Monday, March 31, 2014

Proud Mama Here

Ok, time for a little bragging on my kid, #2 Son.

Yesterday we went to his flute and piano teacher's recital for all her students.
After about a half a dozen 4 year olds banging out simple songs on the piano I am so over recitals. lolz

#2 was one of the last students to perform, since he is the oldest and this is his last year studying with her.

Waiting for his turn.  He doesn't look very happy now, does he?

After 1.75 hours(ugh!)it was his shot.

His teacher gave a nice introduction(talked about getting into a music program for college and how far he has come in 2 years of studying with her, etc.)but you probably can't make much of that out at the beginning of this clip, since she talks too fast and the acoustics in this church weren't so hot.

Anyway, here he is playing "Rêverie et Petit Valse" (1897) by André Caplet.


Make sure you have some time to spare because this clip is about 10 minutes long.

And to show you that he is a true musical Renaissance Man, he spent 10 hours on Saturday with his band, recording tracks for their 1st CD at a professional recording studio.

If you want to hear a couple of the songs by the band he is in, go HERE.
The band is called Docile Sponge and #2 Son plays the bass in it.
They don't do covers, just original compositions.

And in his spare time, he works on flute beatbox.
He wants to be THESE GUYS when he grows up.

Whether classical flute or alternative rock, this guy is into music.


Sunday, March 30, 2014

Saturday at the Bloggerpalooza II....Hijinxs in Lewes & Beyond--Part I

**Now Improved with Photo Captions made up in my head.**

So Saturday all the attendees, or rather, all the attendees who wanted to be silly, rendezvoused at The Old Time Photo Shop in Rehoboth Beach at the appointed time.

We were there for the next activity of the Bloggerpalooza II Weekend.
A costumed group photo.

     Doug, Jay, Fred and Randy seem apprehensive to get started.  Everyone is waiting for somebody else to "go first" I think.....

    Everybody starts loosening up to the idea in short order.

And we all ventured into the "Inner Sanctum".

Jay getting assistance getting into his gambler garb....
"Hmmm, which fake bottle of booze should I pose with this year?"

Tim being Velcro-ed into his Yankee uniform pants. 
"If only they had had Velcro back during the Civil War.....All I need is the formulation and a time machine!"

Doug adjusting his "duster" coat....."What do you guys think....does this make my butt look big?"

Java all set as a lonely cowpoke...."Let's get this thing over with."

Dr. Spo, "Does this color bring out the blue in my eyes?"


   Java assisting Dr. Spo...."Come on Sweet Cheeks suck it in....."

Show off those girly attributes Dr. Spo!
"I just wanna, just wannaaaaa.....I just wanna, just wannaaaaa, giiiiiirls, girls just wanna have fun!"

 Pat all "chapped" up.
"Smile when you say that partner."


Larry putting on the war bonnet.
"I just can't do anything with my hair today!"

Sluggy in front of the hat wall.....
"I'm ready for my close-up Mister DeMille".

Fred as a Damn Yankee.....
Being from the South, I had better not say anything else here. lolz

Ron, as one of the "Fancy Gals", coming out of the closet, errr, dressing room.

Ron telling Tim, "I've always loved a man in uniform" least in my own head. lolz

It was sort of disconcerting seeing a man dress in 1860's garb checking his iPhone.....


 Pat, Fred, Tim & Doug getting into character

Mark & Fred aka "The South & North get Friendly."

And finally the whole crew was ready to take some photos.

And some day, after I make up my mind which shot to buy, I'll show  y'all the grand shot that the lovely ladies at the studio took.
I just can't make up my mind if I like the serious, the smiling or the goofy pose best!
Decisions, decisions.....

After we all had a good laugh, or five, at our selves, and caused a great deal of mayhen and chaos at the Photo Studio, we all changed back into 21st century garb and heading down the block.

The weather was gloriously warm(for March)and sunny and the shops were all open for business....

But our destination was an early group lunch to the The Purple Parrot

Being St. Patrick's Day Weekend the place was already packed with revelers but we squeezed our group onto a long table.....

