Tuesday, August 20, 2013

This Week on the Dining Table--The Day Late Edition

This is the "Still On Vacation & I'm a Day Late" Week.

Here's what was planned last week--
Sunday--Chicken and broccoli in garlic sauce,  PLUS fresh broccoli from the garden, coconut rice
Monday--Assorted Leftovers that #2 Son won't eat this week
Wednesday--Whatever Sonya Ann fixes....uh oh.....lolz
Thursday--Eat Out
Saturday--Wedding Reception
Everything was as planned that WAS planned beforehand.  Sonya's hubs, Den, cooked us a yummy gourmet Asian meal on Wednesday when we arrived and we ate out at a really good, authentic Mexican place on Thursday.  Friday was a steak dinner with the Hubs sister and her fiancĂ©e.  I only had to cook 1 day last week so it was an awesome week in my book! 8-))
I don't have my food receipt log with me here so I'll update our food spending when I get home.  The eating out is not on the food budget but the entertainment budget so I'll update that spending when I do a post mortem on our trip next Monday.
Food waste last week.....no clue.  I told #2 Son to throw any barbecue he didn't eat last week into the freezer.  I'll see what went bad while I was away when I get home.  I didn't leave much there that could go bad so it shouldn't be too awful.
Leftovers going into this week?  Not a thing since we aren't home.  I left cash with #2 Son and he is picking up what he needs until we return.  I will have to throw a couple of meals together later this week when we get home but I am pulling a Scarlett O'Hara and thinking about that "anotha day".....

Here's this week's meal plan--such that it is---
Sunday--BBQ Chicken, broccoli & cheese casserole, tossed salad, corn on the cob
Monday--raw  veggies, crackers, cheese and sausage(Sonya Ann had packed us some snacks and that was dinner)
Tuesday--Chinese food again!
Wednesday--Eating out
Thursday--Eating Out
Friday--something from my freezer TBA
Saturday--something from my freezer TBA

I have NO shopping list this week.....again!
I'll probably pick up groceries Sunday or next Monday.

That's what's appearing on the kitchen table-or rather NOT appearing on the kitchen table-this week here at Chez Sluggy.  Not much of a meal plan again but we'll be back to normal(or what passes for normal)next Monday.
 What's getting fixed and served at your house this week?



  1. I will finish the last chicken breast and have leg/thigh quarters to cook. The last of last Fall's sweet potatoes will be baked. Peas and snaps, free tomatoes, slaw, cherries, apples, bananas, pecans, and salad are here. I have plenty of eggs and milk and oj. I have dressing to eat one night with the chicken and cranberry sauce, green beans. There is nothing new and exciting here. Last week, after the endoscopy, exbf took me to Ruby Tuesday. Oh, yes, I feel pimiento and cheese cravings.

  2. I have some porkchops that have been sitting in the freezer for a while, so I'll do those in a honey-mustard sauce either today or tomorrow, and that should carry me through Friday. Thereafter, no idea. Going to my parents' on Fri and working Saturday, so that gets rid of planning for 3 days (woo hoo). Next week I will attempt a spinach lasagna. Yum.

  3. So we need to plan our next family get together.
    I would say eat out when you get home and throw it into the entertainment fund. There needs to be a bit of run off from the trip.


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