Monday, October 8, 2012

And The Winner Is........

We had 63 valid Entries for the Boring Blog Box Giveaway this time.
With the assistance of Random Org. I am pleased to announce the Winner of the box of Goodies is......


I follow by email (but I don't want to post my email here- is that OK?)

Please contact me via email Marci(email addy is on the right side bar under "About Me") with your full name and mailing address.  You have 48 hours from when this post publishes to contact me.  If I don't hear from you by the deadline, I'll draw another winner.

Thank you to everyone who played along.
I have another box almost ready to put up for the next giveaway.
Come back soon for that!



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Please include your name in your comment, or choose the 'Name' option and put your name or whatever you call yourself, in the box. Thank you.

Though I moderate it's partly to keep trolls at bay but also partly so that I read every comment. I don't often respond to comments so if you need me to answer you please write me at my email addy posted on my "About Me" page, linked on the side bar.