   (l to r)Fred, anne marie, Todd, Randy, Doug, Tim, Cubby, Java

They had a drink Special of $2 Mimosas or Bloody Marys.
Our table kept the waiter hopping with refills of those.  I must confess that once the 2nd Mimosa kicked in I sort of forgot to take any more photos.
And I am still trying to figure out just how many Bloody Marys Cubby actually had.....hehehehe

Here is the last shot I took at the Purple Parrot--a photo of Dr. Spo's Seafood Gumbo.
Loking M'mmm good!  I should have ordered that......

After a leisurely lunch Fred & Mark drove me back to the motel to sleep off the booze for a nap, while they went out looking at real estate.  I had a couple of hours to myself to rest up before the grand finale of the weekend, the Group Dinner and Entertainment.
Actually I was busy putting the finishing touches on the little goody bags I was going to hand out after Dinner that evening at the Inn.

The conclusion of my report coming soon in Hijinxs in Lewes & Beyond--Part II.


Saturday, March 29, 2014

Last of the Rite-Aid Haul for This Week

Back up to Rite-Aid this morning.

They were out of the Axe 'Poo so I got 2 Dove Men's Body Wash instead.....

2 x Dove Men's Body Wash on sale=$7.00

I used 2 x $2/1 Dove Men's Body Wash ManuQ=$4.00
I used 1 of my $2 +Up Rewards I received yesterday.....
$7-$4Qs-$2+Up=$1.00 OOP

I had my $1.06 all ready to pay(6% tax in PA)and the register only charged me $1, no tax.
Weird, huh?
I guess karma kicked in from the register overcharging me by .12¢ on one of my transactions earlier in the week.

So who am I to argue with a machine?...I paid $1.00  ;-)
And I received another $2 +Up Rewards for buying these 2 items.

Here are all the products I bought this week at Rite-Aid, in one photo.....

21 items consisting of shampoo, body wash and deodorant.
Regular retail of $131.59.
I paid $10.66, including tax of .78¢, out of pocket for it all.
That comes out to paying just a bit more than .50¢ per item.

I also have rain checks for Axe and Dove Men's shampoo to get 4 more bottles for a grand total of $1.06 more(after coupons).

Not a bad week's work.

I think we are set for men's toiletries for awhile.  8-)))

I've already got my plan for next week to roll the +Up Rewards I have left($4)--

3 transactions buying 2 shampoos, 2 deodorants, bottle of pain killer and 2 bottles of dish soap and I should spend a whole $2.57 w/tax for it all and have a $2 +Up Reward leftover at the end of it all.

Stay tuned.....


Friday, March 28, 2014

Friday's Rite-Aid.....Haul #6

Today at Rite-Aid I did the Axe/Dove Deal x 2.
For ever 2 select Axe/Dove items you buy you receive a $2 +Up Reward.
Limit of 2 deals on each account.
I have $5 +Up Reward to roll......

2 x Axe Shampoo on sale=$8.00
2 x Dove Men's Body Wash on sale=$7.00

Coupons Used
1 x $2.50/1 Axe Shampoo ManuQ=$2.50
1 x $2.50/1 Axe Shampoo Load2CardQ=$2.50
2 x $2/1 Dove Men's BodyWash ManuQ=$4.00
Coupon Total.....$9.00

I used my $5 +Ups....
$6.00-$5.00=$1.00 + .06¢ tax=$1.06 OOP

I received back 2 $2+Up Rewards for buying these 4 items and I have maxed out the Dove Men's/Axe Deal for Hubs' account.

If there is any Axe 'Poo left by tomorrow, I'll do this deal 1 more time on my account. (I've done it once, last Sunday, so I can do it 1 more time.)

Come back tomorrow and see if I got any more goodies this year.


Thursday, March 27, 2014

Rite-Aid Haul This Week......#4 & #5

Blogger was being testy last evening so here are my latest two Rite-Aid trips for the week.

First batch of goodies on the Hubs' card......

2 x Caress Body Wash on sale $3.50=$7.00
2 x Tresemme Shampoo on sale $4.00=$8.00

Coupons Used
2 x $2/1 Caress ManQ=$4.00
1 x $2/1 Tresemme ManQ=$2.00
1 x $2/1 Tresemme Load2CardQ=$2.00
Coupon Total......$8.00


I used my $5 +Up Reward.....$7-$5=$2.00 + .24¢ tax=$2.24 OOP.

