Friday, November 29, 2024

Frugal Friday....the Nov. 29th Edition

There are some Frugal wins over the past week.....

Here are our frugal wins for this past week......

*  I got my Coat in the mail last week that I ordered....

It was a great price plus it's Purple!
This will be the very last thing I buy from this company however.  They are forcing paperless billing on me or now charging me $2.99 for each statement I get.  I called and closed my account telling them I don't appreciate being charged money for the honor of buying things from them.  One less credit account and temptation to spend money, right? 

I got Hubs Christmas gift via Amazon..........

His luggage was getting raggedy and his favorite color is orange and these American Tourister bags fit the bill.  I used Amazon credit so nothing out of pocket.  I gave it to him early so he can use it on our trip to SC and VA.  8-)))

*  All that shopping for the food bank got taken in..........

Lots of goodness.
This makes our second trip with stuff to the food bank in November.

*  We hit Ollie's after dropping off the food bank donation.....
The Truvia and the Power Sheets laundry box weren't Ollie's(Kroger)but everything else was stuff I bought at Ollie's.  The canned Beets were 75% off even!  I should have bought more of those....

*  I hit my $3 Midweek Moneymaker & my $3 Weekend Warrior Bonuses on Ibotta and I used a free $20 gift card at Walmart to purchase items we needed to get to my Bonus targets.

*  We also had no food waste last week.  We ate everything or put it in the freezer .

*  Entertainment last week was free tv or playing with the dogs.

*  This week was time to get my Rock Star drinks.  Bought them at Walmart, making this a $3.76 Moneymaker after my rebate.

*  I found money!  

I was in Dollar General last Saturday(using my $5 off $25 coupon)and found these two pennies inside the store.

If you don't go much of anywhere you can't find money, right? lol

Total Found last week..... .02¢

Grand Total Found this Year.......$9.36 & 5.30 Euros

That's all I got.

Any frugal wins in your neck of the woods?  Let's hear all about them!


1 comment:

  1. I found $.35 on the street while walking Daryl. This was in our neighborhood which was unusual.

    No emergency vet bills this week which is the biggest win.


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