Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Income & Spending.....the June Edition

Now that we are living on an annuity, 401K$ withdrawals, personal savings and social security payments, I am still going to keep track of our monthly spending and income, and hopefully we'll still be able to live BELOW our means and I'll have some leftover monies each month to tuck aside.

We went into retirement in June of 2017 with no debt, no mortgage nor a car payment.

I am trying to be as transparent as I can with how much is coming in and how much is going out. 8-)

On to the June report--

I have 2 goals for June.....

The 1st is to actually finish the month in the black and not the red.

The 2nd is to try to have a little cash leftover at the end of the previous month to tuck back into a slush fund.  This slush fund may be applied toward unforeseen bills that are coming due in subsequent months, to spend on "extras/wants" during the year or to just sit there and grow until the end of 2024.

*  I do not include/report on our retirement accounts here, just the non-retirement ones.

I'm happy to report that we finished up June in the black.

The amount extra we ended the month of June with?....$2,579.89

Income or Funds We Can Access

The "income" in June---

*  Monthly annuity payment of $2,530.11

*  SS income of $3,828.70

*  Interest earned on non-retirement accounts of $1,078.07

*  Savings Bonds Cash out & NCL Refund of $635.23

*  Stock Dividend of $19.95

Total "Income" for June....$8,092.06

Expenses in June---

*  Irregular bills in June were $3,570.72

*  Variable expenses in June came to $1,234.02

*  Medical Premiums in June were $707.43

Total Expenses....$5,512.17


Slush Fund coming into June of $62,687.88 and the addition of $2,579.89 in June, our end of June 2024 Slush fund comes to $65,267.77

The Slush Fund, on it's own page(tab at the top of the blog), shows an addition of $2,579.89.


As for the variable expenses this June, here are the good and bad side of things.....

Here are the GOOD THINGS

*  The cellphone bill was $173.86 less than in May.(Remember we were in Europe last month so cell usage was higher there.)
*  The WAM was the same as the previous month.
*  My Amazon card was $69.46 less than in May.
*  The Joint Mastercard was $32.64 less than last month.


*  The Water bill was $1.25 more than May.
*  The electric bill was $71.09 more than the previous month(hello, 90F and 100F days).
*  Hubs Amazon bill was $38.13 more than in May.
*  The Aviator M/C bill was $595.64 more than the previous month(most probably charges from the cruise ports and my car work).
*  We had 3 irregular bills in June--
  *  The BOA c/c was $250.(It's our deposit for the Alaska cruise.)
  *  We had to buy house skirting to replace what this manufactured home came with.  $2,177.55 and that's just the materials, not the labor. ugh
  *  The Quarterly Long Term Care Premiums came to $1,143.17  ouch

The Food Budget costs for June are in another post HERE.  Food costs are included in the credit card payments(mainly but sometimes our WAM cash too).

FINAL THOUGHTS for June 2024---We stayed within our means for the month.  Even with three irregular bills(one small/two LARGE!)we came out ahead.  Two large irregular bills added up to $3,320.72.  blech  WE had to have 1 tire sensor replaced on my car which is on one of the credit cards.  Overall it was a good money month.


We have a big irregular bill due, the payment for the cruise.  And Hubs may have the dogs groomed while I am in Virginia which comes to about $120.  And the handyman may be installing the new  house skirting.

Luckily we have a Quarterly 401K withdrawal hitting our bank account in July and that will cover the cost of the cruise, the skirting andmaybe a bit more. rah.

Here's hoping 2024 treats us all even better financially! 8-))

So how was your June financially?
Did you spend less than the income you had in June?
Did you stay within your budget or not?
What did you do with any money leftover at the end of the month?
Did you pay down/off any debts or put extra toward your mortgage principle or into savings, in an emergency fund or retirement account?
Or did you blow all your excess monies after bills were paid on a "want"?

If you post your financial progress on your own blog, leave a link in the comments so we can  go check out your progress too and celebrate or commiserate with you!


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Food Spending.....June 2024

Onward to June's Food Spending Report.....

Here are my FOOD BUDGET spending totals for June 2024.

I have posted June's totals on the Total Grocery Savings Page located HERE and have updated the Totals there. 
I am listing subtotals for each store I purchased from in June.  If you aren't interested in that much detail, just skip to the bottom for the Totals Sum.  My spending includes Food, Toiletries/HBA, Cleaning Products, Paper Goods, Pet Food. We are a family of 2(and 2 dogs).

