Monday, October 12, 2020

Move Over Rasputin, I'm Still Here


Much like my good buddy Rasputin, doctors can't seem to knock me off(or for that matter knock me OUT!). 
It took cyanide laced cakes and 3 glasses of Madeira wine, 3 gun shots(1 at point blank range to his forehead), hyperthermia from laying  in a snowbank and dumping him in the Malaya Nevka River in late December near St. Petersburg, Russia to off Rasputin.
Despite their efforts, doctors can only seem to relieve me of one body part at a time and I'm still here(more or less of me)!

Last week was truly Craptastic(being capped off with emergency surgery)and this week is starting out as another crap filled(literally)stretch of days.
I vacillate between laughing and crying over my woes.

Not up to blogging right now.
This song says it best about where I am right now......

And I am finding comfort in this tune.....

Stay well and take care of yourselves until I can be back and recount my saga.



  1. Gotta love "Constant Sorrow". It does sum up your recent patch jobs.

  2. Please please please lose weight!!! Morbid obesity causes all kinds of issues you won’t otherwise face and by being a healthy weight you can bounce back sooo much faster from health issues that do come up! Please please get healthy and lose weight! Plus it’s frugal! - Jean L

  3. I hope someone does not have to go to those great extents to off you. However...Do not go gently into that good night. Take a page out of Rasputin's survival manual.

  4. So sorry to hear of your medical issues. Hang in there!

  5. Glad you’re still here and keep on being a Rasputin! Life is pretty boring and I really look forward to new posts.

    Jen G.

  6. My goodness! I hope you're back to normal -- or better -- soon!!

  7. Hope you heal quickly and feel better soon.

  8. Get well soon, Sluggy!!!

    A LongTime Reader

  9. I'm so sorry. Don't know what is happening, but I hope you feel better.

  10. That does not sound good, here’s hoping that things go much better the next few weeks.

  11. Take it easy and regain your strength. We will all be here when you are up to blogging again. I'm going to miss you!

  12. Hope you feel better soon Sluggy. Wishing you a super speedy recovery.

  13. So sorry you are going through such a bad time. I hope things turn around for you and you start feeling better soon! Sending hugs and healing thoughts. <3

  14. Hi Sluggy, this is Chris. Our daughter with the new baby had the similar thing to you the week before you did. Hers was very painful, but she feels much better now. I hope you are on the mend quickly. I have been saying some prayers for you.

  15. I feel bad for you and dreamed about you all night, funny dreams.

  16. Sending good thoughts and speedy recovery vibes your way, Sluggy.

  17. Wanted to call and my number that I have for you is gone? Where I don't know, like my phone ate it. Worried, sad and missing you. We should be on a trip right now. Together eating donuts and having fun.

  18. I hope you are feeling better soon

  19. Hang in there! It's always the darkest before the dawn...
    I hope your bad patch ends soon. :)

  20. Glad you are home - bloody hell crappy month healthwise for you but hopefully things will look up from here on out. Hugs

  21. HI Sluggy,
    Fellow PA resident. Sorry your are unwell but make sure you get a Lyme's disease blood titer test. My MIL just went thru cancer, surgery and chemo and all that and just kept feeling lousy. Got her bloodwork done, positive for Lyme's, no tell tale bite. She lives in NJ. Just a thought. Take care and I hope you get some rest and some answers. Barb

  22. You are like the rocks at Stonehenge nothing knocks you down.

  23. I am so sorry to learn all of this. I pray you heal quickly and feel better soon.


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