Saturday, May 20, 2023

This Week on the Dining Table

The "Cajun Bud Lights" Edition--

Played trivia at a pizza joint week before last and they served Hubs his nice craft beer in this questionable glass. lol

Onward to the meal planning!

This is what was planned.......
1. Sunday--Ribs, Collards, Tater Salad, Watermelon, Cornbread at Daughter's house
2. Monday--I'm not Eating
3. Tuesday--Tempura Zuke and Shrimp(maybe)
4. Wednesday--Trivia night at different place so no clue
5. Thursday--No Clue
6.  Friday--No Clue
7. Saturday--Nobody Knows, Do One?

And here's what actually happened........
1. Sunday--Ribs, Collards, Tater Salad, Watermelon, Cornbread at Daughter's house
2. Monday--Didn't eat
3. Tuesday--Yogurt, Watermelon
4. Wednesday--Pizza, Strawberries
5. Thursday--Tempura Shrimp and Zuke
6.  Friday--All Sort of Leftovers, mostly Zuke and Sweet Potatoes
7. Saturday--Nobody Knows, Do One?

We are those strange folks that put anchovies on pizza.  We had an open tin of those so had to buy a frozen pizza this week to use them up on as they wouldn't keep that long open in the fridge.
Fresh strawberries where cheap this week, as was zuchinni and daughter gave me a container of watermelon to bring home on Sunday as her hubs doesn't like watermelon, !!!
Gastric issues have eased up so it's a go for eating again.
Anything that will go bad before we get home is going to Daughter's house.

What got put into the freezer last week....
*  1 clearance skirt steak(2 lbs.)

What got taken out of the freezer and used...
*  Pizza
*  a Bag of Shrimp

Last week we spent $84.38 on grocery shopping(mostly on supplements and OTC meds)
This brings our food/toiletries/paper goods Total to $235.11 for May.  

There are Zero shopping days left in May(for us).

I've earned $82.77 on Ibotta in May.
I've earned $0 on Checkout51 in May.
I've earned $16.00 on Coupons dotcom in May.
I've earned $8.00 on Shopmium in May.
I've earned $0 on Kroger Cash Back in May.
I've earned 2,156 points from food shopping on Fetch in May.
I've earned 3,138 points from food shopping on Shop Kick in May.
I've earned 0 SB from food shopping on Swag Bucks in May.

That's $106.77 in rebates(not counting the Shop Kick/Swag Bucks/Fetch)on $235.11 of grocery spending so in reality it's $128.34 in food spending after the 5 rebate apps I count.

My savings percentage for the last week was 52.93% and the monthly savings total for May comes in at 49.54% so far. 

Leftovers going into this week...nothing.

Here is this week's "food plan".....
1. Sunday--No Clue
2. Monday--No Clue
3. Tuesday--No Clue
4. Wednesday--No Clue
5. Thursday--No Clue
6.  Friday--No Clue
7. Saturday--No Clue

What do I need to buy to fix everything on this menu?  Not a damned thing again.  I'll be in vacation mode.  I'm posting this early before we leave the country.

What is getting fixed and served at your house this week?

Was last week's plan successful, did you go off plan or did you not even plan what was going to be eaten last week?

Any deals on food at your stores this week? 



  1. Not a lot of options for groceries here, but once I move, I'll have more access to other grocery stores.

  2. Have a great time on your trip! Cindy in the South

  3. Safe travels! Have a great time!

  4. I like you, but anchovies on pizza??!! That's a hard pass from me. Enjoy your trip.

    I have no clue what anyone ate last week. I was in Japan, and had some great meals: ramen, shabu shabu, sushi, katsu, etc.

  5. Bravo! Anchovies on pizza! My favorite! I live with folks with no taste who won't have them ever. I've learned Thai fish sauce (a few shakes) adds the anchovy to my slices.

  6. I hope you have the most wonderful trip even though I am pissed off that you get to see Six and I don't!

  7. I filled the Instant Pot to the top with black bean sweet potato soup last night so I’m set for the week. Dave will protest after the second day. Maybe I’ll make pizza tonight for some variety.

    Ibotta had several offers for items that I regularly buy and the total rebate was $30.29. That might be my personal record.

  8. I hope you have a wonderful time!

  9. I hope the trip has gone well! Have been thinking of you. Can’t wait to hear all about it.

  10. Hey I had a cornish pasty and thought of you two !


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