Sunday, February 7, 2010

Here's an Easy Rite-Aid Scenario....Spend $2.03 OOP/Get $29.76 in Stuff

I went over to Rite-Aid on Sunday to do a transaction, after my belated Birthday meal at Red Lobster.

Well of course they were out of the new Dove Men's Body Wash, which would have been a $1.25 moneymaker at $4 a bottle with a full price SCR and a $1.25 ManuQ. 
This torpedoed my scenario but I quickly found another combination of items to buy.

Before you head out to try this scenario, sign up to watch the videos at AdPerks on the Rite-Aid website.  Watch enough video commercials to get 20 credits and you can download the Bonus $5 off a $20 Purchase Q.  You can only print this Q ONCE, so make sure you select multiple copies to print out when your printer prompts you to tell it how many copies to print, ok?After you get the $5 off $20, pull out your inserts from 1/3 SS & 1/3 RP and this Sunday's P&G insert and clip the appropriate Qs.

This scenario is quite easy to follow so lookie here all you Rite-Aid hounds......

1 x Venus Embrace or Breeze Razor on sale=$7.99
1 x Olay Body Wash=$7.79
**I have a 10% off reg. price discount from my Wellness card, so the Body Wash was only $7.01
1 x Nivea Body Wash on sale=$2.99
1 x Purevia on sale=$2.99
SubTotal....$21.76/$20.98 with discount

Coupons Used
1 x $5 off $20 Purchase AdPerks IPQ=$5.00
1 x $2/1 Venus Embrace or Breeze Razor ManuQ(2/7 P&G insert)=$2.00
1 x $1/1 Any Shaving Accessory CRT printed Wellness Q=$1.00
1 x Buy Embrace/Breeze Razor, Get Olay Body Wash FREE ManuQ(2/7 P&G insert)=$7.79/$7.01 w/discount
1 x $2/1 Nivea Body Wash ManuQ(1/3 RP insert)=$2.00
1 x $2/1 Purevia ManuQ(1/3 SS insert)=$2.00
Coupon Total.....$19.79/$19.01w/discount

$21.76-$19.79=$1.97+.06¢PAtax=$2.03 OOP
I had $2.22 on a Gift Card left so I had Zero OOP and .19¢ left to burn.

In addition the Olay and Razor count toward SCR #551--the P&G Buy $25/Get $5 Visa Card, Buy $50/Get $15 Visa Card, Buy $100, Get $35 Visa Card, so that's $15.78 toward your total purchases(or $15 in my case). Just $9.22 more in P&G items and you qualify for a $5 prepaid Visa Card.
I'm working on BIL's Visa card.  I got mine in the mail already, early last week.....

The Nivea Body Wash also counts toward your $15 purchase of Nivea items to qualify for a $5 Gift Card, SCR#56.  $2.99 down, $12.01 to go.....
the Nivea Body Lotion is also on sale this week for $5.99 a bottle.  There are $5/2 ManuQs from 1/03 RP insert.  If you can use Wellness Qs, combine that Nivea Q with 2 x $2 off any Skin Care item over $2.99 Wellness IPQ(check your Wellness account on the Rite-Aid site for the link to the PDF)....2 x $5.99=$11.98-$5-$2-$2=$2.98 OOP.  Combine this with other purchases to total $20 or more and you can use an AdPerk $5 off $20 purchase IPQ too and bring your OOP even lower.

With regard to my scenario above, if you don't have a Wellness card and the Wellness CRT printed Q for the $1 off Shaving Access. your OOP will be $3.09 and not $2.03   But that's still a good price, right?

I noticed that the prices on the Nivea and Olays in my local store on Sunday have been jacked up....the Nivea Body Wash by .30¢ and the Olay Body Wash by .50¢.  I wonder if we may be seeing more price increases on other items in Rite-Aid soon.



  1. You have no idea how BAD I want a Rite-Aid in my small town! :)

  2. I have little doubt that when I get to Rite Aid after work, there will be no more Dove Men's body wash there either. I'd bet they didn't bother stocking up on any of the stores... :P on them

    Nice shopping!!!!


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