OOP  $.63
Sales/Free CVS Script  $19.51
Value  $20.14
Savings  96.87%

OOP  $9.94
Sales/Coupons  $9.96
Value  $19.90
Savings  50.05%

OOP  $459.08
Qs/Gift Cards $431.07
Value $890.15
Savings  48.43%

OOP  $16.77
Qs/Sales  $11.96
Value  $28.73
Savings  41.63%

OOP  $168.81
Qs/Gift Cards $298.14
Value  $466.95
Savings  63.85%

My best Store Savings Total was at CVS with a savings of 96.87%.  My worse rate was at Ollie's with 41.63%.  Not a bad savings rate average overall if my worst rate was 41.63%, right?

I shopped at 5 different stores in JUNE.

TOTAL Spent in June......$687.67
TOTAL Coupons/Sales/Gift Cards....$738.20
TOTAL Value of Items Purchased.....$1,425.87
TOTAL Savings of........51.88%

This closes out the June food/toiletries/etc. spending.

THOUGHTS & COMMENTS for this month....
On the surface our spending was high but that doesn't figure in all the rebating cash I got back.  Even so, we had a high savings percentage over regular retail anyway.

The Monthly food spending savings percentage went Down by 8.45% in June to 51.88% compared to May's 60.33% savings average.  A lower savings rate but still well over 40% which is what I like to see. 8-)
Since we have an adequate income and food should be a pleasure in life(no way am I going to eat unseasoned rice and beans for my remaining days like some people-because I don't have to). I will buy quality food and pay the price at the register.  I may not like the price but I will deal with it.

With 6 months accounted for, I have spent a Total of $3,970.05 on groceries/HBA/paper goods/etc. in 2024.  Food prices have gotten to the ridiculous level, haven't they?

2024 Yearly Grand Total Spent....................$3,970.05
2024 Yearly Grand Total Value of Items.....$8,084.12
2024 Grand Total Saved...............................$4,114.07
2024 Yearly Savings Total..............................50.89%

The average per month amount spent is $661.68 in 2024 so far but that's before all the rebate monies are added in.

Remember that I withdraw all my cash rebate monies(Ibotta, Shopmium, TaDa, Checkout 51, Swag Bucks, My Points and other miscellaneous rebates-Aisle, Tremendous, etc. and have it sent to my Paypal)at the end of the year and add it back into my food budget, so at the end of the year my food spending will go down.  

The other savings apps like Fetch, Shop Kick, Kroger Cash Back that let us get free gift cards(or $ off your grocery total-Kroger), those are added back in when I cash those points in along the way.  Alexa app gives me Amazon credit onto my account but I don't buy food on Amazon(sometimes I buy dog food there)so I really don't know how to count that.

Because I don't like to let money sit in these rebate accounts and Paypal, I send $$ to my bank account throughout the year.  So far I have sent $1,876.87 from various rebating programs and through Paypal to my bank.  If you add in all that my food spending at the halfway point in 2024 comes in at $2,093.18 or $348.86 per month.
Besides all I sent to my bank account I have another $677.78 sitting in these various rebating programs as well as in Paypal.  This is not counting Alexa, ShopKick or Fetch, which all comes out in gift cards or Amazon credit.

July will be different as I won't be here for half of the month and don't know what my food shopping will be up in Virginia at my brother's house.  I haven't a clue.

If you have other ideas or guidelines you follow please leave a comment and share your thoughts with us all.

*  How much did you spend on food/toiletries in June?

*  Do you track your yearly food spending?  It's really not that hard or time consuming; just keep your receipts and either track it in a notebook or on a spreadsheet.

*  What was your savings percentage buying on sale and/or with coupons versus buying at regular retail price last month, if you track that sort of thing?

*  What are your methods for keeping your food spending in check?

*  Is anyone out there up for tracking expenditures and trying to spend less but still eat well?


Monday, July 1, 2024

This Week on the Dining Table.....the July 1st Edition

The "Classic Painting Memes" Edition.....

I found this FB group and am enjoying it.  They take classic paintings and add verbage to it to either enhance or make it hilarious.

