Friday, March 21, 2025

Frugal Friday...the March 21st Edition

Here are the frugal wins for this past week....

*  I love finding marked down foods at Kroger(this really doesn't happen at Walmart).  I only did a small shop at Kroger so far this week...picking up 3 4-packs of clearance Activia yogurt, 2 marked down salad kits, a couple of sweet potatoes and strawberries.

*  We used up some pantry items as well.  I have had a craving for corn pudding.  It's not on my "diet" but I can splurge now and again since I haven't made and eaten it in 3 years.  We just needed sour cream(bought that at Kroger on sale)and I only had a small portion so no worries.  4

*  We also had no food waste last week.  We even used a rotting apple to catch an opossum in a trap.

*  There was no eating out this past week.  

*  We took a load to the food bank.  Maybe one more trip there before we leave Lousyana.  It all depends on what deals I can find that we won't use before we leave.  Part of the next food bank donation will be courtesy of reader Diane R. 8-)))

*  It's been warm here so the heat had been off during the day.  The "Cajun Pony Express"(which is what we call the mail service here)lost our electric bill payment for February, so we had to pay it again online(and pay a "convenience fee" for the honor.)  Eventually the mailed ;payment showed up so now we have a large credit toward March's bill and it should cover a piece of April's bill too.  

*  Entertainment last week was free tv, YouTube watching, sitting on the deck reading or doing genealogy.  I've got two books in process--a biography of Roger Daltery of the "Who" and a book on Jesse James, who is one of my ancestral cousins so watch yourself around me! ;-)  

*  I found money!

Two pennies found in the dryer on Sunday when I did laundry.  Finders Keepers, right? 
Found Money This Week.....02¢
Grand Total Found this Year.......$1.13

That's all I got.

Any frugal wins in your neck of the woods?  Let's hear all about them!


1 comment:

  1. Not much frugal going on here, groceries and gas are still too high. I did use dried pinto beans, and then later in the week,
    dried black eyed peas, to make a pea or bean concoction with chicken bullion, onions, tomatoes, carrots, garlic, etc. I have used that as the base of my protein at night since I usually make and eat a ham, turkey or roast beef sandwich for work. I did buy at Publix today strawberries two for one and same with coleslaw, cherry tomatoes, and also cheese. Ginger Ale was buy two get one free also at Publix so I did that. I paid regular price for grapes, their sourdough bread, carrots, and their bakery chocolate chip cookies.. I bought OJ at the Pig. I still have things to pick up at Walmart tomorrow that I forgot today like pepper… oops. Cindy in the South


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