Saturday, December 24, 2022

Today's Activity, Not Recommended

 Well I felt we were all getting complacent and bored on Christmas eve so I decided to fall off the bed and bleed out.

So we'll be sitting in the ER waiting room for Christmas 🎄 Eve.

I hope your day is merrier and you're brighter than Sluggy.



  1. ho ho ho YIKES!
    My SIL who works in ER says usually the only ones in ER on Christmas are all alcohol related. Good luck convincing them you were sober. :-)

  2. Oh no! Hope you feel better soon! It is so cold for here! Cindy in the South

  3. SIGH... hope you get home tonight and NOT do anything else to hurt yourself. Merry Christmas

  4. oh no, I hope you don't have to wait there hours!! Get better soon and Merry Christmas!

  5. Holy cow you live an exciting life! Hope your wait in the ER isn’t too long ;(. Happy holidays! Hilogene in Az

  6. Oh Sluggy! I guess you paid for your fun in the sun.

  7. Maybe they’ll give you a Christmas sucker for your troubles!
    I hope it went well and you’re back home waiting on the Big Guy to come through for you!
    Many blessings!

  8. Sending Hugs and hope you will be okay!! Janie

  9. I read that first sentence to Tommy and he was falling out of the chair laughing. So sorry. How on earth?

  10. Hi Sluggy this is Chris. Prayers from here. 🙏

  11. Last cruise___Bitten by a dolphin
    Latest cruise__Purple stool incident, stitches
    Please discontinue this pattern of cruising and leg injuries

  12. Hopefully next year will be better,feel better

  13. OMG that's terrible! I hope you get seen quickly so you can still enjoy a little bit of Christmas!

  14. oh no!, i hope you feel better soon, and Merry Christmas


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