Onward to the meal planning!
This is what was planned for last week...........
 1. Sunday--Pork Loin, Spinach Soufflé
2. Monday--Cheddar Broccoli Potato Bake
3. Tuesday--Dinner out at Trivia
4. Wednesday--Ravioli, Salad
5. Thursday--Tuna Subs, Fruit
6. Friday--Leftovers of Fend for Yourself
7. Saturday--Zucchini and some protein?

And here's what actually happened....
 1. Sunday--Pork Loin, Spinach Soufflé
2. Monday--Chicken Strips, Cheddar Broccoli Pasta Bake
3. Tuesday--Catfish Dinner, Cole Slaw, Green Beans
4. Wednesday--Cheeseburgers out at Trivia
5. Thursday--Ravioli, Caesar Salad
6. Friday--Crab Cakes, Baked Sweet Potato Fries, leftover Cole Slaw
7. Saturday--Chicken Strips, Teriyaki Green Beans

There were 2 meals out(Tuesday was a long day and we were thinking about hitting a different place for trivia but didn't go and nothing was thawed so we got Catfish dinners to-go and Wednesday night was trivia.  I did manage to pull an older package of frozen ravioli out and a marinated small hunk of pork loin out of the freezer last week.  That cheddar broccoli bake turned out to be rather small(a side dish)so I supplemented with some chicken strips, also from the freezer.  Saturday I had gotten a clearance 2 lb. bag of green beans at Kroger and then that Tyson frozen chicken deal popped up late Friday so I hit Walmart early on Saturday.  I had an open bag of breaded chicken in the freezer so we used that for Saturday's dinner and I shoved 4 new bags of chicken into the freezer.

What got taken out of the freezer last week....
*  Cheddar Broccoli Bake
*  Pork Loin
*  Spinach Soufflé
*  Chicken Strips
*  Ravioli
*  2 packages of Crab Cakes
*  More Chicken Strips

What got put into the freezer last week....
*  2 boxes of Ice Cream Sandwiches
*  1 side of Salmon
*  9 Chicken Thighs
*  2 pieces of Salmon   
*  4 bags of Chicken                            

Last week we spent $239.02 on grocery shopping. (A good portion of that was dog food.)

Total shopping comes to $687.67 for June.   There are 0 shopping days left in June.  

Rebate monies earned this month so far.....
I've earned $291.68 on Ibotta in June.
I've earned $30.25 on Shopmium in June.
I've earned $9.00 on Alexa app in June.
I've earned $66.25 on Kroger Cash Back in June.
I've earned $4.00 on TaDa in June.
I've earned $9.74 on Checkout51 in June.
I've earned $122.13 on Aisle, etc. in June. (Haven't gotten my Nature Valley rebate yet.)
I've earned 31,391 points on Fetch from food shopping in June.
I've earned 18,533.00 points from food shopping on Shop Kick in June.($74.14)
I've earned 10 Points on My Points in June.($)
I've earned 7,019 SB from food shopping on Swag Bucks in June.

That is $415.35 in rebates(not counting Shop Kick/Fetch/MyPoints/KCB/Alexa/Swag Bucks)on $652.24 of grocery spending so in reality it's $236.89 in food spending after the rebate apps I count. I now separate out the Food Bank donations and don't count those in the grocery spending.

My savings percentage for the last week was 53.57% and the monthly savings total for June comes in at 51.22% spent.

Leftovers going into this week...some Fajita filling, 4 crab cakes, Teriyaki green beans and ravioli in sauce.  Hubs will take car of the Fajita stuff and the ravioli for lunches.

Here is this week's "food plan".....
 1. Sunday--Tuna Sub
2. Monday--Pot Roast, Carrots, Potatoes, Onions
3. Tuesday--Leftover Crab Cakes, Green Beans
4. Wednesday--Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Baked Beans, Macaroni Salad
5. Thursday--Asparagus and something lol
6. Friday--Salmon and Broccoli
7. Saturday--?? Beats me

I know it's 100F outside but this hunk of beef needs to be cooked so after searing it I'll dump it into the InstaPot with the veggies and spices.
Of course the July 4th spread will be the traditional stuff. ;-)

What is getting fixed and served at your house this week?

Was last week's plan successful, did you go off plan or did you not even plan what was going to be eaten last week?

Any deals on food at your stores this week?  
