Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Frugal Friday....the July 19th Edition on Tuesday

There are very few Frugal wins over the past week.

*  I flew up to VA by myself a week ago last Sunday.  The ticket was pretty cheap after using airline miles. Hubs is driving up to get me when I am done.

*  I am staying with my brother and sister in-law while here and he is driving me to places I need to go instead of staying at a hotel and renting a car.

*  I grabbed a few things at Kroger this week down in Virginia and at Walmart.  Got some deals and finished the Weekend Warrior Bonus on Ibotta.

*  I found money!  It was a great week for found coins.

My sister in-law asked me to do a load of laundry.  I found a quarter in the dryer.  Score!

I found a penny at the ER on Tuesday.  go me.

My brother took me to Aldi and we found 2 carts in the middle of the cart corral with quarters still in them.  If you wanted to use those "free" carts you would have had been able to get to them they were so far in the "herd".  Weird.

Total Found last week.... .76¢ 

Grand Total Found this Year.......$5.91 & 5.30 Euros

That's all I got.   

Any frugal wins in your neck of the woods?  Let's hear all about them!





  1. No frugal finds but I did almost have a heart attack in Giant food store. $9.49 for the large Coffee-Mate vanilla creamer in the dairy department. I have tried all of them and we like this one best. Since we don't smoke, drink alcohol or soda we figured it is our one indulgence. Well not for 9.49. I don't normally shop Giant because of the prices but it was on my way home. Hope all is well with you.

    1. Yikes! I'd look for a deal elsewhere and then STOCK THE FRIDGE! But of course they keep saying there is no inflation. Riiiiight...

  2. I braved the Kroger customer service line and got my $4 back for the pineapple overcharge.

    No Cow bars were $12 off per box on Amazon prime day so I bought 12 boxes. I try to eat one every day to balance out the fruit heavy diet.

  3. Kraft Cheddar Cheese was back on sale bogo. It has been over two months. a2milk was $3.99 for a half gallon instead of $4.99.


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