The register gremlins were active on Wednesday.  Tax in PA on $2 is .12¢, not .24¢.
clerk couldn't "fix" it so I just paid the extra .12¢.
Double Sigh.....

I received another $5 +Up Reward back for buying this lot.

Then this afternoon I got this stuff here......

3 x Clear Men's Shampoo on sale $5=$15.00

Coupons Used
2 x $2.50/1 Clear shampoo ManuQ=$5.00
1 x $2.50/1 Clear shampoo Load2Card Q=$2.50
Coupon Total.....$7.50

I used my $5 +Ups to pay....
$7.50-$5.00=$2.50 + .15¢ tax=$2.65 OOP

I received another $5 +Up Reward back for buying this stuff.
I've now maxed out this $5 wyb $15 Unilever Deal.

Tomorrow I'll be doing the Dove Men's/Axe Deal.....I think......
Stay tuned.


So Proud of Him!

Yesterday Hubs had a milestone at work.
March 26, 2014 marks his 30th anniversary with the huge corporation he works for.

They presented him with this plaque at a special meeting on Monday.......

I am so proud of him for sticking it out at his company.
The only thing he's done longer than working there is being married to me(32 years in August).
Hmmm....maybe he deserves even MORE kudos for that accomplishment.  ;-)

He started out there in an entry level position in 1984.
We were living in the basement bedroom of his parent's house in NJ at that time.
He had undergrad and graduate student loans, I had a Chevy Chevette, and we owned a kitchen table and chairs and not much else of any value.

30 years later, he's a director at his company(having worked his way up one step at a time through 3 different divisions), we live in a large home in PA(paid off in 2007), have (almost)raised 3 kids, put 1.5 of them through college(so far), paid off the student loans(in about 1989), and have saved almost enough for our retirement.

We were able to do this jointly due to his putting in his time for 30 years, no matter how much he didn't want to be there sometimes, and me keeping an eagle eye on whatever salary they paid him.

I bet if he had remained single all those years, he'd still be writing checks for cups of coffee at the cafeteria, living in an apartment, dressing badly, and spending all his free time and money buying books and attending chess tournaments.
But that's a post for another time.  lolz

Today I celebrate Hubs and his accomplishment.
How many folks today can say they've been employed at the same company for 30 years?

Unfortunately he is in Hartford right now, because of his job, so the celebration will have to wait for a bit.

Three cheers for my guy!!!



Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Friday at the Bloggerpalooza II....Hijinxs in Milton & Beyond--Part II

**Blogger had been misbehaving the last few days for me("bad Blogger, bad!), so let's try this again.**

Friday late afternoon, after our DFH Brewery excursion(and adventure!) we repaired to the Hospitality Suite at the Inn for cocktails and conversation......and meeting old friends, and for newbies to the Bloggerpalooza(like me), meeting new friends.

Here's Jay and Doug saying "Howdy"....

anne marie and Cubby exchanging greetings while Randy looks on.....

Here are before and after shots of Randy.
Randy went and got his cowboy hat from his room so he looked the proper Nebraska farm/ranch boy.....

Then he showed us the "modification" he made to the hat's ribbon.....Can you see the rainbow?....

I think that hat is very becoming on you Randy!

Then Dr. Spo played bartender and went on the quest to fix the "perfect martini"......

 "Now where did I put that strainer?" he said as he rummaged through the cabinets, while Tim munched on some goodies.....

 Measuring out the vermouth just least I THINK it was vermouth..... ;-)

Doesn't he look the bartender part, wearing a Dos Locos Restaurant employees shirt?

And to prove that I was there, here's a picture of me......

Soon it was time to leave for our dinner reservation at La Quetzalteca Restaurant in Millsboro Delaware.

We decided to convoy in 3 vehicles, since the only one who knew how to get there was Ron.  So we loaded up my minivan(since it could transport a good share of people) and Doug & Dr. Spo loaded up their rental car with a couple more folks and we headed out. (Mark and Fred were going there directly from the two-bit motel we stayed at, since they just arrived in town, so Ron was on the phone with them the whole way guiding them safely to the eatery.) 

