Friday, July 12, 2024

Frugal Friday....the July 12th Edition

There are very few Frugal wins over the past week.

*   I grabbed a few things at Walmart and CVS this week.  I blogged about the Walmart stuff so here is the CVS haul....

2 x Tom's of Maine toothpaste
1 x Chiggerex biting bug cream
1 x Crest toothpaste
1 x Oral B toothbrush
2 x CoverGirl eye shadow palettes

This all, after coupons and my whole $2.01 in ECBs came to $15.92

I got back $28 in ECBs and ,45¢ in percentage back ECBs for all this.  I should get another $4 in Ibotta rewards for the Tom's of Maine toothpaste but I may have goofed that up as I can't get my CVS account linked to Ibotta like it has to be to credit you an online order. sigh
I am not thrilled I am back on the CVS merry-go-round but if they expire before I come home I can buy some toothpaste or something for my brother and his wife up in VA. ;-)

Most of the above will be headed for the food bank or sold too.(Might be a good idea to keep the Chiggerex though. lol)           

*  No trivia this week.  Instead we spent 5 hours in the ER because of my leg/hip.  So no win on Wednesday and I can't wait to see what they charge me. *insert eye roll*  Luckily they found no DVT or broken bones, but unluckily they found no explanation for my pain.  So I am resting the leg as much as possible and if it doesn't improve I'll bring it up to my Orthopedist when I get back to town.
MY PCP's office called about coming in to see the NP but it can't happen yesterday or today so(last two days I am in town)so that will have to wait as well.
Add in that Hubs and I hadn't eaten since breakfast and he wanted to stop somewhere for fast food. So that was OOP too. 8-(

*  I found money!  It wasn't a great week for found coins but at least I didn't get skunked.

I went to a small neighborhood Walmart *the ones that don't carry hard goods*on Tuesday because it is the only one around that carried "Stur" drink flavorings here and there was a full price rebate on it.
Leaving the store I found a dime next to a checkout and a penny heading out the door.

Total Found last week.... .11¢ 

Grand Total Found this Year.......$5.26 & 5.30 Euros

That's all I got.   

Any frugal wins in your neck of the woods?  Let's hear all about them!




  1. I’ve been ripped off at Kroger again. I specifically went there for the $1.50 pineapples and they rang up $2.50. They were also tiny and not really worth the sale price. Also failed to check dates on the many expired tags and overpaid for Smart Bacon and hummus. I’m ready to seriously cut back on shopping there.

    1. I feel your pain. I was calling CS every week about their Kroger Cash Back not working....some times I'd get what I was due and usually I didn't. So I pretty much stopped doing deals that involved KCB...or if it did by chance, I just let the dice fall where they may.
      I hope you went to CS over the pineapples and got an adjustment! Old tags left up is why I started taking photos of them when they told me that's not a "deal" this week. In mots states if the shelf is tagged they are required to honor that price.

    2. We went during lunch so no time to stop for a refund. I’ll have to go back and waste about 30 minutes or more for that $4. Annoying.


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