Saturday, November 30, 2024

I'm Done

I guess I will shut this blog down.  There is really no point anymore as most of the comment I get are from insulting trolls and those comments will never see the light of day or assail a readers eyes.

I use to get trolling comments about my weight when I was very heavy.  After losing what was equal to an entire person(and they could no longer hurl hateful fat comments at me), I now get the anonymous trolls telling me my attitude is terrible.  Well I may have a bad attitude at times but it is because of how some people(ie family members) have unfairly treated me the last two years, but at least I am a real person, who has been through things nobody can imagine.  I am unlike so many online phonies.

I tried to show people how to live debt free and make the most of what they have but no, all those snapchat selfie young people want is to appear to have the perfect life, the perfect house, the perfect whatever.  But I guess I am too old-fashioned for this young generation.  Blogging has changed from when I started when dinosaurs roamed the earth.

I am done with all the haters online.
It was nice while it lasted.



  1. Don't let the door hit ya.....

    1. And another asshole heard from....

    2. Wow, anonymous. That was really rude, mean, and cowardly. I've learned tips and ideas from Sluggy and feel like she's been a good friend to us online. I have met her in person and greatly enjoyed our visit. Life changes and not always for the better. Sometimes being able to get the stress out through the keyboard is a healthy way to deal with the muck life can throw. It's quite simple to just stop following a blog you don't want to read.

  2. Why haven't you shut the blog down yet????

  3. We all know that in the current financial situation in America, only the elites are doing well. And where are they? They lost! They're trying to tear the rest of us down....especially a conservative and a Trump supporter. Never you mind, Sluggy. America is changing now. She has gotten back her common sense and there's a bunch of people who are going to learn about life, the hard way. Let them go Sluggy. America is going to be a much better place for the likes of you and me. If you need to write, to express yourself, as I do.....start a diary. Eventually do a memoir. I only wish you the best. May God continue to bless you and your family. It's all going to be alright. Millie.


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Though I moderate it's partly to keep trolls at bay but also partly so that I read every comment. I don't often respond to comments so if you need me to answer you please write me at my email addy posted on my "About Me" page, linked on the side bar.