Ron was on the phone talking to Mark/Fred the whole way, while Randy was making conversation in the backseat of Pat's tiny Fiat, and Ron was giving Pat, who was driving, directions to our
destination.  We all had a fun filled adventure getting there, but we all arrived safe and sound.  

And once they got Randy unfolded from the Fiat we went into dine.  Randy is one tall drink of water, as they say, and how he got into that car I will never know! lol

**I lovingly referred to Pat's car afterwards as the "clown car", as it reminded me of those novelty circus cars where you see an improbable number of clowns emerge from them.  Note to self--recommend we play party games next Bloggerpalooza and use Pat's clown car for a "how many people can we shove in a vehicle" game since you can't find a phone booth much anymore in this country. hehehe

After a short period milling around near the bar..........

 Cubby, Pat and Randy mill....

 Doug and Java chat while Cubby captures memories for posterity

   Mark and Jay duel it out with "serious cameras" while Fred mediates


  Tim(back to camera) and Dr. Spo consider their "options"--Mexican beer or fruity cocktails-whatever did you think I meant?!?

 While some of us watched the hot! MMA fighters in tight shorts "going at it" on the bar television.......

 er......After waiting on our reserved tables(which hadn't been set up yet), they were ready and we set down to dine.

The chips and salsa, as well as conversations flowed freely.

       Java, Cubby, Tim, Doug(hiding from my camera)

       There, that's better Doug.....your smiling face!

Randy and Dr. Spo....checking his fan email no doubt(or checking an APP on his phone for a calorie counter--how else does he keep his figure so svelte?!)

And no, Dr. Spo is NOT preparing to preform a Peruvian Bottle Dance with that rather large bottle of Negro Modelo that he appears to be balancing on his head in that shot.

Pat at the other end of the table looking pensive.  That's Fred's ear on the left and Ron's hand appears to be grabbing Mark's nose.
This is what happens when "rookies" like me take candid photos.  Either that or they had some strange game going on down the far end of the table! 8-)

Here's a better shot.....(l to r)anne marie, Jay, Pat, Ron & Mark

While we waited for our dinners to be prepared, the restaurant management sent over a Mariachi Band to serenade us........

Ok, so it was a fake band on the wall over our tables.  C'mon!....use your imagination people!

Soon enough, dinner showed up in waves, balanced on our waiter's arms....

    Ron took this nice shot that I stole.....because I do that when push comes to shove. ;-)

Some of us received complimentary facials with our meals, like Dr. Spo.....
 Tim and Doug back away from the out! It's HOT!!

Dr. Spo savoring the end of his beauty treatment......

No photos once the food came.  We were starving!  No time for camera now.....

I lifted this other shot off of Ron's blog post too since I didn't have any photos of the dinner with me in them......

       (l to r)Fred, Sluggy, Java, Cubby, Tim, Randy, Todd

After paying our bills we headed back into the vehicles and convoyed back to the Hospitality Suite at the Inn for more convos and cocktails.

   The Motto of the Weekend acted out by Tim, Cubby and Doug...."What happens in Lewes, Stays in Lewes"

Jay enjoying some of his Burley Oak Beer and munchies while Ron looks on and Dr. Spo is hard at work again preparing libations.
Must be something in that shirt, huh? Dr. Spo.

Ron modeling the new Spo Shirt Dr. Spo made him.  Yes, men can sew too.  From one old hand at sewing to another, we shall have to compare notes in the future.

Nice shirt there Ron!  Reminds me of  Van Gogh's "Starry Night".

Randy shows Fred just how big something(or is that someone?!)was...... ;-)

And then things got silly sillier.......

Dr. Spo decides to lounge after the whisky(no rubbish!)takes effect......

I am such the lady that I am NOT even going to try to caption this shot. 8-0

I think everyone in this photo is feeling no pain. (l to r back-Tim, Cubby, Doug, Randy, front-Dr. Spo prone)

The clock struck midnight and I hurried back to my motel before turning into a pumpkin.
Tomorrow's activities started bright and early on Saturday so I needed to sober up get some rest if I was going to fully participate in what lay ahead.

Saturday's report when and if Blogger decides to behave in the coming days.....
