Monday, August 12, 2013

You May Want to Cover Your Ears Now.....

Because I'm going to sing.

When Tanner was here last week, she mentioned, in an off-hand manner, that she had just had a birthday.

I told her I should make her a cake, to which she said, "Oh, you don't have to do that." or "I don't need a cake." or something similar.

Well, you KNOW I took that as a challenge. lol

And besides.....

So before she left on Saturday afternoon, I had Hubs sneak off to the grocery store and buy a little cake at the bakery department.

And after we had our little cook-out, I whipped it I put the cake on the table and we proceeded to embarrass Tanner by singing to her.

You may want to hit the mute button when you play the short video below.
It's been many many years since anyone has paid money to hear me sing....*snort*


Now I want everyone to go over to Tanner's blog and leave her a Birthday message.
And you'd better all do it or I'll....I'll.....I'll sing again!!!



  1. I went over....your so sweet!!!!!!!!

    1. Yep that's me....sweet as candy dipped in

  2. Oh no, you can't totally not do that! Not fair!

    Well, now that you've embarrassed me on the interwebs, I guess there's not much left to hide. But really, thanks! I appreciated the cake! It was a very nice gesture. Now I'll have to work extra hard to retalia-- I mean, to get even-- I mean, to return your kindness! :)

    1. Oh and I can't wait for the retaliation, er.....kind gesture you will reciprocate with. hehehehe

      Yes, I am a stinky rat fink! 8-P
      But you wuv me....

  3. Well, what a nice welcome to this "newish " reader...your voice. I have been reading personal finance blogs the past several months. They help keep me motivated to follow the goals we have set for ourselves, not somebody else's. Yours had been one of my top ten but THIS!!!! Top of the top now! Enjoy your day! Thank you.

    1. Aw shucks....thanks Meg B. *Sluggy blushes*

      If that voice didn't scare you off then nothing I'll ever say will....lolz

      Thanks for reading!!

  4. Not bad, you can carry a tune, My twin is an opera singer!!!!

    1. Yes Kim, but so out of practice that I need quite a large BUCKET to carry that tune in...LOL

  5. Happy Birthday!!! to Tanner that is!
    I went over to her blog. I DID!

    1. I saw you did McVal. And I know if you've been naughty or nice too.....I borrowed the college's cameras.....hehehe

  6. Love it! :) Tanner, you are *beautiful*!!

  7. How wonderful!! Good for you Sluggy!

  8. You are awesome!! And Happy birthday to Tanner!!!


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