....

So now I am off to check out the upcoming sales that start Sunday 11/7/10, check out my coupons and to pull together a transaction or two so I can bring home more food/HBA for nothing out of pocket.
It's just too bad Rite-Aid doesn't have a meat and fresh produce department then I would be all set and wouldn't have to shop anywhere else....except for when someone has a Catalina deal.....lolol



  1. Geez, I wish I could think that quickly when I am in the store. Great deal!

  2. Precious--I guess my brain was switched on that Thanks for stopping by!

  3. You just rock, as always! :) I'm with Precious - I get into Rite Aid, even with a plan in mind, and by brain starts burping and I can't find things and I swear I add up the same numbers 4 times on my cell but get 4 different totals, then it's suddenly 25 minutes later and I still don't know what I'm gonna do.


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